Chapter 281
The prince's strategy is good, but it's a pity that Thresh did not ignore this good starting position. Thresh even inserted a real eye in the grass under the two gargoyles, so as soon as the prince's eye was inserted, Thresh left Come here, stand in the grass and wave the chain, and get this fake eye out.

Thresh's comprehensiveness made Lan Fang smile wryly, and all the guards on the prince's body were used up, but it didn't matter, the prince pulled up the clockwork, and when Thresh and *** appeared under the second tower, the prince's EQ second company Run through the triangle grass wall towards Thresh and ***.

On the prince's military flag, the red line circled around.

Stone teleported!

The sudden winding of the prince and the clockwork, as well as the teleportation of the stone, made the other purple team members realize that it was not good. This is a five-on-two rhythm.

Fortunately, Wei had been wandering nearby when he saw the prince and Fatiao intending to get off the road before, so when he saw the enemy army making dumplings with Mao Zedong and Thresh, he rushed over and kept paying attention to Fatiao. The moving fox had no intention of making up the knife after the clockwork disappeared.

The stone is teleported, and the wanderer is also teleported.

Both sides are rushing down the road, but it's a pity that the blue side took the lead and rushed to the battlefield first. As long as they can kill the gun in seconds, then this wave will definitely win.

"I'm going, I was double-teamed!"

"Five against three, is this wave going to lose?"

"Fox and Wei's support is a bit late. Once Qingxue is controlled, she will surely die. The knocking of the prince and Shitou is hard to guard against!"

"I don't know how Mr. Lu plans to deal with this wave!"

"If you lose this wave, then the huge advantage in the early stage of *** will be gone. Once the male gun controls the line, *** can only go to other lanes. Mr. Lu is holding the auxiliary Thresh, Most of the economy is used for vision, and its role in team battles is also control."

"It's a little hard to beat!"

"I don't think we can lose. As long as the wanderers can hold Nanqiang and Zyra in check, Mr. Lu and Qingxue will play two against three, which is totally worthwhile. And as long as the vagabonds and Wei can be dragged over, then the blue one will win." Fang, *** the current equipment damage is too explosive."

"Makes sense!"

"... "

There are wolves before and tigers behind!

*** and Thresh did not dare to be careless, and retreated quickly, but unfortunately it was too late, the retreat route was blocked by the prince and the clockwork, and the stone man arrived shortly after.

"Haoran, don't worry about us, go and stop Nanqiang and Jiela, don't let them come over, it's best to drag Fox and Wei to the battlefield." The situation is critical, Ding Feng softly instructed.

Male Spears do no harm and are not a big threat, but Zyra's control is a bit hard to defend in team battles, so they must not be allowed to come over.

"No problem!" Haoran smiled confidently. His development may not be very good, but at least his level has not dropped too much. He thinks there is no big problem in stopping the male gun and Zyra who are only level [-]. At this time, Wei He The fox is coming, just wait for five seconds and it will be fine.

It's an easy task!
After instructing Ding Haoran, Ding Feng stared at the screen, and said without turning his head: "Qingxue, leave the prince to me, you don't have to worry about it, just pay attention to the big move of using E to avoid the stone, if it doesn't work, you can use flash Okay, as long as you don't die, we won't lose this wave."

Thresh has two controls that can interrupt skills, but Q is not an instant skill and has a casting time. Therefore, it is not realistic to use Q to interrupt the prince's EQ second company and the big move of the stone man. E is relatively safe, but it is impossible to use the control of the prince and the stone man at the same time.

In other words, he can only interrupt one of them.

"I'll try!" Qingxue nodded with a smile. She didn't dare to say that she would definitely be able to avoid the big move of the stone man, but it's okay to try, if it doesn't work, just dodge.

"Brother Qiang...Brother Peng..."

Ding Feng made the strategic deployment in the shortest time, and the next step is to see each other's performance.

On the screen, the position of the wandering teleportation is the real eye below the gargoyle. As soon as the wandering appeared, he immediately started to rush towards the male gun and Zyra who wanted to join the prince, the stone man, and the clockwork, and held them back .

The stone man passed through the grass under the ancient golem, and the prince and clockwork also pressed over, pressing the gun and Thresh to the bottom corner.

The stone man didn't rush to open the zoom, for fear of being interrupted by Thresh's E skill, but threw a Q skill deceleration gun, and accelerated himself to get close.

Even though there were many crises, *** did not panic, nor did she use the E skill to escape, because she believed in him, at least he could guarantee that the prince would not be able to attack first.

'Demacia! '

Seeing that the time was ripe, the prince jumped up vigorously while shouting loudly, and slammed down on the gun. The gun's reaction was not slow. Immediately afterwards, the prince's EQ Erlian charged towards ***.

At this time, the position of the gun is only two body distances away from the Golem, which is very close, but the Golem did not activate the large control gun at the first time, because the position of the Golem and the prince is at the E of Thresh. The range of skills, if the stone man is widened at this time, it may be abruptly interrupted by Thresh E.

Perhaps it was not the stone man who was interrupted, but also the prince, and at this time the prince's EQ second company had already been released, if even the prince was interrupted, then the stone man was no exception.

Therefore, the stone man is not in a hurry.

As soon as the prince's EQ Erlian started, he leaned forward and was about to sprint forward, but the movement stopped suddenly, and was abruptly interrupted by Thresh, and the stone man was also tripped.

However, *** still handed over Flash.

Her flash is not because she doesn't trust Thresh, but just in case, she is not afraid of being picked up by the prince's EQ twice, but what worries her most is that she is afraid of being hit by the stone man. The ones will be dropped by seconds, and once she is seconds, then this wave will be difficult to say.

***As soon as he flashed across the wall, all the displacement skills had been handed over. The stone man who had been holding back for a long time no longer hesitated, and he broke through the wall and slammed into it.


*** was knocked into the air, and the distance of opening the mainspring was not enough, so he quickly flashed to pull into the distance, activated the ultimate move, and the HP of *** was instantly crippled.

The bloody policeman retreated in a hurry, and the stone man chased after him, and he was about to take the policeman away, but at this moment, a figure rushed over from the other side of the wall, laughing like silver bells. In the sound, a heart came out of his hands, and the stone man became hesitant in chasing after him.

Ali rushed to the battlefield!

When Ahri arrives, Wei naturally also arrives, but Wei doesn't rush over to support Mao Zedong, but directly rushes to the prince and clockwork, trying to save Thresh.

Seeing that Ari and Wei rushed to the battlefield, the task of wandering was completed, and they were about to retreat with only a trace of blood, but it was a pity that they were still caught up by the male gun and shot to death.

Vagabond to death!

(End of this chapter)

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