The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 296 Summit Cup, leave alone!

Chapter 296 Summit Cup, leave alone!

The seven-day big reward event for the opening of the Internet cafe is over soon, and the benefits of free Internet access are gone. However, the high-configuration computers and comfortable Internet environment of the top Internet cafe have successfully won many loyal customers. Some customers with limited funds are still on the sidelines. If the fee is too high, they will go to other Internet cafes.

And this group of waiting and watching guests finally stayed.

Needless to say, the reason is naturally the Internet fee!

The charging standard of the summit Internet cafe is as follows:
The first is temporary users, which are divided into two types:

One is without time package, which costs 1 yuan an hour, and you can get off the plane for settlement at any time. The other is with time package, which costs [-] yuan and four hours. Once the time is covered, you cannot refund the money, even if you only use it for [-] minute. .

Furthermore, it is an Internet cafe member, who can become a member by recharging more than 30 yuan for the first time.

Internet cafe members are the same as temporary users who do not include time, and they are also three yuan an hour. The difference is that members will have additional Internet fees when they recharge to a certain amount. Charge 10 to get 3 yuan, charge 20 to get 10, and charge 30 to get free 30, charge 50 to get 50, charge 100 to get 100...

And so on!

Calculated in this way, as long as the one-time recharge exceeds 30 yuan, it is equivalent to one yuan and five hours, and the Internet fee is only half of that of a temporary user without a package, which is cheaper than other Internet cafes.

Comfortable environment for surfing the Internet, high-end computers, interesting Internet cafe regulations, and the Internet fee is still so low. Combining all these advantages, the Summit Internet cafe has become a well-deserved pocket of Internet cafes in the town, basically full all day long. Each computer will not be idle for more than 1 minute.

Ding Feng’s purpose of opening an Internet cafe is second to profit. He mainly wants to use himself as an example to further improve the game quality and level of Chinese players. In addition, he has a long-term plan, but it has not yet reached the implementation stage, and he has no plans. plan well.

He wasn't sure about the feasibility, he just wanted to try it.


In a blink of an eye, February quietly arrived.

February [-]th is the first day of the Lunar New Year. Seeing that the Spring Festival is coming, the Zenith Internet Cafe, which has been quiet for a while, once again broke out an amazing news:

Internet cafe competition!

This competition has a very high-end name, called the Summit Cup. The prize pool of the Summit Cup is 1 yuan, [-] for the champion, [-] for the runner-up, and [-] for the third runner-up.

In addition, all team members participating in the competition will receive a 20 yuan Internet fee from the Internet cafe.

Although the 20 yuan is small, if there are more teams participating, the total amount is still very considerable. At least for these teenagers in the town who have suffered from other Internet cafe competitions, this is definitely a good benefit.

For example, half a year ago, the Aoli Internet Cafe in the town also held a League of Legends competition. This time, not only the registration fee and Internet fee were paid by themselves, but also there was a problem with the computer of the Internet cafe. The countless replays were annoying. Annoying, the degree of cheating is really impressive.

It is also because of this that the once popular Aoli Internet Cafe is now suffering from poor business, almost to the point of bankruptcy, and can no longer continue to operate.

As for the Summit Cup, the registration fee and Internet fee are comprehensive...

"The Pinnacle Cup, at first glance, is the name of a competition. Maybe it can replace the Demacia Cup in the future. The potential is endless!"

"That's necessary. Mr. Lu is the rising star of our Chinese e-sports. Sooner or later, the competitions he organizes will become famous all over China."

"Don't talk about these useless things, hurry up and find someone to form a team. Whether I want to celebrate the New Year this year depends on whether I can get the top three bonuses."

"Haha, last year he didn't dare to go to other people's houses to pay New Year's greetings because he had no money."

"Actually, I don't want to spend New Year's Eve either. Every time I celebrate the New Year, I have to spend hundreds of dollars on firecrackers and drinks. Damn, my monthly Internet fee is not as much as the New Year's Eve."

"Forget it, just be happy!"

"Just the three of us, platinum and one diamond, not to mention the top three, even the top ten have problems. Which village in our town doesn't have a few diamonds, and their strength is much stronger than ours."

"By the way, I heard that Xiao Huang has made a comeback. If we can pull him into the team, it is still possible to enter the top three. Xiao Yi, you are familiar with him, so tell him."

"I'm not sure about this. Xiao Huang must also want to win the game bonus. The people he usually plays with are stronger than us. He probably won't be with us."

"Then what should we do? There is no better candidate."

"Would you like it from other villages?"

"Yes, why not, as long as you don't hold me back."

"Okay, I have a friend who has just graduated from Diamond IV. He is relatively withdrawn and probably hasn't formed a team yet. I'll tell him right now that he will definitely come."

"Diamond four? Why haven't I heard that you have such an awesome friend?"

"Contact him quickly, it's best to let him come here now!"


As soon as the news of the Summit Cup held at the Summit Internet Café spread, it was applauded and cheered by countless League of Legends fans in the town. The teenagers in various villages were already gearing up for a fight.

It just so happens that the Spring Festival is coming soon, if they can get the top three, then this year's New Year's fee will be paid.

Taking advantage of the fact that there is still some time before the start of the competition, the teenagers from various villages have formed teams in advance and are training in various Internet cafes.

On February [-]th, the Summit Cup started.

On this day, the inside and outside of the Summit Internet Cafe was very lively. Team members walked into the Internet Cafe full of expectations and tried their best to live a good year.


For this Peak Cup event, Ding Feng did not show up from the beginning to the end, and even the awards were given by Ding Lin. His dedication to this event, apart from the game prize money, was in the house he bought Watch the final games live to determine the winner, runner-up and third place.

And through watching these few games, he also has a general understanding of An Yangzhen's LOL level. Although he is not very satisfied, he is not disappointed.

The game was over, and he was free again.

Every time he is free, every quiet night, he always thinks of her unconsciously, every happy moment with her seems to appear in front of his eyes, making him melancholy and miss her more and more, wishing to see her right away, But she was afraid that going there now would disturb her study.

Just wait a little longer!

Thinking of it this way, the taste of longing is really not good, not to mention that it has only been two months since he and her established a relationship, and they are in the stage of passionate love.

Suppressing his longing for her, he gradually calmed down and continued to live his life as before, spending more time on researching the new version of the game.

The new year is coming, just after the first day of the new year, he can no longer suppress the urge to see her, and after saying hello to his family, he boards the train bound for Nanhua City alone.

Qingxue, here I come!

(End of this chapter)

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