Chapter 30 Damage Explosion
The half-blooded male gun didn't dare to step forward, and retreated wretchedly. The two quickly pulled out the highland tower, and the person on the opposite side almost came back to life. On the opposite side of the lower half of the field, a set of QW plus a few basic attacks will quickly close the three wolves.

Continue to go down, the blue BUFF just refreshed at this time, clockwork accepted the blue BUFF unceremoniously, followed by Xiaolong, both of them have high output, clockwork has a jungle outfit on him, and he beats Xiaolong very quickly, It took only a moment to knock out the dragon.

Xiaolong's economy is in hand, return to the city in place!

"I'll go. I got the four most expensive pieces in just 27 minutes. The damage is absolutely explosive."

"It's really terrifying. Two small skills can definitely make Nanqiang and Jie lose their combat capabilities."

"Don't talk about two crispy skins, it's really hard to say whether the prince's half-meat outfit can resist a set!"

"... "

Clockwork went back to the city to make up for Central Asia, which immediately caused bursts of exclamation. Although the surrounding audience had been watching Clockwork brushing their knives, they were still surprised by the amount of money.

They usually play, and it would be nice to order three big pieces at this point when there is a big tailwind, but they made four pieces and still have a lot of money. Among them, the price of Central Asia and hats is more than [-]. It's hard to imagine, in such a short period of time and with very few people, how can Clockwork make such terrifying equipment.

"Bring the top line over, let's gather and push up the ground crystal!" The game has not yet reached 10 minutes, but the clockwork has four big pieces of Central Asia, a hat, an egg hat, and the Great Holy Grail in hand, as well as a pair of magic shoes , is still short of a Magic Wearing Rod God Clothes, the synthesis of Central Asia, and the clockwork's team battle survivability is higher.

"Let me take you on the road!" Brother Yi said, the dragon girl came out of the ruined Qing soldiers very quickly!Everyone also took time to look at Clockwork's equipment, and couldn't help being shocked. They still underestimated the economic income of Clockwork's jungle outfit. It's only been a few minutes, and they are only a few minutes away from wearing a magic outfit!
For the next wave of groups, they are more confident. There is no reason to lose with such equipment. After all, the one who masters this equipment is Ding Feng, who is not inferior to the school team's single Dongyuan. With such heaven-defying equipment in hand, They can definitely output explosive damage in team battles, which they believe.

So far, the e-sports department has completely taken advantage, no matter in terms of equipment or momentum, they are no longer under the pressure of the management department.

With full confidence, the e-sports department jumped and ran towards the opposite high ground as soon as they went out, wishing they could slap the soldiers on the opposite side to death.

As soon as Longnv led the line of troops to the opposite second tower, she rushed along the river to the opposite highland, and Clockwork and others stood outside the highland waiting for her.

Meeting with teammates, Dragon Girl and Blind Man walked in front, ignoring the side of the Economics and Management Department and directly stepped onto the high ground, and the side of the Economics and Management Department hurriedly retreated, which made everyone in the e-sports department feel very satisfied. The team is so afraid to take the initiative to start a group.

"Don't worry about them, just knock on the crystal!" Brother Yi shouted and roared excitedly, and shouted arrogantly while knocking on the crystal, "Come on, come on, if you have the kind, come up, MLGB come up!"

Under the attack of the five people, the blood volume of Highland Crystal quickly bottomed out. At this time, Zed emerged from the grass in the upper half of the field, and his teammates also pushed forward, and it seemed that they were going to force it.

"Brother Yi, take good care of your troll. I'll contain the ADC and help protect the policewoman. Don't let her be robbed." Seeing this, Brother Yi roared and continued to knock on the tower.

"Will you fight or not?" Seeing that the big crystal was about to be pushed away, the prince couldn't help feeling a little anxious. This big crystal is definitely a turning point that determines the outcome. Once the big crystal is pushed away, the entire rhythm of the game will be completely controlled by the opponent. , this is the only chance, if you miss it, you lose.

The others also realized this, and they were all waiting for Dongyuan to speak.

Zed is in the back, the position is very good, but he still hesitates, the female tank and the clockwork are next to the policewoman, the clockwork is second, although her output is high, but she will not waste it on him alone , but the female tank has a stable control skill Q, if you are controlled, you will die.

"Go!" Dong Yuan gritted his teeth, winning or losing in one fell swoop.

"Ahahahaha" Jie let out a loud shout, disappeared into afterimages, and soon appeared in front of the policewoman. Clockwork immediately put a shield on the policewoman, and Jie hit the policewoman as quickly as possible. As soon as he was about to be stunned by the reacting female tank, he immediately opened up and disappeared.

The clockwork shield absorbs the damage. This set did not kill the policewoman in seconds, but it also disabled the policewoman. Although he escaped successfully, he was stunned by the female tank and paused not far away. , and what surprised Jie was that as soon as he returned to the avatar, he was immediately knocked off by a set of clockwork.

"It hurts!" Looking at the black and white screen in front of him, Dong Yuan swallowed hard. He finished the set very fast just now. The female policeman and female tank basically didn't produce any output, only the clockwork QA. After a while, his blood volume was still healthy, but he was still taken away by a clockwork set.

This one is a loser, he thought so, the clockwork on the other side seemed to know where he would appear no matter what time it was, every small move could block all his escape routes, he couldn't show off at all, this It made him feel like a failure, how could there be such a bold and careful person!

As for why he chose the policewoman in seconds instead of clockwork, he was also very helpless, not to mention that clockwork has Zhongya in his body, the thick layer of shield provided by Gao Faqiang alone is not enough for his current damage to be dropped in seconds , the policewoman said, he just had the idea of ​​giving it a try.

With the death of Jie, the aura of the management department was greatly reduced. After beating the dragon girl to death, she hurriedly retreated. Only the prince and Niutou were in the crowd. The two small skills of QW were directly dropped in seconds, and the damage shocked both sides.

Then there was the big bull's head. The bull's head with only a quarter of its blood couldn't withstand the explosion damage of the clockwork, but she still gave up this head to the policewoman.

This wave played a one-for-three!

"Remove the road!" The bottom line just reached the second tower, Ding Feng led the people to rush down the road, pushed down the second tower, went up to the high ground, and the economic management department hurried out to guard after the water spring was replenished. Clockwork took a few steps forward, and the male gun and the troll suddenly lost their temper and retreated directly.

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, the clockwork flashes up directly, QW hits the male gun, and the blood volume of the male gun is three-quarters red at once. This output is absolutely shocking, and Ban Hua even exclaimed because of this, Nima, a bloody male gun is completely disabled after eating two small skills!
This is not over yet, and then the clockwork big move was pulled in, and the male gun died on the spot. The explosive damage made people unable to think of any resistance. When he saw that the male gun did nothing, he was instantly dropped, troll Holding the glue stick on the ground with one hand and running back and forth, his appearance was extremely ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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