The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 302 Cohabitation Begins, Training!

Chapter 302 Cohabitation Begins, Training!

In the afternoon, the festive atmosphere of the start of school has not yet passed.

Ding Feng and Ye Qingxue met at the gate of Qiyu University, and walked together to a nearby community, intending to rent a house here and live together.

When he mentioned his plan to live together with her back then, she agreed without thinking too much. In fact, she also knew that the time he could spend with her was running out, and he might start his career after one month of school. A few years may not have much time to stay with her.

Living together means spending more time together.

In fact, cohabitation is not a rare thing for two people. They have already lived together in Nanhua City, but the meaning and feeling of living together in university are different. Some people will have a bad opinion if they live together.

Or impact!

But this is only a small number of people. There are many couples living together in college, so the two of them didn't feel embarrassed, so they made the decision.

In one afternoon, the two walked around the entire community, and finally he chose a relatively isolated and quiet small courtyard as a place to live together.

Very smoothly, this small courtyard was rented by him.

The house was rented, and the sweet cohabitation life of the two began.

From this day on, the two left early and returned late, and every morning they went out together, and he drove her to school on a bicycle, and then drove her back to rest at night.

Over time, the places the two passed by formed a landscape.

Their affectionate appearance has attracted many students to wait and see. Some students will even appear on the streets they pass by when they go out and return, just to see every touching smile and warm sentence when they are together. Heartfelt sweet conversation.

This section of the road, rain or shine.


Since Ding Feng and Mo Qingchen joined the school team, the training intensity of the players has increased greatly, and the rules have also increased, such as turning off the mobile phone during training, etc., and can no longer be as casual as before, but the current training life , on the contrary, is what they most want.

The training is hard, but the rewards are gratifying.

Although there is only a short amount of time to play qualifying matches, the players obviously feel that their strength is improving rapidly every day, and the more they improve, the more deeply they feel that their abilities in all aspects before training So immature, completely incomparable with now.

In just five days, the team members were completely confident that they would torture themselves five days ago. This kind of confidence brought them an incomparable sense of satisfaction.

Of course, it is more respect for the two captains.

In order to train them, Mo Qingchen and Ding Feng can be said to have used all their strength to formulate different but meticulous training policies for each of them, and whenever they have doubts, the two of them will be patient To answer, I have fulfilled my duties as the captain.

The captain did his duty, and the team members also forgot to sleep and eat.

In such an atmosphere, the first weekend of school came, and the two captains also knew the hard work of the players in training, so they gave them a vacation.

Having a holiday doesn't mean that you don't need to train on weekends, it just means you have more time to rest.

On Friday night, the team members returned to the dormitory after training with a happy mood. Just as Yuchen separated from the team members, the mobile phone rang.

He took out his phone and saw that it was Huan Yuan calling.

In the past few days, due to the high intensity of training, I can’t turn on my phone during training. After training, I’m either too tired to rest or go out for a walk, or go back to the dormitory to continue thinking, but I don’t look at my phone very much. I just glance at it occasionally. So less contact with other people.

Huan Yuan is no exception.

Seeing that there would be a lot of rest time on the weekend, he finally had some time to spend, he relaxed his nerves, and connected the phone with a smile:

"Hey Huanyuan, how are you doing recently?"

"It was good, and now it feels bad again."

"Oh, who dares to provoke you?"

"It's not someone else, it's you."

"Uh, why did I mess with you? I've been training for the past few days, and even if I'm confused, I can't reach you. Besides, if I mess with you, I'll definitely have an impression."

"Your sister, I have been looking for you for the past few days to teach me some skills. I turned off the phone and didn't know how to return the phone. Do you think I can be in a hurry?"

"Haha, I'm so sorry, I was too involved."

"Stop talking nonsense, play a few games with me now, and let me see the strength of the apprentices taught by the two top kings in the world, Mr. Lu and Qingchen."

"Hey, I originally wanted to go out for a walk. Since you said so, then I will let you see my current strength, and I will definitely surprise you."

"Don't talk too much, be careful of stumble."

"Hey, just wait, give me 10 minutes to take a shower first, let's talk in the game after 10 minutes."

"I'll wait, hurry up."

"Okay, let's do this first!"

After hanging up the phone, Yuchen laughed and shouted loudly: "Brothers, come here, Captain Huanyuan wants to see our strength."

Following his yell, students from other dormitories came out one after another, all of them looking very arrogant, of course anticipation is essential:


"Come on, Nima, it's been a long time since I saw the school team compete."

"Hey, it's a good show to watch now. You haven't played against other schools since you started training. Today is a good time to see how you are progressing."

"That goes without saying, the king is all right."

"Your sister, go to the master first."

"That's right, there is still a master rank now, nima, is it true that I have no chance to be a king in my life!"

"Probably, even if you have Mr. Lu and Qingchen's separate training, if you want to become the king in a short time, I'm not very optimistic about your talents."

"Let's see Captain Yuchen's progress first."

"Please, Yuchen is not the captain now..."

Yuchen took off his jersey and spun around his head a few times with a wicked smile, then walked into the dormitory with a loud 'huh', and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

When I came out again, the dormitory was already full of people.

"It's been so long after taking a bath, let's start now!"

"My big eagle is already hungry and thirsty!"

"Haha, don't worry!"

After laughing loudly with the expectant classmates and team members, Yuchen sat down and shook his wet hair while clicking on the game client.

This surprised the onlookers: "Yuchen, you don't need an official assistant to enter the game?"

"No need now. The captain asked us to develop the habit of calculating the time of wild monster refresh and crystal resurrection. I can't use it anymore. I was not used to it at the beginning. It's much better now. You can learn from it." Yuchen smiled. Laughter, casual words revealed self-confidence.

With that said, he invited Huan Yuan.

Magic Yuan enters the team and enters the countdown to ranking.

(End of this chapter)

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