The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 318 Nervous and Excited Contestants

Chapter 318 Nervous and Excited Contestants

"Dear audience friends, good morning everyone, I'm Xiaoqiao, I'm very glad to meet you again."

"Hi everyone, I'm Right Ear, nice to meet you all!"

The camera turned to the commentary booth, and this time the commentary was Yaohua TV's golden commentary partners Xiaoqiao and You Er, who were also the commentators for Mr. Lu's ten-game winning streak in Asia.

Compared with Xiao Qiao's enthusiasm, there is only a faint smile on the face of the right ear, very shy and steady, and even the introduction uses a line from Happy Fighting the Landlord.

"Today is the first day of the National College League. I believe everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time like me. The end of the LPL Spring Split yesterday also made us look forward to this day even more, and this day has finally arrived. It's..."

Although Xiaoqiao didn't say this clearly, the audience understood what she wanted to express. Apart from looking forward to the combination of Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen, all Chinese classes in the Spring Split were given by teams with Korean aid. Hanged.

Of course, this cannot be said clearly, otherwise, who knows if those boring media will accuse him of 'discriminating against Korean aid'.

As far as the introduction of Korean aid is concerned, the vast majority of domestic audiences are in favor of it. After all, each team can only have at most two Korean aid, and domestic players still account for the majority.

And the LPL spring game some time ago also showed that the introduction of Korean aid has more advantages than disadvantages for the LPL division. They have revitalized the entire LPL division, and the competition is more exciting than previous years.

Even the audience felt that the Korean aid teams in the LPL division this year could compete [-]-[-] with the top Korean teams.

Viewers who are not in favor of the introduction of Korean aid simply think that giving opportunities and resources to Korean aid is not conducive to the long-term development of domestic e-sports, and even if they win, it will inevitably be said that it is the credit of Korean aid.

Of course, this is an earlier remark, and the current remark has been overwhelmed by the wonderful matchups in the LPL Spring Split.

"Yes, everyone has heard the interview just now. Not surprisingly, Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen will not participate in the domestic league. Of course, you don't have to be disappointed. We might as well get a glimpse of the leopard. Maybe we can see it from the Jiangling Technology game. There are some clues, novel styles of play, routines..."

The remarks in the right ear mobilized the audience's emotions, and then we got to the point, "Not much nonsense, this year's National College League adopts a BO2 points competition system, two points for the winner of 2 to [-], zero points for the loser, For the sake of fairness, all participating teams will play a BO[-] and only play one round."

"Nanling City has a total of seven college teams. They will play 21 best-of-two games, or 2 games. The top four with the highest points will directly advance to the provincial league..."

Speaking of which, whether it is the live audience, or the audience in front of the TV or the computer, they are a little confused. According to their first impression, it seems that there are not only 21 games.

"How come 21 games? Isn't it 49 games?"

"You mean Qiqi 49? Do you want to fight with yourself?"

"It's true that there are not as many as 49 games, but it should be more than 21 games, right? Let me do the math!"

"6+5+4+3+2+1 equals, the sum of the head and the tail is 7, and then multiplied by three, it is indeed 21 games. There is a formula for this calculation, and it is easy to know the formula."

"... "

Through their own groping and calculation, the audience quickly got a calculation formula that was thought to be complicated but actually very simple: participating team*(participating team-1)/2
Substituting into the calculation is 7*(7-1)/2
That is 7*3=21
This formula is actually not very useful, it is just a puzzled and boring exploration for the audience. Of course, this is also a good windfall, at least in the future, you can quickly answer similar questions.

After introducing the rules of the league, Xiao Qiao took over the conversation and said with a smile: "The game is about to start. Today's first BO2 is Jiangling Technology vs. Qiyu University. It's a coincidence that the schools represented by these two teams are all the same as Mr. Lu Related, as for why you say that, everyone can make up their own minds, haha!"

Hearing what she said, the audience also followed suit, do I need to make up my mind? !
Suddenly there was an uproar in the venue, and the players of the two participating teams appeared on the stage.

"Wow, so many people!"

"Captain, with so many people watching, I'm a little nervous, what should I do?"

"Your siblings are all here, and your dad is still a fan of LOL. Now he must be watching this game at home and perform well!"

"Don't be nervous, just play with a normal heart, can you still trust the captain's jungler!"

"that is!"

Being watched by so many people, and even more spectators who are not at the scene, including their parents, relatives and friends, may be watching the game, which makes these players feel uncontrollable tension and excitement.

Although many of these players participated in the college league in the past year, it is obviously not comparable to this year. Last year, all the people who came to the scene were locals, and most of them were classmates and friends from the school and class.

But this year is different. Not only is there the global live broadcast of Yaohua TV, the audience even reaches the parents' generation, and the audience who come to the live show are from all over the country, and it is said that there are many celebrities in the entertainment industry.

Being able to be on such a stage is the pinnacle of life for them.

Perhaps, after this year, the future Nanling City competitions will not attract so much attention. After all, Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen seem to only participate in this year's National College League.

Yes, this is the pinnacle of life only once.

The participating team members did not dare to look at the scene any more, trying to suppress their inner tension and excitement, and took their places to quickly install peripherals and debug equipment.

However, it is not difficult to imagine their inner tension and anxiety from their slightly trembling fingers. Maybe people who have not experienced this kind of scene will not be able to understand their tension at the moment.

Yuchen was also a little nervous, after all, it was his first time facing such a scene, but compared to other team members, he was obviously much calmer.

"Put on the earphones, install your peripherals, and adjust your equipment. If there is any problem, tell the earphones and don't look at the scene." Yuchen told the team members that as the backbone of the team, his words still have meaning. As a result, the team members are not so nervous.

At this time, the head coach of the school team came over.

The head coach is a man in his thirties, tall and thin, dressed in a decent suit and wearing glasses, giving him a very gentle feeling.

The head coach first nodded to Yuchen, glanced at the players, could feel their nervousness, and said with a smile: "Look at all of you nervous, it's right to be nervous, it's strange not to be nervous, our first battle The opponent is Qiyu, think about the training match with them..."

(End of this chapter)

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