The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 326 The Throne of Heroes

Chapter 326 The Throne of Heroes
The prince's group was indeed a bit reluctant, and his biggest mistake was that he got in front of Xiaoyu with his EQ second, and was used by Xiaoyu's Q as a springboard to rush to the back row of the purple side.

The first time the prince rushed up, Xiaoyu made such a choice, which surprised many people.

So decisive!

'shark! '

The shark swam from its feet to Syndra in front, and the small fish stepped forward and jumped up the pole, avoiding Thresh's E.

'Zi! '

Hang up the ignition.

The three people in the back row from the purple side didn't expect the little murlocs to come just like that, so their reactions were a bit slow.

The little fish was in mid-air and was about to hit the ground. Thresh caught the timing and threw the hook lightly towards the little fish.

If it hits the hook, with Syndra's high burst, the damage of the plane and the defense tower, it only takes one second to kill the small fish in seconds.

If Xiaoyu was caught in seconds, their chances of winning in this wave would be even greater.

It's just a pity that Xiaoyu flashed away by sticking to the wall, and the damage of the E skill was hit. Syndra was almost missed.

However, although she was not killed in seconds, Syndra, who had only a trace of blood left, could not turn the tide.

Xiaoyu didn't run away directly after flashing, nor did he go to the front to help, but just dangled slowly across a wall, staring at the three people in the back row of the purple side.

On the battlefield ahead, six people were already scuffling together.

Without the support of the output from the back row, coupled with the percentage damage reduction of the range after the big tree is enlarged, it is not enough to rely on the prince and the sword girl. This is no longer a situation that can be saved by manipulation.

As the blind man's godly kick penetrated the two of them, and the prince and Daomei fell down, this wave was considered to be over.

"Little fish is bright!"

"This little fish is too decisive. Before the prince came up, he didn't know whether he would join the group or not, so he rushed to the back row without any warning."

"Opportunities are fleeting. A good assassin can only catch this moment. Didn't Xiaoqiao introduce it just now? Jiangling Technology's mid laner is a player who is good at playing assassin heroes."

"This wave is easier than I imagined. Just now I doubted that Yuchen alone would not be able to lead the team to the top eight in the country. Now it seems that the others are not bad. I must give Xiaoyu a thumbs up for this wave."

"Catch a small fish alive!"

"... "

Xiaoyu's performance in this wave made all the audience shine, and made the audience look forward to the follow-up competition even more.

If it is said which kind of hero competition the audience likes to watch the most, then there is no doubt about the assassin hero.

Xiaoyu's grasp of timing and determination in this wave are undoubtedly the basic characteristics of a powerful assassin.

Moreover, Xiao Qiao has already introduced before that the assassin hero has a strong deterrent force in the hands of Dong Yuan.

This is a player who specializes in assassins!

Perhaps, there may be more assassins appearing in the following games.

Although there are many wonderful videos of Assassins on the Internet, but there is no real excitement to watch live, it feels different.

Zero for two!
The blue side basically had no losses in this wave, and the purple side not only lost two, but Syndra was also disabled.

Thresh and planes alone will definitely not be able to defend.

I dare not keep it.

After breaking the high ground crystal on the purple side, everyone went back to the city to replenish and then walked down the road together.

At this point the fourth dragon has been refreshed.

Take down the little dragons and invade the wild area.

The pawn line was pushed to the high ground in the purple square, and after spending a while with each other, they didn't find a good opportunity, so they had to leave.

The five dragons refreshed, and the purple side who had dealt with the pawn line came quickly.

All the dragons in front can be let go, but the fifth one can't.

Seeing that the blue side was already attacking the dragon, the purple side naturally had to ask and force him over.

Daomei sent it.

The prince tried to snatch Xiaolong, but failed.

Although the dragon snatching failed, the arrow had to be fired, and the team battle broke out.

One for four!

The purple side suffered a disastrous defeat, and the four people from the blue side, bathed in golden dragon blood, rushed directly to the high ground on the lower road of the purple side.

There is no doubt that there is a wave!


At the end of the game, the players of the two teams left the stage to rest with smiles, and the auditorium became lively.

Today is the first day of the 2015 International College League, and there are indeed a lot of topics. Fans are discussing the game, discussing players from various regions and countries, and watching the players' records and videos...

The audience is busy too!
On the way back to the waiting room, the team members of Jiangling Science and Technology were as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, laughing and talking continuously.

Winning the game is actually secondary, the most important thing is to be able to show yourself on such a highly anticipated stage.

This scene was captured by the camera.

Opening the lounge room, Ding Feng and Mo Qingchen got up and greeted them when they heard the movement. Ding Feng smiled lightly and patted the shoulders of several people, and said with a smile: "Good performance, how do you feel?"

"At first I was very nervous and my hands were shaking, but luckily I adjusted later."

"Me too, my forehead is sweating."

"I shouldn't be nervous anymore in the future, I didn't play well just now."

"... "

Ding Feng just asked casually, and the team members rushed to answer one by one. It could be seen that they were very restless now.

He had this experience in his previous life, so he could understand.

"It's good to get used to it. You all sit down and relax." He nodded slightly, smiled and instructed, then returned to his original position and sat down.

Seeing him so calm, the team members were surprised and also affected by him, and their restless hearts gradually calmed down.

Soon, the second game will start.

As soon as the team members left, Mo Qingchen came to sit next to Ding Feng, and said, "Xiaofeng, I got inside information, it is said that the official is preparing to launch the title of 'The Throne of Heroes', and it is expected to be this year."

Hearing this, Ding Feng immediately became interested and asked, "What is the Throne of Heroes?"

He didn't doubt his inside information, and asked the topic directly.

"The Throne of Heroes, to put it simply, means that the player who plays the best hero can get the Throne of Heroes." Mo Qingchen didn't know how to define this title, he was talking about his own understanding.

"It seems quite interesting!" This is similar to Ding Feng's own guess, and then he pondered: "From your tone, this title shouldn't be selected by humans, right?"

"Of course not. The Throne of Heroes has its own rigorous scoring mechanism. If you meet the scoring requirements, you may be able to obtain the Throne of Heroes directly." Mo Qingchen explained: "Of course, this matter has not yet been determined. A little bit of news and speculation, the details will have to wait until it comes out."

"Well, since it is the strongest, is it only released in the world area?" Ding Feng quickly realized this problem.

Until now, he has not entered the world zone yet!
"You're right, only in the World Zone."

"you sure?"


(End of this chapter)

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