The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 34 The Shock of the School Team

Chapter 34 The Shock of the School Team

"Well, Clockwork itself clears troops very quickly. I can't do anything about her if she doesn't line up with me. As soon as she clears the army line, she will go to the jungle. Although the mob economy of the three wolves and 4F is not as many as the minions, but With the economic bonus of the egg hat, the difference is not too big." Dong Yuan nodded and smiled, which meant to justify himself.

"But it doesn't mean that you can get 10 knives in 350 minutes. Could it be that the teamwork is still clearing the line and clearing the jungle at the end?" the captain pondered, and he directly rejected it after speaking. He is very clear about how much it is, let alone four-on-five, five-on-five is not Dongyuan's opponent.

Without this well-equipped, suspected foreign aid, Dongyuan and the others should not be too easy and casual in abusing the e-sports department, and this also made him even more puzzled. In normal laning situations, even if he keeps brushing, don't even think about it. Three 10 minutes to brush 350 a knife, not to mention the need to play a group.

Even though he knew that the key to the problem was the equipment of the egg hat, he still couldn't figure out how much wild monsters and economy an egg hat could bring. How did the clockwork do it?
"Captain, your joke is not funny at all!" The captain's words made Dong Yuan very depressed. How could he think so, could he be so weak?Thinking about it, he continued to shake his head and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you that this will cost you 10 knives in 280 minutes, do you believe it?"

"I do not believe!"

"Don't be kidding!"

"Don't use such absurd numbers to hide that you are a colored pen. The world record is only 10 knives in 230 minutes. That is already the limit. Even if someone can surpass this number in the future, it will not exceed that much."

The doubts of the three teammates made him feel very sad, but he was used to it. He chose to ignore it directly and looked at the captain eagerly, as long as the captain could speak human words.

"Bring out the evidence!" The captain said, a very short sentence, but Dong Yuan was moved to tears. It was not just a human speech, but also a mother's speech.

"Brother Ding, go to Ah Quan and ask if there is a clockwork first view, and let him bring it over." Dong Yuan smiled and shouted at Brother Ding who was blowing on the balcony.

"Dongyuan ordered, how dare you not obey!" Brother Ding laughed, and left the dormitory as he spoke.

"Dong Yuan, if you were given equipment like a clockwork in 10 minutes, how far can you go?" Watching Brother Ding leave, the captain turned to look at him and asked casually.

"Top three in the provincial league!" Dong Yuan thought about it seriously, and then confidently stretched out three fingers.

"Are you sure?" Even the captain, who has always been very confident in him, was surprised by his confidence, let alone the other three teammates, but they didn't directly deny it. The reason for their suspicion was simple, because last year's They also only took No.4 in the municipal league.

There are only seven colleges and universities in the city, and they only get No.4 in one city, not to mention the provincial league. The competition is more fierce, and there are more strong people. I don’t know why Dongyuan can make a leap with this equipment. To enter the top three at the provincial level, team battles depend not only on equipment, but also on operation and team battle awareness.

Teammates looked at him, wanting to hear his explanation.

"As long as there are no major mistakes, I can be sure!" Dong Yuan nodded, and then sighed: "Do you know how much damage the two small skills of the last wave of clockwork QW have? Three quarters of the blood, two The little skill wiped out three-quarters of the male gun's blood, leaving only a layer of blood."

This damage, if he didn't see it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to imagine. The terrifying damage can be compared with the mantis of the [-]-layer killing sword in the early stage. That was when the wind was extremely favorable and the strength gap between the two sides was vastly different.

But clockwork is different. She only needs to clear the line of soldiers and clear the field to grow. In 10 minutes, she can also see everyone in seconds like a praying mantis with a [-]-story murder sword. And the development of clockwork is even more difficult to stop, just like If you want to prevent a Bomberman from developing insignificantly under the tower, this is completely impossible.

Therefore, if he can't lead the team to the top three in the provincial league with such equipment, then he will have no face to say that he is a diamond-level player.

"What? Three-quarters of the health of the two small skills, the blood volume of the male gun is so worthless? The little soldier is not as weak as him!"

"Don't be so exaggerated, this equipment can hit two-thirds of the blood at most, and three-quarters of the blood is equal to one blood being emptied all at once."

"It should be only two-thirds, three-quarters is too exaggerated!"

The three teammates didn't believe it, and he didn't bother to explain. The captain didn't speak this time, and he lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

Soon, Brother Ding took Ah Quan into the dormitory. As soon as Ah Quan saw that the school team was there, he greeted them with a smile, and then handed a USB flash drive to Dongyuan, saying: "Here , when the game ended just now, I asked my friend for the first perspective of Clockwork, to see how she swipes the knife."

"Ah Quan, you are really mean. How dare you learn it secretly, and didn't share it with us earlier." Dong Yuan smiled and complained to him, inserting the USB flash drive into the computer.

Ah Quan pulled up a stool and sat in the back. He wanted to see how these school team masters analyzed the clockwork production routine, so he could learn something.

Not only him, but also the classmates who had been watching Dongyuan's abuse process quickly rushed over, also wanting to see how this strange-looking clockwork was done.

Two hundred and eighty dollars in 10 minutes is indeed a shocking statistic.

This is a disease, it must be cured!

This is a stunt, you have to learn it!
In less than a moment, Dongyuan's dormitory was full of people inside and outside, making a lot of noise, and they couldn't be driven away.

"Everyone, be quiet!" The video was buffering, and it was about to start. The captain waved his hand lightly, and everyone around the audience stopped the discussion with interest.

Video starts playing!
Almost at the beginning of the video, the clockwork went out, the game store just disappeared in a blink of an eye, a Dolan ring and two bottles of red appeared on Hao Ran's equipment bar, and most of the people present didn't see clearly what the clockwork was. How to buy equipment, the speed is amazing, "Go out so fast!"

"Hand speed is so fast, he is a master!" The captain gave such an evaluation, and even he thought that he was not as good as the other party in this regard.

The five people gathered together and squatted on the triangle grass on the lower road. Niu Tou laughed and danced in the direction of the triangle grass on the river. It was a joke at first glance. Seeing this scene, Dong Yuan tilted his head and smiled at Ah Quan. Ah Quan was proud Smiled, "See, Niutou is me, brother is also a conscious person."

"I think you are idle and have nothing to do!" Dong Yuan mocked him with a smile.

The first-level regiment failed, so Clockwork ran from the lower half of the field to the upper half of the field, and squatted in the grass behind the blue buff for a long time. He didn't come out until the line of soldiers was online. This scene happened to be seen by Jie, who was on the line. This created a false impression for Zed that Clockwork was helping the blind man to play mana, and the blind man opened mana.

(End of this chapter)

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