The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 341 The First Poodle in the Daily Service

Chapter 341

"Mr. Lu! Mr. Lu! Mr. Lu..."

"Qingchen! Qingchen! Qingchen..."

"Jiangling! Jiangling! Jiangling..."

When the two teams took the stage, there was overwhelming cheers and screams, and fans from other countries also cheered Jiangling Technology in jerky Chinese.

In comparison, the popularity of Kyoto University is much lower.

There were fans who supported Kyoto University, but they were pitifully few, and all their shouts were drowned out by Jiangling Technology's live fans.

Ding Feng and Mo Qingchen just smiled slightly at this, and sat firmly in their seats. Dongyuan and the others still felt a little nervous even though they had seen many such scenes.

"It's finally about to start, so excited."

"Is it really the first time for Mr. Lu to participate in such a large-scale competition? I can't see his nervousness at all, but I think he is much calmer than Qingchen."

"It's the first time I stepped on such a big stage, and I can still be so calm and breezy. This alone makes people dissatisfied. It's called the air of a king."

"It's too calm. It seems that Mr. Lu has always looked like this. He always has a smile on his face. He looks good when he smiles. I haven't seen his other expressions. I really want to see what to do."

"I don't know if Mr. Lu still has any weird ways to play. The current version has almost been developed, but wonderful operations are definitely indispensable. Let's start now, we can't wait!"

"... "

What Ding Feng didn't know was that his calmness and composure had become the focus of discussion among the audience, and some nympho female fans even expressed their desire to see other expressions of him.

Kind of wicked!

The overall strength of Kyoto University is very strong, not to mention all the Japanese server kings, and Nakano ranks even higher among the Japanese server kings.

Regarding the core and comparison of the two teams, the commentary booth will naturally introduce to the audience.

Although the establishment of the Japanese server is two years later than that of the Korean server and the Chinese server, the quality of the server is not worse than that of the Chinese server. The king of the Japanese server is generally stronger than the king of the Chinese server. Ability, there is no doubt that the King of Huafu has an advantage.

Compared with the international strong teams, what Chinese teams lack is probably only operational ability and overall team awareness.

These two points are precisely the core competencies of the team.

Under the eager anticipation of the audience, both sides quickly installed the peripherals and adjusted the equipment, and entered the selection interface with a bang.

The scene suddenly calmed down.

Kyoto University is on the blue side, so the first draw is the first choice.

The first thing to get rid of is the enchantress.

Since Kyoto University will challenge Jiangling Technology, according to the habits of these first-class universities, they will definitely study their opponents thoroughly. They know that if they want to win Jiangling Technology, Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen cannot be targeted in the selection. The human hero pool is notoriously deep.

Just call it Hero Sea.

Since Ueno can't target, then target the middle and lower lanes.

According to their understanding, Jiangling Technology's mid laner is an assassin player, and besides assassin heroes, his level of playing other mid laners is about the level of a master.

Of course, they also know that it is impossible to get rid of all the mid laner assassins, they just try to weaken his deterrence against their own side as much as possible.

In addition to being a mid laner against Jiangling Technology, defeating Yao Ji is also because this hero is too strong in this version, and he is also a mid lane mage who must be defeated in professional leagues.

As soon as Yao Ji was defeated, Jiangling Technology immediately defeated the pride of the leader. With such a quick selection, it seems that Jiangling Technology is also well prepared.

The pride of the leader, a hero with a high ban rate in the current version.

Of course, the pride of pulling the leader is limited to the version, not specifically aimed at Kyoto University.

Next, Kyoto University defeated Spear of Vengeance and Kassadin, while Jiangling Technology defeated Gnar and the ancient wizard Xerath.

Obviously, Kyoto University's ban is aimed at the two major shortcomings of Jiangling Technology, and Jiangling Technology's ban is obviously biased towards the version.

This point, many viewers have seen it.

Could it be that the strength of Kyoto University is not enough for Jiangling Technology to target?

Will this be a little too big?
Foreign audiences who were watching the game thought so.

On the contrary, the Chinese audience was very calm. In their opinion, although the strength of Kyoto University is not bad among these participating teams, it is still far behind Jiangling Technology.

Even if Jiangling Technology's middle and lower roads are short boards.

The ban ends and the selection begins.

Kyoto University chose first, and directly played the wild poodle in seconds.

As mentioned in the commentary just now, the poodle is a famous hero in the jungle of Kyoto University. It has a winning rate as high as 68% in the Japanese server king group. It is called "the number one poodle in the Japanese server".

What they don't understand is why Jiangling Technology doesn't get rid of this poodle?
do not know?
is it possible?
After Kyoto University selected the poodle, the audience saw the Kyoto University team members laughing happily from the big screen, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Just a poodle?As for being so confident?
Except for Japanese audiences, many audiences expressed their incomprehension, and Chinese audiences were also puzzled.

Seeing that the other party chose the poodle, Ding Feng smiled slightly, and leaned on the chair leisurely. His smile also made many audience members even more incomprehensible.

He can still laugh when he is taken out by the other party as a famous hero, isn't he worried at all?
Once the poodle gets up, it will be a sharp knife for cutting the back row, and it happens that the two C positions of Jiangling Technology are the breakthrough point of the team. Can they withstand the assassination of the poodle?
Many people do not understand.

However, Mr. Lu seems to have never lost since he became famous. Even against the sixth strongest RBZ team in the world, he can show off his flying skills. This is a perception of many viewers about him.

Since he will do this, there must be his reasons, and fans are willing to believe him.

Thinking of this, I feel at ease.

Ding Feng didn't care what the audience thought, since the opponent took the jungler, he also had his own countermeasures, and after a little questioning about the support, he chose Fengnv.

This is to help the bottom lane get support.

The hero Fengnv can cooperate with many ADs, and she is also a support hero that her own support is best at.

You can take the support first, and don't worry about the ad, you can check the lineup of the opposite side first and then choose.

The same goes for mid laners.

In this way, the opponent does not know what the two major C positions will take, which reduces the targeting of hero selection.

And Mo Qingchen chose Daomei.

Since the middle and bottom lanes are the breakthrough point, it is inevitable to be cut. In order to prevent the team battle from being unable to fight after the two C positions of his side are cut to death, it will become meaningless for him to choose the tank top laner. It is better to choose A violent top laner, the half-meat outfit also makes the opponent unable to ignore it.

That's why he chose a violent single-handed girl.

(End of this chapter)

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