The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 343 Catch the collapse in 1 minute, middle and upper road 2

Chapter 343
The burning damage of the red BUFF is almost negligible when the blood bottle is restored in the early stage. The biggest effect is the deceleration effect, but I didn't expect it to be a meritorious service.

Totally coincidental.

Ding Feng thinks so.

After getting Lissandra's head, the blind man didn't encounter the poodle when he left. It seems that the poodle should have gone down the road to clear the wild. There are no wild monsters in this wild area.

"Which position on the road has eyes? How many seconds are left?"

"There are less than ten seconds left in the river grass, you can come here."

After a brief exchange with Mo Qingchen, the blind man rushed up without stopping, and at the same time told the two on the way down: "Be careful on the way down, the poodle may be on the way down."

Even if the poodle has cleared the newly refreshed lower half of the wild area at this time, it is only level [-], and the first half of the wild area has not been refreshed yet, and Lissandra has just died, so the poodle who has nothing to do is likely to take the initiative to find something to do , and the only one who has a chance is currently the only way out.

Perhaps the poodle is now hiding in some grass on the lower road.

Although they knew that the poodle might be on the way down, Mother Wheel and Fengnv didn't retreat, they just moved more carefully.

The blind man stood in the river for a while, calculated the time for the lower eye position to disappear, and then burrowed into the grass.

"Isn't this pinching too accurate? The blind man went in as soon as the jewelry eye disappeared, amazing!"

"Paying attention to vision is just an instinct for Qingchen who has played professionally, but I have to say that this wave is very nice and the opportunity is great."

"Mr. Lu's gank is really efficient. After catching the middle lane, he immediately found the opportunity to gank the top lane. Now the poodle is still begging for the bottom lane!"

"Lulu is in danger!"

"... "

From the audience's point of view, the blind man got in the moment the river grass ornament disappeared. This scene is extremely magical for some audiences.

The disappearance of the Ornament Eye made Lulu alert. After clearing out the two soldiers, she planned to retreat, but it was too late to retreat now.

Lulu's current position is at the back of the center of the pawn line, because she is afraid of blind people squatting on the grass on the wall, and at the beginning, the grass in the river has eyes, so her position is closer to the grass in the river.

Seeing that Lulu was about to retreat, Daomei rushed over immediately and slowed down Lulu. The next moment, the blind man came out of the grass in the river and rushed to Daomei. Lulu hurriedly dodged towards the defense tower.

As soon as Lulu's flashing figure appeared, the blind man's Q landed on her at the same time, and then the blind man flew towards her, punching E.

Daomei flashed to keep up, and Lulu quickly fell under the tower.

The blind man was disabled, and he and Sister Dao pushed the line of soldiers under the tower and went back to the city together.

"Mr. Lu is really invincible. Within 1 minute, he didn't say anything about gank, and he didn't even hand over the flash. It seems that Mr. Lu's R flash can be seen at level [-]..."

"I knew that Mr. Lu's blind man would not disappoint..."

"It feels like Kyoto University has collapsed. The ice girl in the middle lane could have suppressed the development of the little murloc in the early stage. Not only was she unable to do so, but she was also at a loss. The development of the little fish is better than that of the ice girl, and Lulu in the top lane has a teleportation loss. There are not many, but if Daomei takes a head, Lulu will be very difficult to beat..."

"The overall situation has been settled. At first I thought that Kyoto University still had the power to fight back, but I didn't expect it to collapse in just a few minutes. The duo is much stronger than I imagined..."

"Hehe, why do I feel like I'm walking the dog..."

"... "

The blind gank two lanes in about 1 minute and achieved great success, which surprised all the audience and was full of praise.

This one is steady.

This is the voice of all audiences.

Just when the audience thought everything would go well, Lulu suddenly ran to the middle to support a wave, and successfully killed the little murloc under the tower.

Unexpectedly, Kyoto University's counterattack would be so swift.

The audience sighed so much, it made it even more interesting, so it looks good, doesn't it!
Lulu left, and the ice girl pushed the line of soldiers under the purple square tower. At this time, the blind man came out from the grass in the river, and approached the ice girl step by step, using no skills.

How did the blind man come so fast?

The ice girl thought in panic that with her current blood volume and position, it would be easy for the blind man to kill her without any effort.

The ice girl had nowhere to go, and if she was caught up by the blind man, she would be beaten up.

What puzzled her was that the blind man hadn't used Q all the time, and at this time her own poodle was coming, maybe she could escape from the big blind man.

Why hasn't the blind man's Q been shot for so long?
The poodle is coming.

The audience held their breath and watched this scene nervously.

And the next moment, they saw a legendary operation that could be engraved forever in the history of League of Legends:
A golden symbol suddenly rose above the blind man's head, which indicated that the poodle was approaching rapidly, but the blind man's Q still did not make a move.

The next moment, the poodle jumped out of the darkness and rushed towards the blind man.

However, before the poodle performed the follow-up operation, he felt his body lighten, and his whole body uncontrollably slammed into the ice girl, leaving only a trace of blood on the ice girl.

The blind man immediately activated the second Q to keep up, slapped the ice girl to death on the spot, slowed down the poodle, and walked A smoothly to make the poodle's HP drop.

The poodle was a little confused by this set of operations. It was almost full of blood, and it was disabled in an instant, and it also faced the danger of being chased and killed by a blind man.

As a last resort, the poodle dodged across the wall, and the blind man followed through the wall with his eyes. He hit a Q and directly connected to the second Q to kill the poodle on the spot, winning a double kill!

"This... how did you do it?"

"When did the blind man hang this Q on the poodle?"

"I also want to know when the blind man's Q was hung on the poodle, I didn't see it clearly..."

"Why do I feel that the blind man didn't throw the Q all the time to attract the poodle? This is too confident, and when did the blind man hang the Q on the poodle? I didn't even see clearly..."

"... "

The blind man's operation this time blinded the eyes of all the audience, and no one could see when the blind man's Q was hung on the poodle.

Not only the spectators, but also the professional players were frightened by this operation.

Soon, the highlight replay came.

slow motion:
...The moment the poodle jumped out of the darkness, the blind man's Q shot, and then the poodle and the lasso fell towards the blind man at the same time, but was dodged by the blind man's flash. At the same time, the blind man flashed and the poodle lightened, and went straight to the ice girl He bumped into him, and then the blind man activated the second Q to catch up with the poodle, and slapped the ground to kill the ice girl on the spot...

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

No wonder I didn't see when the blind man's Q was hung on the poodle. It turned out that the blind man's Q was hung up the moment the poodle jumped down.

(End of this chapter)

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