The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 361 Entering the World Area

Chapter 361 Entering the World Area

Soon, the game started again.

Ding Feng was still a policewoman, while Ye Qingxue was replaced by Lu Xian.

As soon as Lucian came up, it was a small set. The female policeman retreated while fighting, but she didn't let Lucian finish the whole set of damage. Turning around was a critical blow.

The E skill slows down, and the female policeman wants to accumulate basic attacks and stack critical strikes, and is shot in the face. The small body of the female policeman means that she can't handle this Lucian's big move at all.

The amount of blood was rushing down, and he fell down quickly.

"Hee hee!" She stuck out her tongue at him mischievously, and he could only shake his head with a funny smile.

This girl is a bit playful.

Originally, the female policeman was at a disadvantage against Lucian, and you still use ult, which made him how to accumulate basic attacks and stack crit. All right.

But after her trouble, he felt much more relaxed.

training continues...

"Don't deliberately focus on watching every movement of the policewoman, you have to try to find that feeling, so that the fight will be easier." She reminded.

"Hmm!" He knew what she said, but he didn't think about it just now.

Now after she said this, I realized that I was negligent.

He is more energetic and more serious.

The female policeman returned to the line again and continued to fight against Lucian. This time, Qingxue was no longer naughty, and Lucian, who was not open, quickly fell down under the violent gunshots of the female policeman.

This time the policewoman was not easy. After killing Lucian, the policewoman had less than one-third of her blood.

Even Lucian, who has the highest explosion, is no match for the policewoman, so there is no need for other heroes to play.

At the end of the game, after summing up the training results of the policewoman, he straightened up, "Again!"

"Okay!" Ye Qingxue responded obediently.

"I'm going to practice VN this time."

"Uh, your VN is already invincible, and if you practice again, will you give others a chance to survive?"

"This statement is wrong, all heroes are invincible in my hands, okay?"

"I was wrong, you are simply a pervert."

"If you can, I prefer you to think of me as a monster. 'Pervert' is generally used as a derogatory term in the mouths of you girls, and it doesn't seem like a compliment."

"you are not human!"

"... "

Chatting with her has always been regarded as a kind of enjoyment by him, just because she is sometimes well-behaved, sometimes mischievous, and sometimes can say something he doesn't know and deep words.

What man desires most must have a characteristic.

That is fresh.

Or novelty!

A premise of freshness is constant change.

New things, or changes in demand due to different circumstances, this kind of change can have the effect of keeping fresh, and will not get tired of crooked over time.

She knew what 'change' should happen when, and it would make him feel good, physically and mentally.

This is the most amazing place about her.


It was late at night, and he was so tired that he was dizzy, so he stopped training.

The dead of night is naturally the best time for a couple in love to express their tenderness.

The two ate, drank and chatted in the room until midnight before embracing each other and falling asleep.

Early the next morning, when the sky was getting bright, Ye Qingxue vaguely heard movements and footsteps in the room, and knew that he had woken up, but she was still unwilling to open her eyes.

After a while, she felt something pressed against her lips, about to get into her mouth.

She smiled secretly, opened her mouth to hold it, swallowed it twice and then closed her teeth, biting off the thing and chewing it in her mouth.

This thing is a banana.

After chewing for a few times, she opened her sleepy eyes, and winked mischievously at him who was sitting by the bed, very naughty and cute.

He let go of the hand holding the banana with a smirk, and said, "It's already 06:30, you used to get up at this time, why are you lying in bed now?"

"I don't need to make breakfast, why wake up so early." She stretched and sat up straight, looking at the sky outside through the curtains.

It's already dawn.

"I want to see the sunrise, but it seems a bit late now, hehe." He smiled, while reaching out to help her smooth the wrinkles on the quilt.

"You didn't say it earlier, I slept so soundly last night, you see I overslept." She looked at him and smiled, last night can be said to be the most sound sleep she has had in the past few months.

Because he is back.

After chatting for a while, the two went to the bathroom, and after washing up, she took him out on her arm.

Today's sunshine is particularly bright, and the two know that it's not that the sunshine has changed, but because they are back by each other's side, when they are in a happy mood, everything they look at is very kind.


His return made the two people's life trajectories closely connected again, and the past smiles and smiles were continued again, and they went further and further apart.

Eating, drinking and having fun together, embracing each other and dreaming.

This is the portrayal of the two living together.

Time slipped by inadvertently...

August came, and after playing like crazy for a month, he began to prepare to enter the world area.

His goal is ten consecutive victories in the world zone.

He was pretty sure of that.

The World Zone is different from the Asia Zone. The top kings in the World Zone are world-renowned, and they are all arrogant people. There is absolutely no need to worry about hanging up the phone.

Without this concern, whether he can win ten consecutive victories depends on his performance.

Of course luck is also important.

But no matter who the opponent is, he has the confidence to defeat him, because his current personal ability has reached a peak under the impetus of the 'supernatural power'.

A pinnacle beyond human reach!

Although LOL is a team game, there has never been a lack of examples of one person driving the whole game. Therefore, when one person is strong enough, he can also lead the team to victory by himself.

There is no doubt that Ding Feng, who has supernatural powers, is such a person, and he is also one of the best. This has been fully proved in the international college league.

Is Jiangling Technology's team strong?The answer is self-evident, but it is such an average college team that won the global championship under his leadership, which shows how strong his personal strength and team command ability are.

It can be said that his personal ability has far surpassed those so-called 'god-level players'.

Even strong to the point of chilling.

The international college league is like this, and now he will only be stronger.


On August [-]st, when the summer games in various divisions were in full swing, a piece of news that made the Chinese people very excited came:
Mr. Lu is going to enter the world zone!
After Ding Feng won the ten-game winning streak in the Asian region last year, countless players and viewers thought that he would take advantage of the victory and continue his ten-game winning streak in the world region, but they did not expect that he had no such plan.

Now, after winning the championship of the International College League, Mr. Lu has been silent for a month, and the long-awaited news of Mr. Lu entering the world zone finally came.

The whole country is boiling!
PS: Due to various reasons, this book has been delayed for too long. I would like to apologize to the book friends. I plan to finish this book in the near future. Thank you for your continued support!Thank you so much!
(End of this chapter)

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