The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 367 Achieving a True Fruition

Chapter 367 Achieving a True Fruition (The Finale)

The game started soon. As soon as the metal and female tanks were on the line, there was a wave of pawns in seconds, pushing the pawn line under the opposite tower, and then the female tank went to the grass in the river to set up vision.

Push the pawn line over as soon as you come up, making the enemy's bottom lane combination a bit uncomfortable. It is difficult to make up the knife under the ad tower in the early stage. Even if there is support to help, I dare not say that no pawn will be missed. One wave or two is nothing. If it continues like this It will be hard.

The second wave of soldiers was also quickly cleared.

Now the players on both sides have seen some signs, but what they don't quite understand is, why did they choose to match the female tank?
Is it because of too much control?
Because of the line pressure, the enemy jungler blind will naturally not miss the opportunity of gank, and then catch a wave, and the timing is very good, but the result is that not only can't kill the two, but put himself in it.

The blind man with healthy blood was directly killed by the third metal hammer. Not only the blind man couldn't react to this scene, but the audience was also stunned.

Nani! ! !

This is the one-shot of the master of metal.

In this version, it can be said that whether it is the captain's barrel or the metal third hammer, as long as the enemy's C position is hit in the team battle, then this wave is basically won, which is not an exaggeration at all.

After this wave, the blind man no longer dared to gank the bottom lane alone, not to mention that he didn't know where the damage limit of the metal third hammer was, and the bottom lane teammate was still a developed hero, how to catch it? !

From level [-] to level [-], seeing the blind man on the road, he immediately called the mid laner and jungler, and after recruiting the dragon soul of the first dragon, he rushed directly to the middle road.

Liberate the middle lane first, so that the field of vision can be deployed to the enemy's wild area. With the deterrent power of the mid-lane enchantress, it will be difficult for the enemy's upper and lower lanes to develop steadily. If there are not too many mistakes, this one is almost guaranteed to win. up.

The three hands who were originally clearing the soldiers in the middle saw four enemies, no, four came in one dragon, so they could only retreat with a bitter face.

With the help of Xiaolong, the enemy's middle tower was quickly destroyed, and Xiaolong has not disappeared, so he continued to lead Xiaolong to the bottom lane.

This rhythm is too fast, how to play?
The players on both sides and the audience were very speechless about this. This style of play is simply desperate.

Right now, it's just a little dragon, and it almost broke two lanes. Moreover, when the little dragon hits the tower, it deals AOE damage. Given the opponent's lineup and development, he can only give up the tower.

What about the second dragon?
What about Article [-]?

There is no solution at all, okay?

Originally thought that this fight would be very intense, but it turned out to be easier than everyone expected. It was completely one-sided. Moreover, after the dragon disappeared and the enchantress was liberated, the opponent's development became even more difficult.

Even if there is no Xiaolong, I can't fight now, and I don't dare to fight, who knows if there will be a demon girl in the fight.

After 23 minutes, the game is over.

Mr. Lu successfully won the first ten consecutive victories in the world zone. Among all non-professional players, his achievement is already the highest.


In mid-September, with the establishment of Yaohua Legend Club, Ding Feng stepped into his professional career.

Under his leadership, the LGD team named 'Legend' swept all the domestic teams in the LPL division in the first year of its establishment, and successfully won the tickets for the S-series global finals.

And this is just the beginning.

No one can stop his footsteps, not even a strong Korean team. The next All-Asian Championships, Olympic e-sports, S-series global finals, All-Stars and other world-class leagues have become his personal show.

This year, all professional players lost their color under his brilliance, and he deserved all kinds of honors.

However, just when he was at his most radiant, an accident happened.

He had a car accident.

A car accident that had clearly been brewing against him for a long time.

At that time, his divine eyes opened in time, and he was absolutely sure of escaping, but he couldn't do it because Ye Qingxue was by his side at the time, if he survived, then Qingxue would...

When he realized this problem, he instinctively pushed Qingxue away, leaving her the chance to live.

Although he miraculously survived in the end, he became a vegetative state, and the medical profession believed that he would never wake up again in this life.

With the occurrence of this accident, Ye Qingxue turned gray overnight.

After going to many top hospitals in the world, she brought Ding Feng and two nurses back to their love nest in Nanling City, taking care of him wholeheartedly, waiting for his return.

She hasn't given up yet, even though everyone feels that he will never wake up again.

Heaven pays off, maybe God felt it, when he woke up one day two years later, the two people at that time were so moved that they hugged each other tightly, letting the tears of the embankment burst down like raindrops.

"Let's get married!" He whispered very affectionately.

"Hmm~" She kept nodding her head.


Early the next morning, the two went to the nearby Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain a marriage certificate. The two did not say anything about it, but only informed some close relatives and best friends.

Half a month later, a simple wedding was held in the small courtyard where the two lived together. Although there were not many people present, they were all their best friends and relatives, who witnessed the blossoming of this marriage together result.

After marriage, Ding Feng set sail again to continue his unfinished e-sports career. This has always been his dream. Even if such a change happened, he could not change his original intention. He didn't say anything, but he felt that he needed to give her more time, so he no longer played in all games like before.

And his wife, Ye Qingxue, has long been ready to be a full-time wife.


When Ding Feng picked up the long-lost game again, he was surprised to find that the God's Eye, which had made him weak for a few seconds, could be used at will now, and it was used without consumption.

That car accident not only made his relationship with her more ingrained and indistinguishable from each other, but also allowed him to completely control the ability of divine eyes.

In the past, he was invincible in the world with just a few seconds of divine eyes, but now~

He felt that it was necessary for him to deeply explore the divine eye. Maybe it had too many uses that he did not know. He even felt that the divine eye was just one of many superpowers. Immortality isn't entirely fanciful either.

The changes after waking up are not only limited to this, but also the changes in his body. His body is stronger than before, and his ability in that area has also been significantly improved. Now Ye Qingxue can only beg for mercy. He married another wife, Ding Feng just smiled at this, but didn't dare to answer.


In the second year after their marriage, their first child was born. It was a boy. In order to welcome the arrival of this new life, Ding Feng, who became a father, rushed back from the competition area overnight and waited for him~
The two have a total of four children in this life (this may not be entirely accurate), two boys and two girls.

The children are very fond of games, especially e-sports games, and they are all very talented, but only the youngest daughter inherits part of his father Ding Feng's abilities. Of course, only Ding Feng knows about this.

The fact that the ability was inherited by his youngest daughter surprised Ding Feng, but he also felt regretful. If he had a choice, he would naturally hope that his son would inherit it. After all, he always felt that for e-sports, women can be used as entertainment, but it is not suitable for them. As a profession, he felt women had better things to do than this.

God seems to have heard his heart, and the birth of the last child in the family has fulfilled his wish.

When the children grew up and became independent, the two had their own time, picked up the ideal of traveling the world together, and started running around the world. During this process, Ding Feng met Li Ruoshui again.

She is not married yet!
After Ye Qingxue knew something about Li Ruoshui, she couldn't help feeling compassionate. If she turned a blind eye to such a beautiful and intelligent woman who was extremely infatuated with Ding Feng, she would be too selfish.

She is not a selfish person, at least when it comes to Ding Feng, she can be said to be selfless.

Although the country implements monogamy, there is also a special case, but since this special case appeared, no one has been able to meet the requirements, and the only one that has met the requirements has not used this special case.

This person is her husband. Ding Feng has won the honor of "E-sports Kingdom" for the country and has fulfilled this requirement.

She felt that it was necessary for her to deal with this matter, but she had no idea whether it would be possible or not.

She couldn't be more clear about her husband.

Let’s talk about other people, Ye Qingxue’s two college roommates, Liu Xiaohua, failed to get along with Liu Ming in the end, and married to other provinces in the second year after graduation~

Li Xiaoxin was married late, she only got married when she was 32 years old, and she also married outside the province. I heard that her married life was not happy, so she got divorced a few years later, and returned to the place where she grew up with a child, without remarrying.

Although she experienced a failed marriage, Li Xiaoxin, who is divorced, has lived a fulfilling life. She still maintains a close relationship with Ding Feng and Ye Qingxue, and they have the opportunity to get together several times a year.

In fact, this opportunity was largely given by Ye Qingxue, she always liked to drag him to visit Li Xiaoxin, because she always remembered that without Li Xiaoxin's thread, she and Ding Feng might not be able to get together.

Sometimes Ye Qingxue felt that she had stolen Li Xiaoxin's happiness, and she felt quite guilty. If she hadn't appeared at the beginning, then maybe Ding Feng and Li Xiaoxin would have come together, and now Li Xiaoxin would also be very happy.

In her opinion, Ding Feng is the image spokesperson of happiness.

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world!

After so many years, Li Xiaoxin never complained about this, but the more this happened, the more Ye Qingxue felt guilty, so she often took Ding Feng home and visited her good sister Li Xiaoxin by the way.

She even planned to let her husband take Li Xiaoxin away, and often created opportunities for the two of them to be alone.

It's not because of how big her heart is, but because she thinks that such an outstanding woman who is infatuated with Ding Feng should be happy. up.

Of course, no matter how good a person is, there will not be too many women like this around her. She can still handle Li Xiaoxin and Li Ruoshui.

She just had the idea of ​​giving it a try, and she could only resign herself to the fate of the result.

As for her other roommate, Hu Jialing, the two of them went to meet twice, but they didn’t get in touch with each other. I heard that she married a businessman after retiring, and she lived a happy life~

Mo Qingchen, in the third year after joining LGD, because of the sharp decline in his status, he had no choice but to retire. Two years after his retirement, he entered the palace of marriage with his girlfriend.

As one of Ding Feng's best friends, Ding Feng brought his wife to the wedding.

After marriage, Mo Qingchen naturally plays live broadcasts to make money to support his family. As a loyal player who has played games since childhood, he knows nothing but games.

Xiaohui, Brother Zhuang, Brother Yi, Yuchen~
Life is full of vicissitudes, each has its own wonderful!


In a tourist holy place, the autumn wind brings coolness.

Ye Qingxue sent an invitation to Li Ruoshui, "You said you were going to climb a mountain, and Xiaofeng and I are also going to climb a mountain, why don't we go together?"

Ding Feng at the side gave her a strange look, isn't he planning to go to the hot spring?When did it change to mountaineering?

I thought so in my heart, but on the surface it was calm.

Whatever the wife says is what!
"I won't bother you, will I?" Li Ruoshui was a little moved, and finally met Ding Feng. If she just left like this, she would regret it later, after all, she might never see him again.

As she spoke, she secretly glanced at Ding Feng.

They are all in their tens, and they still look like a little girl. Li Ruoshui's expression made Ye Qingxue feel amused, and she said gently, "No, we also want to find a partner, one more person to take care of me."

This made Ding Feng chuckle secretly, and he didn't know who had rejected a girl who wanted to go with him before.

Li Ruoshui agreed, and the two-person trip turned into a three-person trip~

 Finally finished this book. This book was sealed for a while, which had a great impact on me. Fortunately, it was finally finished. Although the content in the later period is not very ideal, please forgive me here. Thank you very much for reading to the end. !The new book "Wandering God in the Plane" has been uploaded. I have been preparing for this book for a long time. I hope everyone can continue to support me. Your support is my biggest motivation, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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