The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 40 The E-sports Teacher's Surprise

Chapter 40 The E-sports Teacher's Surprise

The scramble of the students surprised Mr. Li. Such a scene is usually hard to see, but after hearing what they said, he shook his head in a funny way, stretched out his hand to press down, and the classroom quickly quieted down. Then Mr. Li laughed and said : "If you want to perform on stage, don't you give me nonsense."

"We're not talking nonsense, Mr. Li, do you believe me that someone can make up $10 in 280 minutes?" Brother Yi, who didn't fight to raise his hand just now, laughed.

"I don't believe it!" Mr. Li said without any hesitation. What a joke, the current world record is only 10 knives in 230 minutes. In his opinion, this is almost the limit. Maybe future version updates will make it easier to make up the knives. But never much more than this number.

"Xiaohui, go up and show our teacher Li, what is a sword brush." ​​Brother Yi laughed, and waved to Xiaohui, who immediately stood up excitedly.

"I really don't believe it, Yuan Hui, show me your performance on stage." Seeing Brother Yi, who had always been silent in class, say this, Teacher Li also became interested, wanting to see what tricks they were going to play.

Under the gaze of everyone, Xiaohui walked onto the podium slowly, logged into his account and started the expert man-machine mode directly.

The number of last hits mentioned in the e-sports class does not refer to the last hits in the custom mode, but the last hits in the expert man-machine mode.

After all, despite the fact that the students in the e-sports department are generally not high in rank, after years of study, the level of making up the knife is very good, it’s just that the consciousness is not there, and if it’s only in the custom mode, 10 minutes Making up more than 200 knives is absolutely easy and casual, and everyone can do it.

But it is different in the expert-level man-machine mode. The level of the expert-level man-machine is at least equivalent to the gold rank in the ranking. Harassing your last attack, even a bad one will be solo killed by man and machine.

Therefore, the expert man-machine mode can best test a player's ability to make up, and it is also the mode that low-end players like to practice.

When the man-machine started, Xiaohui directly locked on the hero Clockwork without any hesitation.

"Clockwork Demon?" Seeing Xiaohui's choice of a hero who is said to be able to greatly increase the number of last hits, Teacher Li couldn't help but wonder. Clockwork is a hero that is rarely used by anyone in the class. Why is it suddenly used now?What made him even more strange was that the male and female students in the class all looked confident.

He went through the clockwork skills over and over again in his mind, but he still couldn't think of any special routines for this hero. After all, there are many heroes who are faster than the clockwork!
He didn't say a word, just watched it for several minutes, and the current number of hits was normal, nothing special, "Could it be that the real routine hasn't started yet?"

Clockwork pushes the line of soldiers and returns to the city. Xiaohui presses the P key to call up the game store without looking at it, locks the egg cap, and waits for Clockwork to return to the water spring.

"Egg hat? You won't be releasing this piece of equipment, right?" Teacher Li was taken aback. As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaohui bought two small pieces of egg hat and went out.

Next, Mr. Li saw a very surprised scene. He still swiped knives. The difference was that he also took the time to swip 4F and Sanlang, and what surprised him was Xiaohui's rhythm of swiping wild, so he went smoothly, "Yuan Hui is When did you learn the wild skills, even the big F can control it so well!"

After brushing 4F, the pawn line didn't come up, go to the three wolves, once the three wolves are finished, the pawn line immediately presses down the tower, after clearing two waves of soldiers, continue to brush 4F, and then the three wolves...

It seems to be going smoothly, and the number of last hits has increased extremely quickly, but the students below are not surprised. Compared with Ding Feng's clockwork, Xiaohui still has too many flaws.

The students faced it calmly, but Mr. Li, who has always been well-informed, was already fascinated by the whole person, staring at the clockwork's last hits, counting them one by one.

Ten 4 minutes, $140...

15 minutes, 150 four knives...

Ten 6 minutes, $170...

After pushing a wave of soldiers, clockwork back to the city!

"Brother Hui, you are too uncreative, you even have the same time to return to the city as Brother Feng." Seeing this scene, Brother Yi and others sitting behind couldn't help laughing.

That's right, returning to the city in 6 and [-] minutes was exactly the rhythm of Ding Feng's friendly match yesterday.

Clockwork went back to the city to make up two large items as quickly as possible, and went out again. With the damage support of these two pieces of equipment, Clockwork's repairs increased even faster.

8 minutes, 180 dollars...

9 minutes, two hundred and five dollars...

Two 10 minutes, 220 four knives...

When the time came, Xiaohui left his hands directly from the mouse and keyboard, and there was a burst of applause in the classroom, and the students all praised, "Okay, Brother Hui is doing well!"

"it is good!"

"What a terrifying number of last hits, great job!"

"Brother Hui, I support you!"

"... "

Everyone applauds, but if Mr. Li observes their expressions, he will find that these "good" shouts are full of water, but Mr. Li has no time to pay attention to them now. Mr. Li is staring at this man with a surprised face. The data, I really can't believe that this is Yuan Hui's last shot.

Just Yuanhui's silver five scum, how can he make up so much? !
Thinking of this, he began to believe what his classmates said before, even silver can do this, so what about gold, and the platinum brother Yi? !
He could see that Yuan Hui suffered a lot from the man-machine trolls in the laning, and missed a lot of last hits, but that's it, he still made 10 four knives in 220 minutes. It's better, you can get an extra piece of equipment in 6 minutes when you go home, and it will be faster to swipe the knife next.

With this style of play, 10 knives in 240 minutes is definitely not difficult!

"Mr. Li, believe me now, brother Hui's stats are still the best in our class. If I play in person, I can earn at least 240 knives!"

"There's still a little water, brother Hui, you have to work harder."


"... "

"Your sister, you are the worst!" Xiaohui retorted with a humming voice. He was quite satisfied with the number of last hits, but he definitely couldn't say it on the surface.

Looking at the cheers of the boys and girls, it seems that no one is surprised by Yuan Hui's performance and style of play. It seems that they already know this style of play. Teacher Li smiled, secretly said in his heart that a child can be taught, and walked onto the podium , Stretched out his hand to press, and the students quickly quieted down.

"Who told you this style of play?" Mr. Li asked his most puzzling question. The play style of the mid laner clockwork with the egg cap is very novel. This is the first time he has seen it. He prepared the lesson last night. At that time, I didn't see this novel style of play on the Internet, so there was only one possibility.

And when he thought of this possibility, even he himself couldn't believe it.

"Teacher, look who didn't come to class today, that's who it is." Brother Yi said with a smile. If it was in the past, he would not believe that this is the style of play developed by Ding Feng.

But after the battle with the Department of Economics and Management yesterday, he discovered that Ding Feng, who had been neglected by them, not only developed this style of play that shocked everyone, but also surpassed the school team's mid laner Dong Yuan in his personal skills, and all of these , It seems that only one night has passed.

(End of this chapter)

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