The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 47 Shocked the audience

Chapter 47 Shocked the audience
The director seemed to have forgotten to change the angle of view, and the audience stared at the clockwork's last knife without blinking, and the clockwork's last knife and the free knife kept jumping up.

"It's only over 4 dollars in [-] minutes, it's not as exaggerated as I thought!"

"Strange, why is Void's last hits similar to clockwork? It's only less than ten last hits!"

"No way, why is there such a small gap between Void and Void's last hits? Shouldn't it be seven cuts per minute? I'll go, it's really strange, did my math go backwards!!"

"This unscientific!"

"... "

The audience quickly discovered the strange thing, that is, the actual number of hits that the clockwork made was not as exaggerated as they imagined, but the three wolves and 4F did refresh every minute, and the minions on the line did not miss too much. A lot, but why is the gap between Void Prophet and Void Prophet's last hit so small?

At 6 minutes, Clockwork returned to the city on the same spot after pushing the pawn line. At this time, Clockwork made 170 and [-] hits, which was more than ten knives more than the Void Prophet, but the gap still disappointed the audience. Yes, it's unscientific to only draw ten knives after brushing so many wilds.

As soon as they saw the clockwork returning to the city at full capacity at this point in time, the familiar scene made the e-sports students in the area where Jiangling Science and Technology is located very happy.

"Haha, go back to play in 6 minutes, even Dongyuan has to follow the rhythm of our peak god."

"What's the matter? Dongyuan only has one night to practice. If you still have to spend time studying how many minutes to return to the city, then other heroes will have no time to prepare."

"It makes sense, but I think the main reason is that our Fengshen's jungle clearing rhythm is already perfect, there is no need to change it, you didn't find that 6 minutes is just enough to push a wave of wilds and a wave of minions up, and Is it just enough money to make two big pieces and French shoes?!"

"There's a lot of nonsense. The most convincing thing is that our Fengshen made 10 knives in 280 minutes with this rhythm. This is the most important thing. There is nothing to say!"

"... "

Back at Shuiquan, Clockwork made up a big holy grail, an egg hat, a pair of magic shoes and a small magic book, and went out, still in the wild.

It's the same wild farming, but if you observe carefully, you will find that this time the wild farming is a little different from before. Due to the lack of damage before, there is not enough time to farm the three wolves after the clockwork brushes 4F. After brushing 4F, go directly to the three wolves, and the line of three wolves arrives just in time.

Push the minion line up, brush 4F, brush the three wolves, after brushing the three wolves, the pawn line is just pushed under the tower, continue to clear the line, clear the two waves of minions, the wild monsters spawn, continue to farm...

This is the rhythm of wild farming now!

"Nimma, the jungle is so fast, the last knife is starting to increase!"

"210 two, 210 three, two hundred and eleven four... 210 six, 210 seven, 210 eight knives, 8 eight knives in 210 minutes, hold!"

"How did you do it? It's almost breaking the world record in 8 minutes!"

"... "

Clockwork's amazing brush knife can't stop!

220 five...

220 nine…

230 three...

Seeing that the world record was about to be broken, all the audience stood up and cheered excitedly together: "Break the record, break the record, break the record..."

230 four!
230 five!
230 six!
"Yeah, I broke the world record!" Once the record was broken, the excitement and pride in the hearts of all the audience couldn't be contained, and some students hugged each other excitedly.

"It took only 9 minutes to break the world record, and there is 1 minute left, come on! Come on! Come on!" With 1 minute left, the audience continued to shout, "240 one, 240 two, 240 three...250 One, 250 two...250 six..."

There are five seconds left, 250 seven!

At the last second, 250 nine!
Time seems to be frozen at this moment!
"Break the world record, we broke the world record!"

"It's so exciting, Dongyuan, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Men can also give birth to monkeys?!"

"It's really scary, 10 nine knives in 250 minutes, this is definitely a god level, I have to practice when I go back, and the score depends on you."

"The next time Clockwork comes back to the city, the damage will definitely explode!"

"... "

After a short period of frenzy, the audience finally stopped. Although the number of hits by Clockwork is still skyrocketing, the world record time has passed.

In the 28 minutes of the game, Clockwork's last hits will exceed [-]. During the period, there are constant cheers and shouts, which shows how shocking this routine is.

Push the line of soldiers over, wind up and return to the city!
And there are four other teammates who have the same movements as the clockwork. For this reason, the director specially turned the angle of view on the blind man, the male gun, the bull head, and the stone.

Summoner's Canyon has been calm for too long, and this scene seems to herald the arrival of a storm. The audience has sat up straight and stared at the game screen.

A team battle is about to break out!
The four of them returned to the water spring, and the hat and the Central Asia, both of which cost more than [-] yuan, jumped directly into the clockwork's equipment column.

"More than 6000 in [-] minutes, what a horrible economy!"

"I don't want to talk anymore!"

"Diao, the damage of the clockwork is about to explode, and the rhythm of whoever sees who is second!"

"Fuhua Economic and Trade is going to lose this one, so I will not lose no matter how hard I fight with this equipment. A shield on top is enough for the policewoman to hit countless times."

"... "

Clockwork took the lead and walked in front of everyone, left a speed on the ground, everyone would speed up for a short time as soon as they stepped on it, and soon, five people appeared in the middle.

As soon as they appeared, the other party also appeared.

"Let's push over and directly tap the tower!" As soon as the line of soldiers arrives, a few small skills are thrown over, but any soldier who touches the magic ball is instantly killed, and the line of his own soldiers is intact. , in order to prevent the opponent from clearing the pawn line.

The "protection" clockwork added a layer of shield to the stone amidst the sound of the machine's call, and the magic ball hung on the stone and did not leave. As soon as the stone pressed over, Fuhua Economic and Trade side hurriedly retreated and let go of the first tower.

Push down a tower, the stone continues to push forward, full of domineering.

"Pray for rain, prepare to stun them with a flash!" Debang hid in the grass outside 4F and stared closely at the five people from Jiangling Technology. Seeing the stone pressing down, Huanyuan gave an order, walked out with Debang, and shouted: "beat!"

"Go!" The next moment, Raven E rushed forward, and then a flash of W stunned the blind man, the bull's head, and the stone. The broken sword in his hand had turned into a golden giant sword. Capable of destroying everything, the streamer-like blade slashes crazily on enemy heroes, bringing up patches of blood.

At the same time, the female tank shouted loudly, raised her right hand high, and a group of bright golden light in the void suddenly fell to the clockwork and male gun behind, and the golden light bloomed.

Team battle broke out!

(End of this chapter)

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