The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 57 Mr. Lu's Ruiwen [Part 2]

Chapter 57 Mr. Lu's Raven 【Second Update】

In the dormitory building of the Department of Economics and Management, the five main players of the school team were ready. In order to facilitate communication and discussion, they all crowded into the dormitory of Dongyuan and occupied the computers of the other three roommates in Dongyuan. Only the captain Yuchen brought his own computer. A very high spec laptop.

With the entry of Mr. Lu's ID, all the staff arrived.

At this time, a chat box popped up on Captain Yuchen's game window, it was Huanyuan, "Yuchen, our two teams are here for a training match, and we want to try Dongyuan's clockwork."

"I'm not free now, we're playing a friendly match with the e-sports department!" Yuchen smiled, reached out and typed a line of words on the keyboard, and then pressed Enter.

"Uh, that Mr. Lu is here?"

"you guess!"

"You still need to guess after saying that? Is there a live broadcast?"

"Not open!"

"Then hurry up, I want to watch the live broadcast."

"Hey, don't be like this. If you want to learn my brother's jungle skills, just tell me, we have nothing to do with it, I won't hide my secrets."

"Fuck off, I'd better watch the battle, don't worry, I will never turn my perspective to your jungle area for even a second, even your jungler is ashamed to play with me."

"Don't talk to you, it's about to start!" After talking here, Yuchen, the owner of the house, saw that everyone was ready, and immediately clicked the game start button.

Enter the selection screen!
Captain Yuchen was the first to take down the Dryad. The Dryad is extremely powerful in the current version, not to mention that its big move has a range of damage reduction, and what is even more terrifying is its HP recovery. Xiaoqiang, who can't be beaten to death, can't be killed even if he is surrounded by five people when he is well equipped.

Moreover, besides the terrible reply, the dryad has a very high output even if it only produces one piece of time. Such a top lane hero with a lot of meat and output, Qi Yu didn't play very well. Since no one plays, he It will not be released, even if the overall strength of the opponent is not good.

He was not afraid of other people playing the dryad, but he was afraid that it was Ding Feng who played the dryad.

"Captain, why don't you turn the clockwork?" Qi Yu suggested, although Dongyuan's clockwork is very strong, but compared with the originator of this clockwork new style of play, whether it is development or team battles, Both of them are not at the same level. If Ding Feng pulls out the clockwork, this game will be very difficult.

"Well, it's better to pull it off!" The other team members also echoed. Even Dongyuan didn't want to let the clockwork out. With a flash of thought in front of him, he was a little rushed and guilty.

"What are you afraid of? I don't think Ding Feng will choose him even if he is released." Yu Chen smiled. If Ding Feng is really a great master, he probably won't use the same hero twice, that would be too boring.

Of course, if Ding Feng only knows how to wind up the hero, then that would be a different matter.

Although Yuchen said so, he was also seeking the opinions of the team members. If they insisted on unwinding the clockwork, he would not say anything. After all, although he is the captain, he has the final say on everything in the team, but he I don't want to talk about it.

"That's right, let's release it!" The other team members agreed with him when they felt that what he said was reasonable.

Soon, the two sides wrestled over.

Pull first, choose first, seeing that the other side didn't kill the enchantress, Yuchen was not polite, snatched the enchantress down, and asked Dongyuan: "Dongyuan, are you going to use the clockwork method?"

"No, normal play!" Dong Yuan smiled confidently. Although Yao Ji is also suitable for the mid laner to use the egg cap to clear the jungle, and the speed of clearing the jungle is also good, but if she grows like this for 10 minutes, the opponent will not be able to fight with them It's a group, the four big enchantresses are no joke.

If so, that would be too boring.

It's not that he underestimated the e-sports department, but that he didn't care about winning or losing this round at all. The purpose of this appointment is to see how strong Ding Feng is, that's all.

When it was the opponent's turn to choose, the opponent directly chose Clockwork.

"Uh, Captain, you miscalculated!" Seeing that Clockwork was selected, the team members shook their heads one after another. They were already sure that Ding Feng would only play as a hero.

There are many similar players in China. A single hero has the level of a king, but other heroes do not even have a platinum level. Ding Feng seems to be such a person.

If Ding Feng only knows how to play clockwork, then this round would be too boring. The clockwork routine is indeed feasible, and it can even be said to be very scary, but it may not have a chance to play!

They want to learn something from Ding Feng this time. If Ding Feng still plays with clockwork, then their plans will come to nothing.

Captain Yuchen was also startled, and after thinking about it, he said uncertainly: "Look, this clockwork may be played by other people, and Ding Feng has gone to another position."

"I hope!" The team members sighed helplessly, and they could only pray in their hearts that Ding Feng was not playing the clockwork, otherwise this game would be very boring.

Ding Feng was on the fifth floor, and when it was his turn to choose someone, he immediately gave Ruiwen a second.

"Ruiwen? Ding Feng is playing top lane!" Dong Yuan was a little surprised, he wanted to play against Ding Feng again, but unexpectedly he chose Ruiwen.

Compared with the others, he doesn't mind Ding Feng playing another game of clockwork, as long as he is in line with him, he still wants to recover from the loss in the last game this time!
"This would be the best!" Duo Yuan laughed. If Ding Feng was in the top lane, he must be the happiest, because he is also the top laner, but he is not sure if they will change.

"Could it be that Ruiwen also has a novel style of play?" Minghua was inexplicably excited. In his heart, the name Ding Feng had already been equated with the word 'innovation'.

Under their nervous gaze, the opponent changed twice, but what reassured them was that Mr. Lu's Ruiwen had not been replaced, that is to say, Ding Feng asked Ruiwen to take the order.

"Haha, let's see how I beat Ruiwen." Seeing that Ding Feng was indeed in line with him, Duoyuan was so excited. If he can beat Ding Feng, it would be equivalent to be able to beat Dongyuan!
He chose the Golem. When Raven's light speed QA has not been deeply developed, Raven's laning stone is four to six, and the stone is six. Duoyuan is confident that he can suppress Ruiwen.

"You will die miserably!" Dong Yuan snorted, he knows better than anyone else how strong Ding Feng's manipulation is, although Ruiwen suffered a lot from the lane stone, but is it really like this?
He felt that Ding Feng would definitely create another miracle!
"Do you want to change the line?" Assistant Ming Hua asked with a smile.

"Change another **!" Duo Yuan expressed his anger. Not only did Dong Yuan dislike him, but even the auxiliary Minghua and ADC did not think highly of him, and even the captain seemed to dislike him.

Uh, it seems that he is the only one who cares about himself!

(End of this chapter)

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