The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 65 Overcoming the tower and killing [Part 5]

Chapter 65 Overcoming Towers and Killing[Fifth]

Before the prince could react, Ruiwen stepped on the ground, stunned the prince, and took the initiative of Hydra with a general attack, and then the giant sword overflowing with terrifying energy crazily scraped on the prince's golden armor, The horrific damage brought up patches of blood, and the prince's blood volume dropped like crazy.

The ult's active Gale Slash flew out amidst Raven's stormy attack, scraping off a lot of the prince's blood, and the prince only had less than one-third of his blood left after this set.

Raven's W stun didn't last long, and the prince woke up quickly. Without further ado, a general Raven was framed under the tower, and then the EQ Erlian rushed home.

The prince's movements were extremely fast, like lightning.

However, Ruiwen's reaction was not slow. The prince just took a few steps, and Ruiwen moved forward a short distance in the third jump, successfully jumped out of the prince's big move, and then chased after him with an E.

Near the water spring, Raven killed the prince with a Q and an A.

"That's awesome, they're all killed like this!"

"Yeah, what I don't understand is that Ruiwen hasn't stopped his civilized movements at all. How did her big move fly out? Is this also Ruiwen's technique?"

"Wouldn't there be a little delay in the movement of Raven's Blast Slash? He was eaten by Mr. Lu again?"

"It's not just that, did you find out, as soon as the prince made a big move, Raven jumped out immediately, how strong the reaction speed and skill are to do it, Mr. Lu, no matter where Raven stands, he seems to be They can even cross the barrier, we seem to have to adjust our positions for praying for rain!"

"The key to this wave is that Ruiwen's QA is too fast. Just a faint and two-thirds of the prince's blood volume exploded. The prince doesn't even have the courage to fight back, so he can only run away with high EQ."

"Kneeled by Mr. Lu!"

"... "

This wave made everyone's blood boil, and Mr. Lu showed them many of Raven's skills, such as the wind attack thrown in the attack, jumping out of the prince's "come to the bowl" without pressure, etc. , This series of operations is amazing and endless.

The sound of the prince being killed resounded throughout Summoner's Canyon, but at this time no one else had time to pay attention to the top lane, and the bottom lane also started fighting at this time.

Raven's blood volume was also crippled in this wave of tower jumping, but relying on the blood-sucking effect of Hydra, his blood volume instantly recovered to two-thirds after clearing a large wave of soldiers.

Ignoring the team battle on the bottom road, he pulled out the high ground tower and the crystal on the top road. Seeing that the prince was about to be resurrected, Rui Wen stood still and returned to the city after clearing a wave of soldiers.

The team battle in the bottom lane was over quickly. There was not much difference in equipment between the four players on both sides, but there was a world of difference in operation, team awareness, and coordination. So Bo Yi and the others were exchanged for three. Only Niutou escaped alone, and the one who died on the other side was just an assistant.

But even though they lost the team battle, they still pulled out the bottom tower.

The school team had just finished the team battle, turned around and looked at the house, and found that the Highland Tower and the crystal were empty, the prince fell outside the water spring, and Raven had left.

What a miserable scene!

"Uh, Captain, you were forcibly killed by Raven Jumping Tower!"

"Even the captain's prince dared to jump over the tower and kill him, this Ding Feng is not ordinary confident!"

"I seemed to see Ruiwen returning to the city full of blood just now. Could it be that my eyes are dazzled?"

"Me too!"

"You are all dazzled!" Captain Yuchen scolded them with a smile. He was killed by Ruiwen's tower while being full of blood, which really made him very depressed, but he was not annoyed.

And after this wave of duels, he realized more deeply how terrifying Ding Feng's manipulation was, and the QA dancer dazzled and frightened him.

Raven's W control time is very short, but just like that, Raven still exploded two-thirds of his blood, dispelling his idea of ​​turning around and fighting back in an instant.

What shocked him even more was that his prince was still caught up by Raven under the maximum distance of EQ, and he watched the whole process. Raven seemed to be able to predict his next move. Raven, the next moment Raven has jumped out of his big move.

A terrible enemy, Yuchen gave him a definition!

This wave of defeat led to the breaking of the high ground on the road, but Yuchen and his teammates didn't take it to heart. Their goal of this appointment has been achieved.

"Haha, this wave is not a loss, they have lost the high ground on the road!" Brother Yi laughed in the voice, as if he had forgotten the previous wave of defeat.

"Ding Feng is so powerful, the captain of the school team was killed by you by jumping the tower!" Banhua Xiaoxue gave him a rare compliment, which made the other three envious.

"Luck!" Ding Feng smiled modestly, and drove Ruiwen down the road, "Continue to divide the belt, you go to the middle road, and I will unplug them from the second tower of the bottom road."

Raven's equipment at this time is extremely luxurious. In just 10 minutes, he has made Hydra, Cooling Boots, Cruelty, and Pickaxe, and is ready to play Whisper.

Ruiwen rushed to clear a wave of soldiers, just in time for Xiaolong to brush out, and took Xiaolong away, then went to the wild area to plant two eyes, and then returned to the bottom lane.

The four of us gathered together and marched towards the middle.

As soon as the four came to the middle road, they found that only Snowman and VN were standing under the second tower on the opposite side.

Strangely, there was no one guarding the bottom lane either. Ding Feng checked his field of vision, but no one appeared. He sent a signal to the middle lane and began to grind down the blood volume of the tower in the bottom lane.

The defense tower in the middle road was soon declared broken, and at the same time, the prince, enchantress and stone who had not appeared before came out from all corners and surrounded the female policemen.

After Raven unplugged the second tower of the bottom lane, he rushed directly to the middle lane, but when he arrived in the middle lane, the team battle was over, and the opponent played a zero for four.

As soon as Ruiwen got out of the intersection of the three wolves, the five people on the opposite side chased him aggressively as soon as they saw him, which made Ding Feng feel a little strange.

"Stone still has a big move!" Brother Yi's call came from the voice.

"So that's how it is!" Ding Feng felt relieved and didn't panic. While retreating, he paid attention to the positions of the five people on the opposite side. Ruiwen didn't just retreat blindly, but occasionally moved to the right.

The spectators who noticed this could not help being stunned.

"Why doesn't Raven run away? The stone man still has a big move!"

"Raven doesn't necessarily know how big the stone is!"

"Even if the stone is not big, does he still want to pick five and fail? Although Ruiwen is flexible, his harvesting ability is not as strong as Juggernaut and Unknown."

"Raven won't want to fight back!"

"... "

Ruiwen took a few steps back but stopped suddenly, and the stone slammed into him with a big move without thinking much.

Duoyuan can already meet, this arrogant and accustomed Ruiwen will lie under his feet like a dead fish.

(End of this chapter)

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