The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 69 Encounter in a Foreign Land [Part 4]

Chapter 69 Encounter in a Foreign Land [Fourth Change]

Outside the small side entrance of Jiangling Institute of Science and Technology is a bustling street full of restaurants, electronics, hairdressing and other stores, brightly lit, and it is a place for students to have leisure and entertainment gatherings at night.

Ding Feng stepped through the iron gate, came to Taste 100 and sat down at random.

After the friendly match, he took his things and came out straight away.

The waitress quickly came over with a small book, and asked with a smile, "What would you like to drink?"

"Big cup of chrysanthemum tea!" Ding Feng nodded with a smile. He had seen this waitress before on campus. She seemed to be a senior from the foreign language department, whom he only met once.

"Okay, please wait a moment!" The waitress smiled and left after registering in the book.

He scanned around casually out of boredom, most of the students around him were students of Jiangling Science and Technology, boys and girls were sitting together drinking tea, laughing and playing cards, enjoying their time in college, people kept coming out of the side door and walking to the street outside, besides In addition, there are some students of Qiyu University.

The distance between Qiyu University and Jiangling University of Science and Technology is only one street wide, and the distance from where he is sitting to the gate of Qiyu University is only about ten meters, so students from Qiyu University will always come to Jiangling University of Science and Technology. The side is more lively.

The students of Jiangling Science and Technology also like to go to Qiyu University.

Especially at night!
Compared with Qiyu University, the students of Jiangling Science and Technology are more able to enjoy life. After all, it is a junior college, while Qiyu University is a real famous school in China, which is incomparable.

The reason for most junior college students to go to college is quite simple, to dawdle to get a diploma, and then go out to find a job after graduation, and although some undergraduates have this idea, most of them will still work hard, for the future postgraduate entrance examination or something, anyway The ideals of the two sides are not on the same line.

In addition, the most commendable thing about Qiyu University is that it is a college for beauties. Qiyu University is well-known in China for its abundance of beauties, and it is one of the top ten colleges for beauties in China.

So, the fans of Jiangling Technology like to go to Qiyu University not to feel the atmosphere of hard work, but to go to see beautiful women.

Soon, the waitress came over with a large cup of chrysanthemum tea, and put the small book on the glass round table in front of him, and he thanked him politely.

"Huh, Ding Feng?" A female voice came from behind, he turned his head to look, and saw three girls walking towards each other from the street behind, which was in the direction of the gate of Qiyu University.

The girl who called him was Li Xiaoxin, who was his study committee member in high school, and they were not familiar with each other, but it was very cordial to meet each other in this foreign land.

"Xiaoxin, why are you here?" Ding Feng waved with a gentle smile, and when she came close, he stretched out his hand to signal her to sit down.

"I'm studying at Qiyu University, and you're at Jiangling Science and Technology?" Li Xiaoxin smiled, turned to look at the two roommates who came with her, and sat down after they nodded. The two roommates sat on the left and right. Looking at him, he smiled and said, "Are you alone?"

"Well, come out and have a sit if you have nothing to do!" Ding Feng nodded and smiled, glanced at the two girls, and asked casually, "Are they both your roommates?"

"Yeah, let me introduce you, her name is Liu Xiaohua." Li Xiaoxin smiled and pointed to the girl on the left, and then pointed to the girl on the right, "Her name is Ye Qingxue, you haven't heard of it, Qingxue is our One of the top ten campus beauties of Qiyu University, she is pretty."

"Don't bury me!" Ye Qingxue scolded her with a smile.

Ding Feng took a look at the two girls, his eyes stayed on Ye Qingxue's face, under the light, let alone that the girl was really beautiful, her pretty face was as white as snow, without any trace of make-up, and her figure couldn't be said to be plump , but it is exquisite and clear, which is his favorite type.

Uh no, it seems that most boys will like this type!

And when he was paying attention to Ye Qingxue, Ye Qingxue was also looking at him, with a certain light shining in his eyes.

In fact, Ding Feng also has some very attractive characteristics. He always looks tired and lazy, but he can also make people feel that he is full of energy. These two contradictory and conflicting aspects Feelings came over him, endowing him with a certain strange air.

This kind of temperament is hard to describe, but it has an inexplicable attraction to Ye Qingxue, which made her look at the boy in front of her a few more times.

Ding Feng smiled and nodded at the two girls, and then casually asked Li Xiaoxin: "Where are you going?"

"Come out for a stroll. Qingxue and Xiaohua are both high school students. I lived with them for more than two months, and I only invited them out today. I didn't expect to run into you as soon as I came here." Li Xiaoxin looked resentful Glancing at the two roommates, he winked at him and smiled, "Is this fate?"

"Fate with you?" Ding Feng smiled and said haha, if he really had a fate with Li Xiaoxin, he didn't have to wait until this time, he and she knew each other since high school.

"Go, I mean one of them." Li Xiaoxin rolled his eyes at him angrily, and explained with a smile: "You think, if they don't come out, they won't come out. Once they come out, they will meet you. It's not fate. What is it?"

The two roommates next to her just smiled and didn't answer, thinking she was joking.

"No, no, how can you do that? There are men everywhere on this road, so they have a lot of fate." Ding Feng was stunned, pretending to be stupefied.

"How can you talk like that, I brought them out, and our school is less than ten meters apart, this is the first time I have met you in two months, and it happens that they are also the first time I have been here with me Come on, isn't this considered fate?" Li Xiaoxin worked hard to straighten out this relationship.

Ding Feng frowned, and seemed to be thinking about what she said very seriously, and after thinking for a while, he choked out such a sentence, "It seems to make sense!"

The two girls were taken aback, covered their mouths and laughed lightly.

"Your sister!" Li Xiaoxin came back to her senses and couldn't help laughing and cursing. It was the first time she had discovered that he was such a funny person after three years of high school with him.

"Haha!" Ding Feng laughed happily.

"What would you like to drink?" The waitress from before came over with a notebook and glanced at the three beautiful girls. Ding Feng handed over the notebook on the table and said with a smile, "Use this to register."

The two girls didn't speak, Li Xiaoxin said angrily, "Don't be so extravagant, you don't need to be pretentious for a few dollars, and bring me a cup of Turkish milk tea."

"I want a cup of chrysanthemum tea, a medium cup!" Ye Qingxue smiled gently, her voice was soft and sweet, and her rosy lips opened and closed very attractively when she spoke.

"Black tea, medium cup!" Liu Xiaohua's words were even more concise.

(End of this chapter)

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