The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 71 The Ignorant Motoko

Chapter 71 The Ignorant Motoko

Early the next morning, Ding Feng got up early, had breakfast in the school cafeteria with a group of classmates, and then went to the school's e-sports plaza together.

Today is the opening day of the Raven Contest. The entire e-sports plaza is bustling inside and outside. The students walked to the e-sports plaza in groups of three and five, talking and laughing.

Looking around, there are at least a few thousand people.

"Haha, the champion of the Raven Contest this time is none other than our Peak God!"

"That's right, after Fengshen's light speed QA set is finished, even Yuanzi may only make a move in the second stage. No matter how hard he fights, Fengshen probably won't dare to approach the line of soldiers at the third level."

"Sigh, Raven's speed of light QA is too difficult to operate. I practiced all night last night, and I only grasped a little bit of it, and it's very unstable to use it."

"Me too, sometimes it feels very smooth to use, but the feeling of smoothness is gone the next moment. It seems that Lightspeed QA not only requires skills, but also has high requirements for feeling."

"It would be great if there is a peak god to teach!"

"... "

The students stepped into the e-sports plaza talking and laughing, weaving through the crowds, and soon came to the outside of the competition hall, found a place to stand still, and continued talking and laughing.

Soon, the gate of the competition hall opened, and a thin man in his thirties with glasses walked out, stood at the gate of the hall, glanced at the thousands of people outside, and then said loudly: "The queue number will arrive as soon as it arrives." Four hundred students, please come in, and the others are waiting outside."

As soon as the man finished speaking, more and more people came out from every corner, both boys and girls, and entered the competition hall one after another after obtaining the man's consent.

"With so many people, when will it be our turn?!"

"Soon, there will be more than 400 high-configuration computers in the competition hall, and 400 people will compete at the same time. Two out of three rounds will win. It shouldn't take much time to go heads-up."

"Well, we should have to wait for an hour or two. If the strength gap between the two sides of SOLO is not too big, basically we have to wait until level six to decide the winner."

"Look, Yuanzi from the Department of Economics and Management is over there. He signed up very quickly, and the queue number is in the first four hundred." Xiaohui pointed to the boy standing beside the man who was talking to him.

The boy smiled and shook his hair coquettishly.

"Haha, judging by his appearance, he seems very confident to win this Raven Contest!"

"Ignorance is terrible!"

"If you meet our Fengshen, Fengshen's light speed QA will definitely scare him to the urine. Look at him, how coquettish he is, so many people look at him and shake his hair."

"I heard that the school team played yesterday's friendly match in Dongyuan's dormitory. Yuanzi's dormitory is on the first floor below. It makes no sense not to know about it!"

"Who knows, maybe he took his sister to the city to open a house to have sex last night, and he just came back now. Maybe his classmates have already told him about yesterday's game, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, so he definitely didn't take it to heart. The goods are very narcissistic."

"Brother Feng, Yuan Zi, you must give him a serious blow. He is very hostile to our e-sports department!" Xiaohui looked at Ding Feng, who was listening attentively but remained silent. Waving his hands and shouting.

"I tried my best, but it seems that you can't see it!" Ding Feng smiled and nodded. He knew Yuanzi's deeds, and what Xiaohui said was not exaggerating at all.

Compared with other people in the Department of Economics and Management, this Yuanzi looked down on the Department of E-sports extremely, and belittled the Department of E-sports in the school forum more than once, which was extremely arrogant.

And when it came to Yuanzi's hostility to the e-sports department, Brother Yi and the others couldn't help but get excited.

"I really don't know where this Yuanzi has the courage to challenge us. Even Captain Yuchen and Dongyuan don't look down on us. Fortunately, he regards himself as the No. 1 in Jiangling Science and Technology E-sports."


"Quality, quality, let's not be as knowledgeable as him, he hasn't grown up yet!"

"Hey, I heard that Captain Yuchen rejected Yuanzi's application to join the school team. I don't know why, but Captain Yuchen thought he would lose face to the school team!"

"I know something about this. The reason why Yuanzi joined the school team was to be the main player. Captain Yuchen disagreed. Then Yuanzi refused to accept it, so he went solo with Dongyuan. As a result, he was abused miserably and lost a game."

"By the way, when I browsed the school forum just now, there seemed to be a new post scolding our e-sports department. I didn't have time to read it. I guess the person who posted it was the SB Motoko."

"There is such a thing, Liangzai opened the tablet to have a look!" Hearing that someone scolded their department, Brother Yi and the others were very excited. The excitement was not because of anger, but gloating.

Nima, you used to scold us even if we were dissatisfied and didn't dare to do anything to you, but you still dare to scold us after Mr. Lu came out.

It has been an afternoon and a night since Mr. Lu's first-person view was posted on the Internet. Most people on campus already know that Mr. Lu is from their e-sports department, and many students have been convinced by Mr. Lu. I want to give him a monkey as a fan.

It is not difficult to imagine that this time Yuanzi kicked the iron plate.

"Damn, you're so arrogant!" Liangzi scolded angrily, took out the tablet from his black bag without hesitation, opened the school forum, and sure enough, there was a new post scolding their e-sports department. Just now, the person who posted the post was Yuanzi's ID.

"Dogs are better than things, and Raven is amazing!"

"I'm really drunk. With a great master like Mr. Lu around, you still dare to say that there is no one in the e-sports department. Are you paralyzed because you are blind or have a problem with your IQ?"

"Support Mr. Lu, support the e-sports department!"

"Yuanzi's brain is full of paste and white paste, the identification is complete!"

"I saw Yuanzi with a girl from Qiyu University in the urban area. It's been two days. No wonder I still don't know about Mr. Lu. Ignorance is terrible!"

"To scold the e-sports department is to scold my Mr. Lu, Yuan Gouzi, don't let me meet you outside alone, I will drag you to the toilet and beat you up and throw you into the girls' toilet."

"... "

Just clicked on the post, there were thousands of replies, most of the replies were scolding the poster Yuanzi, and some people even said something that was simply unsightly, which shows how dissatisfied they are with Yuanzi scolding no one in the e-sports department.

In other words, he was very dissatisfied with him indirectly scolding Mr. Lu.

"Haha, it deserves it, I dare say there is no one in the e-sports department." After reading a page of twenty or so replies, all of which were scolding Yuanzi, the audience couldn't help gloating.

"Yuan Gouzi doesn't seem to have time to read the comments, otherwise he would be ashamed to go out and pretend to be coquettish, just like a clown."

"It feels like a coincidence. Fengshen was not at school during the two nights when he became famous. As soon as he came back, he was busy posting and scolding that there is no one in our e-sports department. God will not help him."

"Didn't someone call to tell him? Didn't he check the news online? He didn't live in isolation in the city."

"Who knows, let him pretend, he deserves it!"

"... "

(End of this chapter)

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