Chapter 76
"This QA!"

"The prince handled this wave well!"

"I still haven't seen why Raven's QA is so fast. I don't know if Mr. Lu has released a video of related skills. Let us learn from it."

"By the way, I don't know if the light speed QA on the title is the name of Raven's skill, it's very appropriate."

"Lightspeed QA, great name!"

After that, Shitou and the prince went to the wild area.

This choice made everyone's eyes brighten. It was really useless for Stone to continue on the road. Raven's equipment and level could completely climb the tower, and it was impossible for the prince to help him all the time.

But in this way, the road tower will be let go.

Raven pulled two towers on the road, and then came to the middle to get a wave of triple kills. They were no longer as surprised by Raven's amazing operations as they were at the beginning.

Get used to it!

Afterwards, four of Mr. Lu's teammates were played in the middle lane for a zero-for-four. Raven felt that it was too late in the middle lane, but he still got out.

Five people including Shi Shi and the prince chased after him.

"Not good, the stone still has a big move!"

"Looking at Mr. Lu's position, it seems like he wants to have a [-]v[-]!"

"Mr. Lu didn't see this wave just now, so he probably didn't know that the stone has a big move."

"The time for this round is coming to an end. It seems that [-]v[-] should be about this wave, but the stone man still has a big move, so why [-]v[-]?"

Just when they were in doubt because of Mr. Lu's position, Ruiwen made a choice the next moment, stopped boldly, and took a step back.

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what he was going to do!
Next, a wave that shocked them started. Raven flashed and added a set of E to cleanly take away the three crispy skins on the opposite side. Then the prince who reacted knocked Raven away in order to save people with EQ, but Raven The set was played too fast, and the prince's EQ was obviously half a beat behind.

The two C positions VN and Yaoji died, and it turned out that the output of the prince and Shitou posed no threat to Ruiwen at all, and was subsequently taken away by Ruiwen.

"I feel that there is no interval between Mr. Lu's Ruiwen's skills. You can use it as you want. The QA is so smooth that people are speechless, and the big move has already been shot before anyone knows it."

"Ruiwen has already reached perfection in the hands of Mr. Lu."

"If you can learn this speed of light QA, I don't know how many girls will be fascinated. This Ruiwen is so handsome. You must practice hard when you go back."

"The world's No. [-] Raven is nothing more than that. Compared with Mr. Lu, it's a world of difference."

This wave of operation, no matter who is shocked, whether it is operation, consciousness, or reaction ability, Mr. Lu's Raven has reached an unimaginable level.

After this wave of pentakills, Ruiwen returned to the city and sent Brother Chun's house, and his role in the team battle was improved to a higher level. Afterwards, Mr. Lu's side was like a rainbow, and successfully won the game.

This round is completely Raven's personal show!

"Director, Mr. Lu, do you want to give this Ruiwen video a top spot? I believe this video will go to the world and improve our country's status in the world of e-sports." After recovering from the shock, Xiao Liu couldn't calm down for a long time. For the first time, I solemnly made a suggestion to the director.

"it is necessary!"

"Diamond's opponents are too threatening to Mr. Lu. If Mr. Lu can become famous, he may be allowed to participate in international leagues earlier."

"I seem to see a new star rising slowly on the mainland of the motherland. It's so exciting."

The other three echoed their voices one after another. It would be a pity if Mr. Lu, a player who is capable of ranking among the top players in the world in all aspects, whether it is operation, consciousness or reaction, cannot make it to the international stage.

More importantly, Mr. Lu is still a smart and innovative player. In just two days, he has released two new styles that are enough to attract the attention of players around the world and lead the global game trend.

Moreover, this is not the usual small innovation, but an innovation that can refresh everyone's perception, such as the egg hat, and Raven's light speed QA.

They have no doubt that Mr. Lu's Ruiwen video will go to the world sooner or later, and it doesn't take too much time to set off a wave of game trends that are even more frenzied than the single-spring egg hat.

It is really hard to estimate how many fans Raven has around the world. It is hard to imagine what kind of shock Raven will cause once Lightspeed QA appears in front of global players.

But even so, they still want to give it a push, so that Raven's first-person perspective can go international and to the world more quickly, and they have to do so.

After the first-person view of Mr. Lu's post was uploaded yesterday, because the number of hits increased so fast, the Nanling City E-sports Association hadn't responded. Finally, it successfully reached the top of the global LOL forum.

It is also because of this that the headquarters of the National Association, while praising their Nanling E-sports Association, is also holding them accountable, why this video is not on the top!
Yes, it was precisely because they were not placed at the top that their association was held accountable by the National E-Sports Association. It is conceivable how much the National E-Sports Association attaches importance to this matter.

However, the female director did not respond immediately, which made the four excited people a little confused. Could there be any obstacle?
"We still have a top spot on our forum. Vice President Song told me to put the last top spot on hold for now. He may use it." The female director mused, but she didn't worry too much. I don't know how to report to the president.

She is only the director of the audit department and has little power. If she bypasses Vice President Song and reports the matter to the president, then she will offend Vice President Song.

"Director, what's so difficult about this? If Mr. Lu's video is not put on the top this time, if the headquarters asks, let alone we can't take on this responsibility, even the president can't take it. What's more important? You can tell by looking at it, and Vice President Song is quite easy to talk to."

"Concern leads to chaos. Director, just call Vice President Song and explain the situation. Vice President Song will not disregard the overall situation. If this matter is not handled properly, Vice President Song will also be held accountable."

Seeing this, everyone else became anxious. This matter is not a trivial matter. To a certain extent, it is related to the honor of the country. Otherwise, the National E-Sports Association would not be able to take it so seriously.

"Okay, Xiao Liu, you can go straight to the top, and I will report the situation to Vice President Song now." With everyone's support, the hostess smiled slightly. She was not worried about this at all, and she naturally thought of what they said , so she no longer hesitated, showing the demeanor that a director should have.

(End of this chapter)

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