Chapter 87
The selection has started. Mo Qingchen on the first floor is the first to defeat Mundo. Mundo is too strong in this version, and it can even be said to be against the sky.

Mundo's defying nature is mainly reflected in the talent of blood volume recovery. This talent can restore up to 2% of blood volume per second, provided that the blood volume is less than 50%. Don't underestimate this 2%. Coupled with Mundo's passive blood recovery, the speed of blood recovery is not so fast.

As long as Mundo makes the three core equipment of Sun Flame, Blue Shield and Green Armor, even if he is surrounded by five people in the mid-term, once he activates his ultimate move, no one can kill him in a short time.

This talent is not terrible, but it is what Mundo needs most, but it may be changed to 1% in the future, and Mundo will be in the cold again at that time.

This 1% weakening can turn the popular into the unpopular!

Of course, if Mundo is just too fleshy, you can completely ignore him in team battles, but Mundo’s output and control are also extremely powerful. Q throwing a kitchen knife makes it difficult to move. The main point W has high-damage AOE, and the fifth-level E skill There is an increase of 100 attack power, and the general attack is very painful.

Therefore, Mundo's role in team battles can be described as terrible. His blood volume is completely worthless to him, and he can squander it casually. The most common scene in recent games is that Mundo plunges into the crowd by himself. , even if you have a bunch of people to output, he is completely worthwhile.

And once the blood volume is suppressed, Mundo can easily run away as long as he activates the ultimate move to recover blood quickly, and Blue Shield's active deceleration, and he can also hunt down the remaining blood.

One version of one generation of gods, obviously, in this version, Mundo is like a god.

Such a top laner who is so fleshy, has output, and keeps people incomprehensible will become more terrifying in the later stages, but Mo Qingchen doesn't like such a pure meat hero, while the Japanese top laner on the opposite side likes Mundo very much. Also very good at it, but he only practiced it recently.

Afterwards, the Japanese team defeated Yao Ji.

There is nothing wrong with knocking down the demon girl. Although the silence has been cancelled, those who can use it can still show off the audience. The demon girl has always been considered a weak mid-lane assassin mage in the late stage, but some top players' demon girls are also strong in the later stage. , the most important thing depends on the understanding of the hero Enchantress.

Subsequently, four versions of powerful heroes were eliminated one after another.

The selection is over, let's start the selection!

Choose first!
Because it is a temporary team, there is not much need to cooperate in the lineup, otherwise it will be inferior. The result of the previous discussion is to play whatever you want.

Mo Qingchen chose first, and he directly picked Crocodile as the top laner. Although Crocodile is not as strong as Mundo in this version, it is not too far behind. Crocodile is also one of Mo Qingchen's best top laners, but His hero pool is a bit deep, but all top lane heroes are very strong in his hands.

The crocodile was selected, and it was the Japanese side's turn to select people on the first and second floors.

Stone, clockwork, two heroes suddenly appeared on the first and second floors of the Japanese team. After a short pause, they finally settled down.

"Stone and clockwork, are they preparing to make a big move!"

"The Japanese team also uses our Chinese style of play!"

"Why do you feel a little rushed!"

The surprised words of the OQN three came from the team voice. They didn't expect the Japanese team to choose these two heroes, and their words were full of surprise.

The stone plus spring also appeared in the first perspective of Mr. Lu's clockwork. Not surprisingly, this clockwork is probably going to be an egg cap. No wonder Captain Fang Hua said that this is a gangster. Mr. Lu, the founder of the sect Using a spring in front of him really makes people feel that the Japanese players are playing tricks.

However, the five members of the RBZ team obviously didn't know that the creator of the egg hat clockwork was on the opposite side. Of course, even if they knew, given the character of the Japanese players, they would probably still choose.

And when he saw that the opposite side had chosen Clockwork to line up with him, the corner of Ding Feng's mouth subconsciously twitched.

It was his turn to select someone on the second and third floors, and captain Fang Hua on the second floor chose a Holy Gun Ranger ***. He was helping the ADC to grab it, probably because he was afraid that the opponent would ask for it.

*** has not been weakened in this version, it is the most powerful adc, there is no one, because the burst is super high, and the cooldown of the displacement skill E is fast, the current *** is more popular in the mid laner, but rarely appears in the Adc position, but this is Ding Feng's mid laner, this is definitely going to go down.

*** selected, Ding Feng then selected the wine barrel Gragas in seconds.

"The barrel?"

"Another unpopular hero. Mr. Lu seems to be very good at developing these unpopular heroes. The same is true for the previous clockwork. If it weren't for you, this clockwork probably wouldn't have the chance to appear in the arena!"

"The damage of the wine barrel is enough, but it lacks control."

As soon as the barrel was selected, the three of OQN couldn't help being surprised. The reason for their surprise was that the barrel was an unpopular hero. The barrel hadn't been really warmed since it appeared, and they didn't expect him to come up with such a hero.

Because it is unpopular, few people use it, so the development of this hero is not as deep as other heroes. Whether it is team battles or laning, the skills of the barrel are very few, but since it was brought out by Mr. Didn't say anything either.

Perhaps, the hero of the wine barrel may rise in the hands of Mr. Lu!
But they think so, but Ding Feng doesn't think so. In his opinion, this version of the wine barrel is the most suitable wine barrel for mid laners among all the versions.

In the last version update, it may be that the barrel has been unpopular, and the official wanted to warm him up, so they increased the skill damage and AP bonus of the barrel.

Originally, the damage of the wine barrel was very high, but with such an adjustment, one can imagine how strong the wine barrel is.

What Ding Feng couldn't understand was why such powerful mid laners as Tonkatsu and Clockwork were always unpopular?Hundreds of millions of players around the world, has no one discovered their strength?Maybe they have less damage and less control, but they also have advantages compared to other popular mid laners.

However, he didn't delve into this issue, but he seemed to have vaguely discovered the problem, that is, they didn't have so much time to experiment with these unpopular heroes.

The League of Legends in this world is countless times more popular than the world Ding Feng lived in in his previous life. The player base is unprecedentedly large, and it is precisely because it is so popular that there are countless competitions of all kinds. For two months, professional players have matches to play.

In detail, there are LSPL League One, LPL Spring, LPL Summer, Asian Championships, S-Series Global Finals, Mid-Season Invitational, and All-Star Games every year in China. Also play Olympic e-sports.

All of the above are regular competitions, and there are many top international competitions, such as the Demacia Cup, E-sports Cup, Hero Throne Cup and a series of major competitions.

What's more, these events can take as little as one month to play as many as three months.

(End of this chapter)

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