Di daughter graceful

Chapter 508 What is love

Chapter 508 What is love (2)
"Miss, ma'am..."

Gu Qingyuan frowned, and slowly opened his eyes. What he saw was that Ling Fei was extremely anxious and worried, and was still standing behind Qisi. The fox-like smile that Qisi often wore on his face was completely gone, replaced by It's extreme anger, repressed coldness, hostility!

Seeing this, Gu Qingyuan felt something sensitively, got up, and said directly: "What happened?"

Qisi said coldly: "Master, something happened."

When these words came out, Gu Qingyuan's eyebrows twitched, "Who is it?"

"The prince of Dayuan, Murong Ye!" Qi Si's eyes were filled with gloom, and there was an unconcealable murderous look on his body, as well as deep annoyance!
Hearing this, Gu Qingyuan frowned, "Speak in detail!"

"Yes!" Qi Si simply and quickly narrated the conversation between Xiahou Jueyi and Murong Ye.

Gu Qingyuan lowered her eyes after hearing this, unable to see her expression clearly.

Qi Si said coldly, "Murong Ye deliberately provoked the master to make him attack him. Therefore, when he came, he put medicine on his clothes, and when the master touched him, he became dizzy for a moment. It was at that moment. Murong Ye made a move, and a silver needle with medicine pierced into the master's body... By the time the subordinates realized it, it was too late to stop it!"

Gu Qingyuan raised his eyes, "Do you know what kind of medicine it is?"

Qisi shook his head, "The subordinates can't detect it, but the master's pulse is calm, steady and powerful, so it can be sure that it will not harm the master's body, but it is impossible to determine the exact subordinate of He Yao."

After hearing this, Gu Qingyuan didn't ask any more questions, but said: "Let's go!"


earls court

The moment Gu Qingyuan stepped into the Earl's Mansion, he could feel the condensed, oppressive, and heavy sense of oppression.Although the mansion still looked quiet as before, it was very peaceful and nothing happened.But there must be too many shadow guards lurking in the dark!
Qi Si led them to a quiet courtyard in the Earl's Mansion, Ling Fei put Gu Qingyuan down.Gu Qingyuan followed Qi Si to a room.The moment he lifted his foot and entered the room, what came to him was no longer the forbearing and oppressive condensation as outside.It was a completely exposed bloodthirsty murderous aura.The scene that catches the eye is also absolutely tense, like an arrow on the string.More than a dozen tall dark guards stood on one side, their faces were fearless, iron-blooded, and capable of killing. Qi Yiyi's long sword had already been unsheathed, and the sharp sword pointed directly at Murong Ye's throat, with murderous intent in his eyes , the veins on his hands popped up, and the blood was about to spread.

Seeing this, Gu Qingyuan raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Murong Ye's actions had angered too many people. If something happened to Xiahou Jueyi, there was no need to guess what would happen to him, there would be absolutely no bones left.However, the person whose throat was held by the sword showed no signs of fear at all, and was very calm, even with a gentle smile on his face.

Murong Ye looked at the battle in front of him, and said with a light smile, "Qi Yi, the way your Earl's Mansion treats guests is really unique! I'm really flattered that you are so enthusiastic."

Murong Ye's words made Qi Yi's hand holding the sword hilt tingle with veins, and his murderous aura became heavier, presumably the anger in his heart was even hotter!

Gu Qingyuan raised his foot and walked in, passed them and walked directly to Xia Houjue Boyi who was lying unconscious on the bed, and sat down beside the bed.The always domineering, cold eyes were closed, and the sense of intimidation on his body also instantly faded a lot.He was as strong as him, but now he was as harmless as a child.

The unparalleled man, lying here quietly, is like a painting, peaceful and beautiful.Gu Qingyuan looked at and stretched out his hand to caress his forehead, feeling the gentle body temperature, and down, feeling the strong heartbeat in his heart.Gently tucked the quilt for him, got up, stepped up to Murong Ye, and sat down on the chair beside him.

As usual, Murong Ye looked at her gently, and said with a smile, "Mo'er came so fast."

Gu Qingyuan smiled back after hearing this, but did not respond, looked up at Qi Yi, and said, "Qi Yi."


"A sword is a weapon. It is used to kill and protect yourself. It is definitely not used to scare people. So, don't just point the sword, stab it down, and see a little red, that is the mission of the sword." Gu Qingyuan Fengqing Yun Dan said.

As soon as the words came out, more than a dozen shadow guards quickly turned their heads unanimously, their colorless eyes overflowed with surprise!Murong Ye's gentle smile froze for a moment.A light flashed in Qi Yi's eyes, and he said solemnly: "Yes, Miss."

As the sword moved slightly, Gu Qingyuan looked at it, and said calmly: "You don't slap people in the face, and don't ruin Lord Shuo's beauty. So, stab your heart!"

"Yes, miss." Qi Yi's sword moved down.

"Don't get too deep, it's good to see blood. Your master is fine now, and it's too early for him to be buried with him."

"Yes, ma'am."

Qisi's sword head stopped, aimed, pierced, and a muffled groan sounded!The sword was retracted, but the tip of the sword was a little more scarlet.

This scene made those hidden guards not only shocked, but also sighed!Those of them who were chosen to be hidden guards from a young age, besides their mission, don't understand too many things, especially their twisted hearts.But now, they appreciate Gu Qingyuan's methods, and there is a kind of carefree love and hatred.

Qi Yi withdrew his long sword, and the repressed anger in his heart that was about to explode finally got a little relief.Qi Si watched as the sternness in his heart also eased a little.

Murong Ye reached out to touch his heart, lowered his head, looked at the small incision and the bright red blood slowly flowing out, smiled wryly, looked at Gu Qingyuan and said, "Mo'er, your hospitality is even more special!"

Gu Qingyuan turned her eyes and said with a light smile, "Everyone!"

"Mo'er, but are you unhappy because I treat Xiahou Jueyi like this?"

"Not happy."

"So, do you care about him?"

"You're asking too much of this question! It's only appropriate for Xiahou Jueyi to ask me!"

"Hehe, Mo'er is really stingy."

"I've never been generous."

Murong Ye chuckled, then tapped his heart twice to stop the blood that kept spilling out!He took a deep breath, leaned on the back of the chair, and said casually: "What will you do if Xiahou Jueyi dies?"

"He won't die."

"What if he dies?"

"Kill you!" Gu Qingyuan said lightly.

"Haha..." Murong Ye laughed loudly, "I know I will die! What about you! After you kill me. Without Xiahou Jueyi, what would you do?"

Gu Qingyuan didn't answer!
The smile on Murong Ye's face faded, "Haven't you thought about dying with him?"


Gu Qingyuan's words made Qi Si and Qi Yi look uncertain, and Murong Ye raised his eyebrows, "Why? Because I don't love him enough, is it?"

"Is life and death the proof of love? Just because life is the most precious thing for a person, so only life and death can make people believe in the truth of love?"

(End of this chapter)

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