Di daughter graceful

Chapter 515: Anniversary in the Bridal Chamber

Chapter 515: Anniversary in the Bridal Chamber (1)
Xiahou Jueyi gently sat down beside the bed, quietly looked at the woman on the bed, his eyes softened unconsciously!Looking at her as bright red as herself, a smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth!From today on, she is completely by my side!This kind of cognition inexplicably made him feel full and satisfied in the bottom of his heart!It feels like never before, but it's better than ever!

But today, it reminds people of the stumbling past!The most vivid memory is that when she saw him for the first time, she didn't have the slightest fear of him, not even a trace of confusion, all she thought about was how to get out of his body.At that moment, he was curious about a woman for the first time!
And at that time, he saw how strange and different she was!But what she saw was his shortcomings!
Thinking of it, this woman talked about his shortcomings more than once.Xiahou Jueyi felt powerless!

In fact, in my opinion, she also has many and incredible shortcomings!
She is too courageous, it can be said that she is completely presumptuous!
The three obediences and the four virtues, taking the husband as the sky, can't be seen in her body at all, and she doesn't have it in her heart either!

Brazenly, unabashedly playing small-minded!And never hide her badness, her anger, her ruthlessness!Moreover, she is very greedy for money, her eyes light up when she sees money!It makes people look angry and funny!
She is still narrow-minded, and she demands absolute fairness, and insists on the uniqueness of body and mind that no one has ever thought about!What's more, she still disliked her. In order not to marry him as the imperial concubine, she even tried her best to escape. This made him angry and angry, but he couldn't forcefully imprison her and force her!
It was such a woman, but she fell into his heart, and most of the time he couldn't figure out why!
When you are presumptuous, you can't bear to be harsh!When you don't want to, you can't force it!My mood was even affected by her emotions!

In fact, when he noticed this, he knew clearly that he was interested in her, and it could even be said that he was about to fall!At that time, he once thought of killing her, so as to put an end to this fetter that might become a fatal weakness!
However, he made up his mind, but he couldn't do it no matter what!Because killing her was more difficult for him to accept than being restrained!Since you can't do it, you can't give up!Then, imprison her, force her to compromise, and make her submit!
Thinking about it, Xiahou Jueyi's eyes overflowed with helplessness, but in the end, he was the one who gave in and compromised!
Gu Qingyuan opened his eyes, looking at Xiahou Jueyi's changing expression.I can't help but feel a little funny!The bridegroom's mood seems to be more complicated than hers!

In fact, she didn't sleep, she suddenly came to a strange place, she couldn't sleep even if she wanted to!She just felt a little tired, lying on the bed and didn't want to open her eyes!So, when Xiahou Jueyi came in, she felt it!She thought Xiahou Jueyi would wake her up.Unexpectedly, he just sat there and looked at her quietly!
Seeing Gu Qingyuan open his eyes, Xiahou Jueyi restrained his expression and said softly, "Wake up!"

Gu Qingyuan got up and said naturally: "Has everyone left?"

"Well! Part of it is gone!"

While Xiahou Jueyi was speaking, Gu Qingyuan smelled a faint smell of alcohol, "Have you been drinking?"

"Drink a little."

Gu Qingyuan nodded after hearing this, and smiled lightly: "It seems that the son of the world is also a mortal! Eat meat and drink too!"

"I'm a mortal, otherwise what do you think I am?" Xiahou Jueyi laughed, and sighed in his heart: It seems that even today, this girl is very indifferent!On the contrary, he seems to be a little bit kind!

"It's a fairy! It's not feminine, it doesn't drink or drink, and it looks monstrous. It fits perfectly!" Gu Qingyuan laughed.

When Ling Fei came in, she heard her young lady teasing her master again. She shook her head and smiled helplessly, and sighed: Should she say that young lady is too easygoing, or should she say that young lady is heartless?On such a day, the young lady didn't even feel a little uneasy or uneasy!People don't know whether to be happy or worried!

"Master..." Ling Fei just said, and immediately changed the subject, "The prince, the concubine, the eldest prince and the children of various officials are here..."

As soon as Ling Fei finished speaking, the sound of chaotic footsteps was heard at the door, followed by a voice with a smile, "You don't need to report trouble in the bridal chamber..."

Saying that, headed by the eldest prince Nangong Ling, more than a dozen people appeared in the room, looking at Xiahou Jueyi and Gu Qingyuan who were sitting side by side on the bed!Amazement flashed in his eyes, the man is beautiful and the woman is stunning, so the two together really look like a painting!Many people who only heard Gu Qingyuan's voice but never met her were really taken aback when they saw her.He knew it in his heart, with such an appearance, it's no wonder that Xiahou Shizi fell in love with him!Thinking about it, suddenly felt a chill, looked up just in time to see the groom's brow wrinkled.Seeing this, the people who were looking at Gu Qingyuan immediately turned their eyes away.

Nangong Ling looked funny, "Jue Yi, today is your day of great joy, you can't be angry! Besides, this bridal chamber is not noisy! There is a folk saying that the more lively the bridal chamber, the hotter the day is. So, today You need to restrain your temper."

After Nangong Ling finished speaking, without waiting for Xiahou Jueyi to say anything, he said to the disciples of the officials around him: "Come, throw out the jujubes, chestnuts, and peanuts in your hands, and wish Xiahou Shizi and Shizifei." Zaolizi'." He was worried that they would not dare to do anything, and threatened with a smile: "If you don't lose that one, let this prince stay later."

As soon as these words came out, jujubes, chestnuts, peanuts, etc. flew towards Xiahou Jueyi and Gu Qingyuan continuously, Gu Qingyuan was hit a few times inadvertently, smiled wryly, she felt like she was hitting a target with this custom!

Xiahou Jueyi was quite calm at the beginning, sitting there and blocking the things thrown at Gu Qingyuan without a trace, but even so, it still hit Gu Qingyuan!Instantly got up and stood in front of her.

Xiahou Jueyi's move made everyone stop their movements instantly, and there was a moment of silence in the room.But it was only for a moment, followed by forbearance and suppressed laughter. Nangong Ling lost some scruples and laughed loudly, which caused the room to be full of undulating laughter.

"Jue Yi, these things are carried on by both men and women. Didn't you hear that just now? This means early establishment of a child. You are like this...you can't do it like this. You can't have a baby by yourself, so even if it's a heartache Your Shizifei can't be at this time either!" Nangong Ling teased.

After saying this, Xiahou Jueyi's face darkened a bit, it's not wrong to move away, it's not wrong to continue to block it!Gu Qingyuan's mouth couldn't help but twitch!
Seeing Xiahou Jueyi's embarrassment that he had never seen before, the laughter suddenly became louder, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became much more relaxed.

Steward Zhou, who came over because of his worries, happened to see this scene when he came, and couldn't help but find it very funny. He also saw Xiahou Jueyi's discomfort, so he stood up quickly and said with a smile: "Princes , My lords, just now the old slave saw that these good things were thrown on our concubine, so let's pass this test!"

(End of this chapter)

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