Di daughter graceful

Chapter 522 To stay or not to stay

Chapter 522 To stay or not to stay (2)
Mrs. Tai also had a faint nostalgia in her eyes when she heard this, and her eyes were a little dazed, "Hehe, you still remember so clearly!"

"The old slave never forgets!"

"What you said, I also feel that scene seems to have returned to my eyes, but suddenly it has been decades, and no one will forgive us. We are all old." Mrs. Tai's brows and eyes were stained with a touch of indifferent sadness.

"But in Lao Nu's heart, Mrs. Tai will always be the kind and kind person she was back then."

Mrs. Tai laughed when she heard this, and looked at Nanny Chang with a smile and scolded: "You! I haven't learned how to please in my whole life, but I know how to work hard. This compliment is too fake!"

"What this old slave said was not a compliment, but the truth!" Nanny Chang chuckled.

Mrs. Tai smiled, did not continue this topic, and asked instead: "Do you know where Chen'er is?"

Hearing Mrs. Tai's question, Nanny Chang sighed, her eyes tinged with distress, and said: "My boy, report that Master Chen and Prince Shuo of Dayuan spent half the night drinking in the restaurant yesterday. Then we will go to the restaurant early in the morning Earl's Court."

Hearing this, Mrs. Tai sighed, "That girl from the Gu family got married yesterday, Chen'er must be feeling bad!"

"Mrs. Tai, don't worry too much. Master Chen will recover slowly after a long time." Nanny Chang comforted her.

"Chen'er is a stubborn child. With his care for Qing girl, he doesn't know when he will accept the next woman." Mrs. Tai was worried, and said and sighed, "It's also because my body is not up to date. When I was sick and stopped Chen'er's footsteps, if I was well at that time and let Chen'er go to find the girl, it might be a bad situation now."

Nanny Chang also felt regretful when she heard this. At that time, Master Chen saw that Gu Qingyuan on the Zhuangzi was a fake, and immediately decided to look for Miss Gu. At that time, the joy in Master Chen's eyes made people feel Send the anticipation that spreads from the bottom of my heart, joy!Of course, things are unpredictable!Just when Master Chen was about to leave, Mrs. Tai suddenly fell ill!

Young Master Chen immediately turned around without saying anything, and stayed behind to be treated by Mrs. Tai, but the look in his eyes disappeared.And this delay, bringing Miss Gu back is Xiahou Shizi, and Master Chen missed it for a lifetime.In such a situation, apart from making people lament that he and Miss Gu have no fate, what else can they say!

Gu Qingyuan had a good night's sleep, and when she woke up again, she found that the sun was setting and the sun was setting. Looking at the time, she actually slept for more than two hours, which was five hours, and she really slept long enough!Thinking about reaching out and rubbing my stomach, I'm so hungry!

Just thinking about it, I saw Ling Fei coming in with food, and seeing Gu Qingyuan woke up, her expression relaxed, she quickly walked to her side, and said softly: "Concubine Shizi, are you awake, are you hungry?"

"I'm so hungry!" Gu Qingyuan said, looking at the food that Ling Fei brought over, all of which she liked, and looked at Ling Fei with emotion, "Ling Fei, you are really my good wife..."

Hearing Gu Qingyuan call out the address when he was in the sea area again, Ling Fei's mouth twisted. It's been a long time since I heard it, and now I'm even more uncomfortable listening to it!
"The concubine is hungry, let's eat quickly!" Ling Fei said, diverting her attention.

"Okay..." Gu Qingyuan sat down, picked up the chopsticks and began to eat, nodded while eating, with a satisfied expression on his mouth full, "Ling Fei, it's delicious, your cooking is getting better and better now."

"As long as Shi Zifei likes it." Ling Fei smiled lightly.

This is what Xiahou Jueyi saw when he walked in from the outside, he shook his head, this girl will be happy when she eats and sleeps, she is very serviceable!Except for her eloquent teeth of course!

"My son!" Seeing Xiahou Jueyi, Ling Fei leaned over!

Gu Qingyuan raised his head and smiled naturally, "Xiahou Jueyi, you are back."

Xiahou Jueyi nodded, and sat down beside Gu Qingyuan, "Did you just get up?"


"Is it better?"

"Yeah! I feel better after a night's sleep."

Hearing this, Xiahou Jueyi's eyes lit up for a moment, but it was fleeting. Gu Qingyuan didn't notice anything, but looked at Xiahou Jueyi's calm face as before, and said, "Have you eaten? Do you want to use some?" .”

"No need, I'm not hungry yet! Hurry up and eat!" He picked up the chopsticks at hand, added a piece of fish to Gu Qingyuan and put it in her bowl, and thoughtfully said, "Eat more."

"Okay!" Gu Qingyuan ate the delicious food, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, she was full and slept well, free from illness and pain, the most basic happiness!
Seeing Gu Qingyuan stuffing food into his mouth non-stop, Xiahou Jueyi smiled.

"What's the matter? Did I get something on my face?" Seeing Xiahou Jueyi staring at him and smiling, Gu Qingyuan stroked his cheek. Could it be rice grains?

"No, let's eat!" Xiahou Jueyi coughed lightly, and conveniently picked up a lot of food for Gu Qingyuan and put them in Gu Qingyuan's bowl.

Gu Qingyuan looked at the pile of bowls, raised his eyebrows, and turned his eyes to look at Xiahou Jueyi, "Xiahou Jueyi..."


"You are so considerate, I suddenly have a feeling."

After saying this, Xiahou Jueyi paused for a moment, "How does it feel?"

"There is a feeling of disposing of people after feeding and drinking enough! It's very similar to the feeling of the last meal before execution." Gu Qingyuan said thoughtfully.

Xiahou Jueyi glared at her, "It's just unlucky, hurry up and eat!"

"I'm full, I don't want to eat." Gu Qingyuan put down his chopsticks, and finally felt alive after eating and drinking.

"Then, do you want to go to the hot spring?"

"I just had a full meal, so it's not good to soak in the hot spring!"

"Walk around first, and soak later."

"Hmm! Okay..." Gu Qingyuan got up, and followed Xiahou Jueyi out!
"Is there anything interesting for Xiahou Jueyi here?"

"Nothing particularly interesting..."

"I knew it." Gu Qingyuan was not surprised, with Xiahou Jueyi's temperament, at most, he just wanted to set a scene, and he would definitely not come up with anything special for fun.

"Xiahou Jueyi, is there anything you particularly like to play?"

Xiahou Jueyi: ... "There is nothing I particularly like."

Gu Qingyuan sighed after hearing this, this guy has no childhood!She is worse than herself, at least in her previous life when her grandfather was still alive, she had a brief rebellion!
"Xiahou Jueyi, I'll teach you how to play a game." Gu Qingyuan pulled Xiahou Jueyi and walked towards the pond on one side!

"Game? What game?" Xiahou Jueyi was pulled by Gu Qingyuan, walked forward with his strength, and raised his eyebrows.

"You'll find out later."

Ling Fei followed behind, looking forward to it, the young lady thought of something fun again.

(End of this chapter)

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