Di daughter graceful

Chapter 540 Stability

Chapter 540 Stability (4)
Steward Zhou sighed. In the past, Master Hou and Shizi were busy, and they were the hands-off shopkeepers and let themselves manage Zhongfei!But now that there is a concubine, he thought that Zhongfu would finally be taken over by someone, but he didn't expect that this concubine was as casual as the concubine and Lord Hou, and it was enough to report once a month.

The old housekeeper looked at Gu Qingyuan tangled, and said, "Concubine Shizi, once a month is too..."

"Is it too much? Then two months!" Gu Qingyuan said empathetically.

"No, no, it's not too much, it's too little..." The old butler hurriedly said, and the old butler also understood at this time that the Shizi Concubine was not playing tricks, and she really didn't care much about those things.What should he say, it's really not that the whole family does not enter the house!He looks like the son of the world!

Gu Qingyuan really didn't care too much about the previous running accounts in the mansion.In the past, Earl's Mansion and Beppu rarely interacted with each other.However, the expenses in the mansion are just basic food and clothing, and the monthly silver for servants, so there is not much capital flow.If there is anything to do, it will be reported by Butler Zhou, and Lao Hou Ye and Xia Hou Jueyi will call it separately.Therefore, it doesn't make much sense to look at the books and calculate the pennies!
Gu Qingyuan laughed and said: "Butler Zhou, how did you do things in the mansion before, and how do you still do now! You don't need to report to me every day, just talk about it when something happens."

"Yes, concubine!" Housekeeper Zhou responded, looking at the deeds of prostitution and said, "Leave these concubines! They are all deeds of prostitution for servants in the mansion."

"Okay!" Gu Qingyuan nodded, picked up a sheet, and read the information on it, name, age, and ancestral home!A very simple piece of information.Gu Qingyuan looked at it and let it go, but he couldn't see any information at all.

"Butler Zhou!"

"The old slave is here!"

"Do you know all about the servants in the mansion?"

"I don't dare to say that I understand everything about the concubine Hui Shizi, but I know most of it."

"Well! Then, how long has the mansion's servants been working the longest?"

"The longest is more than 20 years."

"What's the shortest?"

"The shortest is three or four years."

Hearing this, Gu Qingyuan was thoughtful.

"Is there any problem, Crown Princess?"

"No! I was just thinking, the servants in the mansion have been working for so many years, most of them have families and raised children!" Gu Qingyuan said casually: "Does Steward Zhou know all about their families?"

After Gu Qingyuan finished speaking, Steward Zhou was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized something vaguely, and said in surprise, "Old slave, I don't know very well."

Gu Qingyuan smiled lightly after hearing this, "The Earl's Mansion is a big tree. As long as they are loyal, it can give people shade, but no one is allowed to use this big tree to deceive tigers. Steward Zhou should know that a big tree attracts wind, and some things should be done early Good prevention! Save unnecessary trouble in the future!"

"Yes, this old slave understands! This old slave is ashamed..."

"Butler Zhou doesn't have to be like this. It's not an easy task to manage such a large Marquis Mansion, and it's impossible to be scrupulous about everything."

"Yes!" Steward Zhou replied sincerely, "Then, this old servant will go and investigate right away, and report it to Shi Zifei immediately."

"No need!" Gu Qingyuan took out a piece of paper from his sleeve pocket, handed it to Steward Zhou, and said with a slight smile, "You have your servants copy this down, and then give a piece of paper to every servant in the mansion, so that they can read and write. Let them fill it out by themselves, or find someone who can read and write to fill it out for them if they can’t read. Just leave it to me.”

"Yes, Shizifei! Then the old slave will go!"

"Well! By the way, if they ask the reason, they will say that the population is counted, and my concubine will distribute red envelopes to celebrate!"


Steward Zhou went out, unfolded the paper, and looked at the content on it, with surprise and amazement in his eyes!They all said: It takes a long time to see people's hearts, but if you read this piece of paper, Shi Zifei, you can immediately see the hearts and temperaments of many people!At the same time, I also understood a little bit, no wonder Shi Ziye valued Shi Zifei so much!Women generally care about the affairs of the back house, but what the concubine wants is the stability of the entire Hou Mansion!This is the difference!

They all said: Those who can do big things usually don't stick to small details. This sentence is really suitable for Shizi Concubine!She didn't look at the slightest thing about the account book, she believed it, and she didn't care!
Mei Xiang didn't know what the lady gave Steward Zhou, but she felt that the lady was going to show off in the Earl's Mansion, so she did it!Thinking about it, Mei Xiang couldn't help but look forward to it!
Gu Qingyuan looked at the thick stack of deeds of sale in his hand, a dark light flashed in his eyes, when there was a constant surge of darkness outside, or it was about to rise, the first thing to do was to make the place where he was into an iron bucket, Only then can we feel at ease outside.

(End of this chapter)

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