Di daughter graceful

Chapter 548 Li Xiang’s Decision

Chapter 548 Li Xiang’s Decision (2)
Gu Qingyuan gritted his teeth, looked at the big hand on his chest, "Xiahou Jueyi..."

"Uh..." Xiahou Jueyi was also taken aback for a moment, his smiling eyes filled with darkness.

When Gu Qingyuan opened his mouth to bite someone, he lifted a corner of the quilt, and immediately felt a chill all over his body, and his whole body fell into the embrace with the smell of green grass. He was slightly stunned, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Xiahou Jueyi's long and narrow eyes, deep and dark.What Gu Qingyuan is lurking under this gaze is very clear now.The small face was straightened, the brows were tightly frowned, and he said solemnly and righteously: "Husband, it is daytime, and Tiangang is full of righteousness. Husband should cultivate righteousness instead of laughing and absurd under the bed, especially during the daytime. It's not necessary. Husband, if you want to become a talent, you must never be fooled by women!"

"And as a wife, I don't allow my husband to be addicted to it. So, please get up quickly."

Gu Qingyuan's way of preaching, she may think she is very upright, but in Xiahou Jueyi's eyes, she is extremely cute, she chuckled and said: "Young lady thinks too much, as a husband, I don't have any thoughts of prostitution in the daytime, just See if the lady's clothes are ready?"

"Oh! Husband is so thoughtful and considerate, I am very moved!" Gu Qingyuan's eyes were full of admiration, but his heart was sharpening, the damned man became more and more rascal.

"My lady, you're being polite." Xiahou Jueyi glanced at the jade-like person in his arms, and couldn't help but tighten his hands holding her, but his face was indifferent, "Would you like to get up now, my lady, or wait a while?" ?”


"Do you need to work for your husband?"


"it's a pity!"

Gu Qingyuan stared, Xiahou Jueyi smiled lightly, kissed Gu Qingyuan's cherry lips before getting up, the sweet breath made Xiahou Jueyi really regret, why not at night!

Li family
After Gu Qingyuan, Xiahou Jueyi and others left.Li Yi didn't say a word, and he didn't ask why Li Xue did something to Gu Qingyuan, nor did he reprimand or punish him!Similarly, Li Xue didn't appease Li Xue's pitiful appearance of fear, trembling, and disorientation after going through the incident just now.Li Jin, Grandma Li's acupoints were blocked, but he completely ignored them, and he didn't order anyone to release their acupoints!
It's just that Li Lin banned the servants who were present and saw the whole process, and then went to the study and didn't come out all night.

It was not until the next morning that I walked out of the study, opened the door of the study, and saw the son, grandson, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter kneeling in a row.

"Father (grandfather)." Seeing Li Yi coming out, Li Jin and others called out in unison.

When Li Yi watched them face him, there were various expressions on their faces, such as anxiety, worry, uneasiness, and shame.

"Father..." Li Jin looked at Li Yi guiltily, and pleaded guilty: "It is the son who failed to discipline his daughter well, the son is guilty..."

Before Li Jin finished speaking, Li Yi interrupted, and said with a blank expression: "How are you going to ask Li Xue to make amends to Qing'er?"

"Son, son listen to father!"

"I want to hear from you now."

After hearing this, Li Jin turned to look at Li Xue's pale face, with a pleading look, tightened his hands and stopped looking at her, looked at Li Yi seriously and said: "As long as Qing'er speaks, Li Xue will let her handle it, and my son has nothing to do with it." Opinion."



Li Xue and Grandma Li looked at Li Jin in disbelief, how could he say such heartless words?Has he ever thought about what to do if Gu Qingyuan's cold-blooded let Xue'er die?Would he be willing too?

Li Yi looked at Li Xue and Grandma Li's expressions, and Li Yi knew exactly what they were thinking.There was a cold, sad look in his eyes.Just disappeared for a moment, looked at Li Jin and said, "As long as Qing'er speaks? Do you want Qing'er to be charged with not allowing her cousin, or bullying her cousin?"

"No, my son definitely doesn't mean that... my son is, I just don't know how to make amends to Qing'er." Li Jin smiled wryly, and sighed: "It's because my son didn't think well enough."

"I don't know how to make amends to Qing'er? I don't know how to punish my daughter? That is to say, if Qing'er doesn't speak up, you can get over this matter like this?" Li Yi said with a stern expression.

"No, Xue'er did something wrong, my son will definitely punish her..."

"Father, my daughter-in-law will definitely take Xue'er to make amends to Qing'er until Qing'er calms down! Besides, Xue'er already knows that she is wrong, and she will never dare again in the future. Father, please take care of her when she is young and ignorant. Forgive Xueer for once! My daughter-in-law will be fine in the future and I will discipline her..." Grandma Li kowtowed to Li Yi solemnly, then raised her head, wiped her tears and said: "Besides, the man under Xiahou Shizi is called Yingyi Yes, she has already poisoned Xueer, father-in-law, Xueer has already been punished, so..."

Before Grandma Li finished her sentence, she was shocked by Li Yi's sudden words, no, Li Yi's words should have shocked everyone.

"Li Jin, go back and write a divorce letter!"

After saying this, Li Jin, Grandma Li, Li Xue, Li Zhi, and Li Hong all suddenly opened their eyes wide, looking at Li Yi in horror, what... what?
"Father...?" Li Jin was puzzled.

Grandma Li turned pale with shock, "Father, what did my wife do wrong, why...?"


Li Jin looked at Grandma Li expressionlessly, "What did you do about Li Jiao and Gu Changyuan back then? Do you want me to tell you?"

When Li Yi said that, Li Jin, Li Zhi, Li Xue, and others looked at Grandma Li without knowing it. , the daughter-in-law didn't do anything..."

After hearing this, Li Yi didn't argue with her, and didn't give evidence, but just said indifferently: "To Li Jiao, you have seen the truth of what Gu Qingyuan did on the surface, and the truth about what he thought and did in secret I know it clearly. It’s just that Gu Nian, you’ve been in Li’s family for more than 20 years, and you’ve raised a few more children. The truth is, I can’t bear the desolation of these children without their mother’s love. Then, I understand some things in my heart, but I just blocked them secretly. I never said Let me tell you no. I just thought that Li Jiao and Gu Qingyuan are not often in Li's house, so even if there is any estrangement between you, it's fine."

Li Yi said, his eyes overflowing with light, "But now it seems that the truth is wrong. How can he raise his children well if his mother is not virtuous. You have a lot of dissatisfaction with Gu Qingyuan in your heart, and Li Xue and Li Hong have a lot of dissatisfaction with Gu Qingyuan. They all have deep disgust in their hearts. As a result, Li Xue actually stabbed Qing'er to death with a hairpin yesterday. What happened yesterday was caused by Li Xue's evil thoughts and twisted thoughts, and it was also caused by the influence of your mother."

"You are out of your mind! You must leave the Li family mansion." Li Yigang said coldly.

Li Jin and the others looked at Li Yi in a daze, and then at Grandma Li with gray and white complexion!My heart is like a stormy sea, unreal, and even a little creepy.

(End of this chapter)

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