Di daughter graceful

Chapter 550 Li Xiang’s Decision

Chapter 550 Li Xiang’s Decision (4)
"You eat too little."

When Xiahou Jueyi said these words, Ling Fei and Mei Xiang glanced at the four dishes on the table, almost half of which were missing, and couldn't help but twitch their mouths. The words of the son...

Gu Qingyuan glared at him. Could this guy be mocking her?

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Xiahou Jueyi raised his eyebrows.

"Eat more, eat more, and I can go to fight tigers."

"That's good!"

Gu Qingyuan gave him a blank look, and changed the subject, "Xiahou Jueyi, why did you come back so early today? Are you okay this afternoon?"

"Something's wrong!"

"Are you going out after lunch?"

"I'm going out soon."

Gu Qingyuan frowned upon hearing this, so why did he come back on purpose?Could it be just to wake her up and feed her... Cough cough, if it's really so considerate, it's a bit chilly to be so considerate...

Seeing Gu Qingyuan's fluctuating expression, Xiahou Jueyi wondered what this girl was thinking again?There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he leaned over slightly, looked at Gu Qingyuan and said softly: "I just knew yesterday that my wife hadn't seen me for a long time, so I missed me very much. So, in order to prevent my wife from falling in love, I deliberately Come back once, let the lady see me..."

Xiahou Jueyi's words caught his ears, and Gu Qingyuan helped his forehead!Enthusiasm on the bed hurts!Sweet talk hurts too!Deceiving people is definitely not easy to do again!too hurt!
Xiahou Jueyi looked at Gu Qingyuan's annoyed look, the corners of his mouth widened into a smile, and he left contentedly, with a big feeling: it has never been better to have this woman by his side.

Xiahou Jueyi is happy, Gu Qingyuan is a little depressed, this guy is getting more and more unruly now.

"Miss, do you want to walk around the yard and have a look." Lanzhi said softly.

"Wait for a while!" Gu Qingyuan lazily thought of something and said, "By the way, what is that Chunliu?"

After Gu Qingyuan's questioning, Lanzhi and Mei Xiang glanced at each other, there seemed to be nothing to say about this matter!After all, Shizi didn't do anything.Moreover, it is also good to ask Miss to pay attention.Thinking about it, Lanzhi took a step forward and told Gu Qingyuan what happened after Chunliu came to the hospital.

Gu Qingyuan nodded after listening, but said nothing.

Lanzhi couldn't help but said: "Miss, servant girl, you have to teach those girls in the mansion well, so that they don't have to think about some moths when they are free."

"En! I see." Gu Qingyuan said lightly.

"Miss, you have to be more careful..."

"okay, I get it."

"Miss..." With Gu Qingyuan's appearance, Lanzhi seemed to be careless no matter what she looked at, which made her very anxious, and when she was about to say something, she saw Qi Yi walking in.

"Elder Concubine."

"what's up."

"Gao Nai from Zhuangzi is here, and I'm asking to see you outside."

After hearing this, Gu Qingyuan stood up, "Let her in."

"She's waiting at the gate." Qi Yi said after a pause and said, "The madam is also here in the carriage outside, and Mother Gao said it's inconvenient to come in."

Hearing this, something flashed in Gu Qingyuan's eyes, Li Jiao, she...

"Let's go! Go and see!"


Ling Fei and Qi Yi followed Gu Qingyuan to the gate of the mansion.

Walking to the door, she saw Gao Nai standing there with an uneasy expression.


Gu Qingyuan called out, but Nanny Gao seemed taken aback.

Gu Qingyuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Miss..." Gao Momo hurried over, and wanted to salute Gu Qingyuan, but Gu Qingyuan helped her up.

"Get up! Where's mother?"

"In...in the carriage outside..." Gao Nanny's face became more and more gloomy.

Gu Qingyuan frowned, "Is she bad?"

"Miss, Miss, she...she..." Gao Momo hesitated to speak, struggling and hesitating!

Gu Qingyuan looked at it, a heavy light flashed in his eyes, maybe it was not bad, maybe something happened!

"Take me to see."

"Miss..." Gao Momo suddenly became firm, stopped Gu Qingyuan and said with a firm expression: "Miss, we have nothing to do, but miss asked the old slave to bring you a purse, miss, go back! The old slave will leave It's gone." Said, put the purse in Gu Qingyuan's hand, and walked out quickly.

Gu Qingyuan lowered her head, looked at the purse in her hand, and looked at Nanny Gao's staggering steps.Lifted his heel and followed.

Seeing Gao Momo walking to the side of a carriage, she said something in a panic, but her face became paler and paler.

It seems that something really happened.

Ling Fei and Qi Yi also saw something was wrong, their expressions turned serious, their eyes were full of guard, "Shi Zifei...something is wrong."

"En!" Gu Qingyuan nodded.

"My servant will take you back." Ling Fei said tightly.

Gu Qingyuan looked at the carriage not far away with an uncertain expression.There was a cold look in his eyes, what was that sticking out of the carriage?If she read it right, it was a sword... who was in it?Did you kidnap Li Jiao?
Just as I was thinking about it, I heard a suppressed and terrified voice from Madam Gao, "Don't, don't hurt my young lady, please, please..."

After Madam Gao finished speaking, the person inside seemed to say something, but the voice was too low for her to distinguish.Turning to look at Ling Fei, Qi said, "Maybe you heard something?"

"The servant can't hear it."

"The subordinate faintly heard a woman's voice, but it wasn't Madam's voice."

As soon as Qi said, Gu Qingyuan frowned, "Woman?" Thinking, Gu Qingyuan walked over.

Qi Yi, Ling Fei looked nervously and said: "Shi Zifei?"

"I always have to take a look at the person who killed my mother..." Before Gu Qingyuan finished speaking, when he saw a corner of the car curtain lifted and saw the person inside, a trace of surprise flashed in Gu Qingyuan's eyes, an unexpected person.

(End of this chapter)

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