Di daughter graceful

Chapter 558 Gu Yuner's Unexpected Ending

Chapter 558 Gu Yuner's Unexpected Ending (2)
Gu Qingyuan leaned in the man's arms, feeling the strong warmth, slowly closed her eyes, wishing Li Jiao a happy life in the next life.

Gu Qingyuan was covered in blood, so he didn't go back to the Earl's Mansion, but went to Xiahou Jueyi's village outside the city.After changing out of the bloody clothes, she washed up a bit, looked at Ling Fei and said, "Ling Fei, go back to the Earl's Mansion and bring Mother Gao."

"Yes, Concubine Shizi." Ling Fei responded, but did not leave, but looked at Gu Qingyuan worriedly and said, "Concubine Shizi, are you okay?"

"Hmm! I'm fine!" Gu Qingyuan said lightly.

Ling Fei was very worried when she heard this, but she didn't know how to comfort her, so she sighed, "Then servant girl, go and bring Mother Gao over here."


Li family
The news of Li Yi's resignation has spread rapidly in the capital after a day.Many ordinary people were astonished when they heard this, and the officials were even more horrified. All kinds of speculations were roiling in their hearts, and some of the good friends couldn't bear to come to the door to confirm and ask the reason.It's just that Li Yi didn't receive them, but he asked the housekeeper to bring them a message, which confirmed that Li Yi's resignation was indeed true. As for the reason, there was no other reason, but he was old, unwell, and had more energy than energy.

When the news is confirmed, some people are happy, some sigh, and some frown.And the undercurrents of all parties have also begun.The position of prime minister is an absolutely important position. Of course, it is more beneficial for him to plan quickly and guess who is suitable for that position.

People outside were planning, but in the Li family, Li Yi's resignation was no longer the most important thing, especially after Li Yi's thunderous words, no one dared to step forward and say a word.

But everyone in the Li family felt very heavy, especially Grandma Li's heart was on fire. However, Li Xue didn't know whether she was frightened by Li Yi's actions, or if she had already resigned to her fate. Grandma was restless, but Li Xue was very calm. The whole person was very silent, not noisy at all. She ate when it was time to eat, but she talked less and was quieter. She didn't talk or go out. They all stay in their own rooms.It was impossible to see what she was thinking.

However, knowing that Li Xue is no longer arguing about dying or living, Grandma Li is relieved a lot. She is also unable to protect herself now, and really can't spare the energy to worry about Li Xue.

Grandma Li's complexion was very ugly, and she was walking around the room anxiously. Li Yi's words, rest, made Grandma Li want to pass out just thinking about it.Divorce her, be divorced, become an abandoned wife?This was something she had never thought of in her life, and she never thought that such a shameful thing would happen to her.

But now it happened, and it was Li Yi's own order.She knew Li Yi's temperament very well, and it was difficult to have room for maneuver once he opened his mouth.Thinking of Grandma Li's nails piercing into the palm of her hand fiercely, the roots of her teeth were clenched. More importantly, from Li Yi's tone, he seemed to have known what she had done about Li Jiao for a long time. , but chose to forbear, and for so many years, so, now that he has said it, how can he tolerate her again...

But if she just accepted her fate and was dismissed like this, she couldn't do it, she was unwilling, and she couldn't afford to lose that face.And what the woman will face after being divorced, what kind of life she will live, it is impossible to imagine...

"Grandma, grandma..."

Hearing the sound, the eldest grandma turned her head and saw Shu Momo hurried in, panting for breath.The grandma rushed over to meet her, and said eagerly: "How is it? Did you find the old man, where is the old man?"

"Master, he..." Shu Momo looked uncertain, looking at Grandma Li, hesitant to speak.

"Tell me quickly! Where is he, sir..." Grandma Li said impatiently, all she can count on now is to break up with Li Jin. As long as Li Jin doesn't write a divorce letter, everything will be fine room for.

"Grandma, uncle...he went to grandma's family..."

When these words came out, Grandma Li's face paled instantly, her eyes turned black, and she fell forward, almost fainting.

Nanny Shu hurriedly supported Grandma Li, and said nervously: "Grandma, grandma... this old slave will help you sit down."

Grandma Li clings to Nanny Shu and sits down on a chair beside her.

Shu Momo looked at Grandma Li's pale face, stretched out her hand to caress her heart, and sighed in her heart, don't say that Grandma Li couldn't accept this matter, even a servant like her felt that it was a bolt from the blue.Being divorced, for a woman, it is almost like killing her!

It took a while for Grandma Li to catch her breath, tears streaming down her cheeks, and she choked up, "Li Jin, he wouldn't even listen to me, and he wouldn't even give me a chance to defend himself, so he's going to retire like this Me? Huh... He's too ruthless... He completely listens to his father even in such matters, what about me? Has he not even had any affection for me for so many years? "

"Grandma, don't be in a hurry, maybe, the uncle didn't go there for this matter!" Shu Momo said and paused, "Even if it is, maybe it's completely opposite to what grandma thinks!"

"You don't need to comfort me. Li Jin has been obedient to his father-in-law for so many years. Have you ever seen him oppose his father-in-law? But I didn't expect him to be completely obedient to such a thing. Huh...he Where are you going to put me..." Grandma Li was very sad.

Seeing Grandma Li's distraught look, Shu Momo frowned, "Grandma, why don't you go to your mother's house now, and give yourself a chance to speak..."

Before Mammy Shu could finish her sentence, Grandma Li suddenly stood up, "Yes, you are right, I can't just sit here and wait for death, I can't wait, you should hurry up and get ready, we will set off right away."

"Yes, grandma, this old slave is going right away." Shu Momo took the order and walked out quickly.

Zhuangzi outside the city
Gu Qingyuan looked at Nanny Gao, and told her the truth about what happened outside the city.

Gao Momo couldn't cry after hearing this, her eyes were full of sadness, grief, and pain, but she kept nodding, looked at Gu Qingyuan and said, "That's fine, that's fine, maybe it's the best thing for Miss. In the end, I don’t have to suffer from the pain anymore, it’s very good... very good..." She couldn’t help crying...

Gu Qingyuan looked at Nanny Gao quietly, maybe, to Nanny Gao, the passing of Li Jiao was the same as sending a white-haired person to a black-haired person. In her heart, Li Jiao was both master and daughter!
Gao Momo cried for a long time, then slowly calmed down and wiped away her tears, watching Gu Qingyuan choked up and said: "The old slave has lost his temper..."

"No problem! Do you have any plans in the future?" Gu Qingyuan said gently.

"Are you planning?" Nanny Gao was stunned for a moment, all her life she had been thinking about how to serve the good lady, she had never planned what she needed to plan!Now that Gu Qingyuan asked this question, her mind went blank.

Looking at Nanny Gao's empty, blank eyes, sighed, have you never thought about yourself?

"You can stay in Earl's Mansion, Lanzhi is also there, you won't be alone."

Grandma Gao didn't respond.Gu Qingyuan didn't urge her either.

After a while, Gao Nai raised her head and looked at Gu Qingyuan and said, "I thank you, Miss, for your kindness, but I would like to leave the capital if possible."


"Well! Miss is gone, I don't want to stay in the capital to feel hurt anymore. Moreover, it is not suitable for the old slave to be in the capital. If the Prime Minister sees it, many things will be difficult to explain. Therefore, the old slave still leaves Bar!"

"Is there anywhere you want to go?"

Nanny Gao thought for a while and said, "This old servant wants to go back to his hometown."

"Okay, when everything is settled, I'll have someone send you back."

"Thank you miss." Gao Nai said, wanting to kneel down to Gu Qingyuan.

Gu Qingyuan stretched out his hand to support her arm, and said gently: "There's no need to settle for those hypocrisy, get up!"

"Yes!" Nanny Gao stood up and begged, "Miss, this old slave wants to kowtow to Miss and take another look at her."

"Okay, I'll send someone to take you there." Gu Qingyuan said, then turned her head, "Ling Fei, take Gao Nanny to mother's place."

"Yes, Crown Princess!"

"Thank you, Miss."

Ling Fei and Nanny Gao left, Gu Qingyuan lay on the soft couch with her eyes closed and rested, thinking about the past with Li Jiao, she fell asleep unknowingly.

When Xiahou Jueyi walked in, he saw Gu Qingyuan lying on the soft couch and fell asleep, so he couldn't help but lighten his steps, and walked slowly to her and sat down.Quietly looking at Gu Qingyuan's small face, his eyes were full of tenderness, but when he saw her frowning nervously even when she was asleep.Xiahou Jueyi's eyes flashed dark, cold!

(End of this chapter)

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