Di daughter graceful

Chapter 565 A good wife is not easy to be

Chapter 565 A good wife is not easy to be (3)
"Yeah! I absolutely love the way Shizi looks at her and the way he speaks!"

"The concubine is really blessed to be valued by our son. At the beginning, our son was Lian Youran..." Before a woman could finish her sentence, she was interrupted eagerly by a woman next to her.

"Oh! Be careful what you say, and don't say what you should say or what you shouldn't say."

"Yes, yes, I just said it smoothly for a while."

"Be careful, whether you let the prince or the concubine hear your words, we will have to eat and walk around."

"Yes Yes……"

After saying this, the three of them were silent for a moment, as if to calm down the panic in their hearts, and then they couldn't help but said: "However, our princess concubine is really beautiful, and she looks very gentle."

"It's true now, but I don't know what will happen in the future?"

"It's true. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable. Just like that Chunliu in the kitchen, although she looked a bit artificial in the past, she was quite peaceful. But then I thought, she was also a big-hearted person, and she wanted to take advantage of it. The concubine Shizi is not going to seduce the son. The result! Tsk tsk... the master did not even look at her before ordering someone to throw her out." The mother-in-law paused, and said in a low voice: "I also heard that the son If the master hadn't been thinking about marrying Shi Zifei just now, and didn't want to be happy, he would have killed her at that time."

"Really? Master Shizi, he will really... kill her?" The mother-in-law said in horror.


The mother-in-law sighed after hearing this, "Our son is really different from other people. There are a few men nowadays who don't like beautiful women. Moreover, although Chunliu's status is a bit low, she is not bad-looking. She I really couldn't have imagined such a result!"

"There are so many things you can't think of. You came late and there are some things you don't know, and it's not easy for me to tell you. Anyway, you remember, the son of the world will not tolerate people who are restless and want to climb into his bed. No matter how good you look, as long as you move that crooked heart, you will be disabled even if you don't die."

"Chunliu made it all by herself, she is not worthy of sympathy. She is obviously a girl's life, but she always wants to be a master, and she doesn't look at her virtues. Her status is low, and she can't even compare her looks. If you still want to seduce the prince, she deserves her death." A woman in blue sneered with sarcasm in her eyes.

The other two wives looked at each other, they understood, they pursed their lips and said in a low voice: "Wang, I heard that you valued Chunliu very much before, and you also said that you wanted her to be your daughter-in-law." What? He just made a mistake once, so you can't tolerate it?"

"Huh! I fell in love with her because I was blind before. Now I don't want her to be my wife even if she begged. Marry a wife and a good man, just like her. Just this time, I can see what kind of thing she is in her bones Shameless thing, she doesn't have the qualifications to match my son." Mrs. Wang said, waving her hands, "Don't say it, don't say it, I will get angry when I mention it."

"Hehe, you are really angry. Let me tell you! You should be glad that if you hadn't seen her true face clearly in advance after this incident, you would be even more aggrieved when she became your wife."

"Grandma Liu is right, hehe!"

"I feel better when you say that."

"It's fine as long as it's comfortable. But how is that Chunliu doing now?"

"What can I do? I'm still raising her! I think even if she recovers like that, the root of her disease will definitely remain. This is the price of restlessness. Let's see if she dares to do anything wrong in the future."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about her, let's go back quickly! It's getting late now, don't delay our work because of a lowly maid."

Several women discussed and walked towards the kitchen.And from the beginning to the end, they didn't notice at all that their conversations all fell into the ears of a few people not far away.

Zhou Qi frowned as he watched the three wives leave, turned his head to look at the woman with a flat look, and sighed, "Concubine Shizi, they are the wives in the kitchen, and they are also responsible for their duties on weekdays. Yes, it’s just that the mouth sometimes likes to talk.”

Hearing Steward Zhou's tone of intercession, Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, "It's normal for people to talk about worldly affairs."

When Zhou Qi heard this, his eyes flashed brightly, and a smile overflowed on his face, "What the concubine Shizi said is true."

After hearing this, Ling Fei couldn't agree with her. In her opinion, it was absolutely unforgivable for these women to criticize their master so much.

Gu Qingyuan looked at Zhou Qi's expression, the smile on his face widened, he turned around and walked slowly, and said casually, "Have you handed in all the materials that were sent?"

"Yes, everything is complete, and I will send it to the Shizi Concubine later."

"Okay!" Gu Qingyuan nodded in response, looked at Zhou Guanjia and said, "Go and do your work! I'll just walk around."

"Yes, old slave and high apprentice." Butler Zhou bowed and stepped back.

Gu Qingyuan turned to look at Ling Fei, and said with a light smile, "What do you think of Steward Zhou's defense of those wives?"

"Slaves can't agree, they talk too fast, and outsiders might tell them all if they inquire about them a little bit. This is an absolute taboo." Ling Fei said seriously.

Gu Qingyuan smiled lightly after hearing this, "Ling Fei, you are a qualified secret guard."

When Gu Qingyuan said these words, Ling Fei was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why she suddenly turned to herself.

Seeing Ling Fei's doubts, Gu Qingyuan said softly: "Dark guards, shadow guards, you are all subordinates, you are strength, and many times you are the most important backing of the prince. Many of your actions, even words and deeds will involve many things. And, A qualified hidden guard does not matter how capable it is. The first thing is to be strict with your mouth, because all of you are carrying out covert activities, and if you leak your relationship, it will not only result in success or failure, but also your life!"

"So, I can understand your intolerance, and I also understand that you are a qualified hidden guard."

After Gu Qingyuan's words fell, Ling Fei's heart was turbulent and surging, and the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed, "Concubine Shizi, do you really think that slaves are qualified?"

"Yes, you are qualified, there is no doubt about it!"

The word "undoubtedly" brought tears to Ling Fei's eyes. She always felt that only those with strong martial arts skills like Guardian Qi were qualified.And she was just an insignificant, low-level subordinate who couldn't be smaller. In the past, her biggest wish was that her master could send her out on missions, but she never dared to think of a good word, let alone a qualified word.But now, Shi Zifei agrees with her and tells her that she is unquestionably qualified... Ling Fei thinks her life is really worth it...

, Ling Fei knelt on the ground and solemnly kowtowed to Gu Qingyuan, "Shi Zifei, thank you!"

Seeing Ling Fei's uncontrollable excitement, Gu Qingyuan chuckled, "You don't need to thank me, it's the result of your own hard work." He helped Ling Fei up, and said lightly: "And you are different from those women. Yes, the criteria are different from the beginning of selection, so the requirements for them are often different from yours."

"What you have to do is related to success or failure, and it is related to your life. And their job is to prepare three meals a day. What they want is their duty and stability! And many of the things they can touch are superficial things. Some things you If you are willing to let them know, they will know, if you don’t want to let them know, they will know nothing. As for their quick words, as long as they are used well, the disadvantages can also be turned into advantages.”

"Just like Chunliu's matter, I really don't mind them saying a few more words in this mansion. If such words are heard by the girls who have the same thoughts as Chunliu, it is a warning, and there will be fewer words. A lot of moths."

"As for me and Shi Ziye, it's not bad to spread a few irrelevant gossips sometimes. If we don't say anything, wouldn't it appear that our house has too many secrets!"

Ling Fei was stunned when she heard this, but she was still a little worried, "The slaves are just worried that they will say what they should say or not."

"Didn't you hear what Steward Zhou said? They are usually responsible and stable. This is enough. After all, even if they are dismissed, who can be sure that the ones who come in will be better than them!" Gu Qingyuan said Looking into the distance, "As for whether they will talk nonsense, it depends on our own control."

Ling Fei nodded after listening, "What the concubine Shizi said is true."

Gu Qingyuan didn't speak any more, but looked ahead, he came really fast!

Ling Fei noticed Gu Qingyuan's strangeness, followed her gaze, and saw the person who came frowned inadvertently.

"The old slave sees the concubine."

Gu Qingyuan stepped forward quickly, stopped him, and gave him a little support, "Eunuch Xi, please get up quickly."

"Thank you, Princess Concubine." Eunuch Xi got up, with an amiable and respectful smile on his face, and without waiting for Gu Qingyuan to ask, he directly explained the purpose of his visit, "This old slave is ordered by the Emperor to invite Princess Concubine to enter the palace."

Gu Qingyuan nodded when he heard the words, "Eunuch Lao has made a trip, I'll go and tidy up and follow him into the palace."

"Yes, Shi Zifei, please go ahead, this old slave is waiting here."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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