Di daughter graceful

Chapter 572 No Meaning

Chapter 572 No Meaning (5)
Nanny Qi thought about it and shook her head secretly, alas!The old lady never thought that the eldest lady is the concubine of the world, even if Gu Yun'er is really favored, she is still a concubine!How can this be the same?
Nanny Qi sighed, but the old lady just wanted to get back the grievance of being forcefully violated by Gu Qingyuan.

The two concubines returned from the old lady's yard to their own yard.

"Sister, do you think the old lady's so-called two days is true? Or are you going to deal with our excuses?" In the old lady's room, the woman in purple (Hu's), who had never spoken, looked at the woman in blue. (He's) said.

"It doesn't matter whether it's a pretext or it's true. Anyway, we must arrive at the Earl's Mansion in two days." He said coldly.

"But the old lady..." Mrs. Hu said in surprise.

"I have no choice but to leave the old lady alone." He said in a deep voice, "You just need to remember what the master ordered, and always remember that your mission is to help me, so that the third lady can enter the earl's mansion smoothly."

"Yes, the maid and concubine dare not forget."

"That's good, you go back! I'm tired and want to take a rest."

"Yes, sister." Hu stood up to leave, and when he turned around, his eyes overflowed with sarcasm and sneered.

Mrs. Hu left, and a woman as beautiful as a flower came out from the inner room.

Seeing her, He's eyes were full of pride, "Yun'er."

"Mother, didn't the old lady agree?" the woman said in a charming voice like a warbler.

"Well! The old lady said it for two days."

Gu Yuner frowned upon hearing this.

Seeing that her daughter seemed unhappy, He hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Yun'er, mother, you will definitely let you enter the Earl's Mansion as you wish."

"Mother, I'm not worried about this..." Gu Yun'er paused and said, "I'm just, just a little uneasy. Is the son of the Earl's Mansion really that good?"

"Of course it's true. I have spent a lot of money in the past few days to investigate. None of those people said that the son is not good. Everyone praised him and admired him!"

He couldn't help being excited and said: "Yun'er, if you can enter the Earl's Mansion, you will not only enjoy endless glory and wealth, but more importantly, no one will dare to bully you anymore. Maybe everyone will treat you Flattery, compliments endlessly. And mother, you will also be supported by your father as the main wife, I am the wife, and you are the concubine. Yun'er, by then we will really make it through."

Gu Yun'er's eyes were full of longing and excitement when she heard this, it would be great if it was really like that.Thinking about it, he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Mother, then tell me more about Xiahou Shizi! And about Gu Qingyuan, when I see you, I can think about what to say."

"Okay, okay..." Mrs. He nodded, and began to tell Gu Yuner the gossip she had inquired about.

earls court

In the evening, before Gu Qingyuan's dinner was ready, Xiahou Jueyi came back.Looking at the woman in simple clothes who was busy in the kitchen, Xia Hou Jueyi's eyes were full of tenderness, he did not shy away from the gentleman's instruction to stay away from the kitchen, and walked in.

Seeing Xiahou Jueyi, Gu Qingyuan smiled, "I'm back."


"Go and freshen up first! You can eat right away."

"No hurry, do you need my help?"

"I don't need it today, just eat more later." Gu Qingyuan smiled lightly, and asked naturally, "Has Grandpa not come back yet?"

"He has something to do today, so he won't come to dinner tonight." Xiahou Jueyi said lightly.

"Really?" Gu Qingyuan responded, and couldn't help but take a deep look at Xiahou Jueyi, with an inquiring smile overflowing from his eyes.

Seeing this, Xiahou Jueyi glared at Gu Qingyuan, turned around and walked out, "I'm going to wash up."

"Okay..." Gu Qingyuan's voice was tinged with a smile, and he thought to himself: Old Hou Ye wouldn't really hide from Xiahou Jueyi with wine, right?

In the dark not far away, the old Hou Ye looked at Steward Zhou angrily, and said angrily: "Xiahou Jueyi, that stinky brat, I have something to do with me, obviously he forbade me to appear, that unfilial grandson..."

"Master Hou, Lord Hou, don't get excited, think about your wine. In fact, it's only a few days. As long as you endure these few days, the prince will return the rescue to you. Master Hou can continue to come here to use the prince. Has the imperial concubine cooked any food?" The old housekeeper hurriedly asked.

"You know what... I'm a fan..." Old Hou Ye was angry.

"And that brat just offered to help? Can he cook?"

"This, the old slave doesn't know." The old butler replied, let alone imagine it!The son of the world actually said that he wanted to help with the practice.

"Hmph! A worthless guy..."

The old butler wiped his sweat after hearing that, the son of the world is worthless to help with cooking, so what should the old Hou say when he succumbs to wine every time?

Gu Qingyuan cooked the meal, the maids set the table and chopsticks, and Xiahou Jueyi just finished washing.

When preparing to eat, Qi Si walked in, "Master."

Xiahou Jueyi raised his eyes, "What is it?"

"The second prince may soon accept a side concubine."

When these words came out, Gu Qingyuan raised his eyebrows, Xiahou Jueyi said calmly, "Who is it?"

"Miss Liu, Liu Lin'er."

Hearing this name, some memories of the past quickly appeared in Gu Qingyuan's mind.However, the second prince accepted the side concubine before he married the main concubine, so there must be a wonderful legend in it.

"What's the reason?" Xiahou Jueyi asked.

Qi Si reported.

Gu Qingyuan listened, smiled, and sure enough there was a story.

(End of this chapter)

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