Di daughter graceful

Chapter 579 Xiahou Jueyi Gets Angry

Chapter 579 Xiahou Jueyi Gets Angry (2)
"Xiahou Jueyi..." Gu Qingyuan opened his mouth to say something, but Xiahou Jueyi suddenly flew away. Looking at Xiahou Jueyi's back disappearing like the wind, Gu Qingyuan's eyes were stained with helplessness, and he rubbed the center of his brows. It seemed that Murong Ye The words touched the taboo in the man's heart.Thinking of Gu Qingyuan sighing, Xiahou Jueyi's degree of concern, sensitivity, and insecurity about certain things would be so serious, which Gu Qingyuan did not expect.

I thought that her previous reluctance, escape, and perhaps the phrase to keep her heart.After these pasts are married, men will no longer be entangled in the past, and will no longer have a sense of uncertainty.But now it seems that he has always cared about it, otherwise why would he feel forced, perhaps, Xiahou Jueyi has always had a sense of uncertainty in his heart, but he has been suppressing it all the time, and she has never seen it!
Xiahou Jueyi is undoubtedly powerful, everyone thinks so, maybe even she has overlooked many things because of his aura of controlling everything.Gu Qingyuan slowly leaned on the car wall and closed his eyes. Xiahou Jueyi has a strong heart, but at the same time he is also very sensitive. He is also an ordinary person, and he also has emotions.

Thinking about it, Gu Qingyuan couldn't help feeling guilty.Is it because a man's mind is too deep to easily reveal his emotions?Or did she care less about him?Let someone like Xiahou Jueyi be defeated easily by Murong Ye's few words.Thinking of Xiahou Jueyi's expression of extreme insecurity, Gu Qingyuan's heart tightened, overflowing with sourness!For the first time, she realized that she hoped too much, but did too little for Xiahou Jueyi.Is it because of his status as the future emperor that she cannot give without reservation?
If so, she is really doing something wrong!Farewell without weeping, without complaining about death.He is her husband and she is his wife, it's as simple as that.

A person's life is short, does it really take too much energy to guess the answer?So, do you wait for the day when you see the result, and then look back only to find that the banquet is over and everything is over.When I waited for the answer, I realized that I had missed too many things, including the whole heart and soul that I hadn't had time to give!

Don't refuse to say that beautiful oath because it might change, and don't dare to give your wholeheartedness just because you might break up.

Li family.

Li Yi looked at Li Zhi uncertainly, and said in a low voice, "What did you just say?"

Li Zhi knelt in front of Li Yi, with a smile on his face, and said firmly in his eyes: "Grandfather, my grandson no longer explores the past, and I don't want to explore it anymore! But, for my mother, although my grandson does not know the past, But in my heart, I know clearly that my grandfather didn't wrong her, she really did something wrong, and in that case, she deserves to be punished."

"However, as the mother's son, the grandson only begs the grandfather not to let the father abandon her. Let the mother continue to retain the title of Mrs. Li." He changed the subject and said: "However, the grandson has asked people to choose the manor , Before the grandfather left, the grandson sent the mother away, and the grandson would never take her back until the mother did not thoroughly reflect on and admit her mistakes, and until the grandfather gave her consent."

Li Zhi said, looking at Li Yi's uncertain expression, he said seriously: "Grandfather, my grandson has grown up and reached the age of starting a family, I implore my grandfather to find a suitable marriage for my grandson. Come to manage the backyard of the Li family. As for the mother, the grandson will honor her well and provide her with care in the old age."

Li Yi listened, he didn't understand what Li Zhi meant, he was going to completely take away his mother's central power, even if she came back one day, there was no room for her to intervene in the Li family.Knowing in his heart, his expression was uncertain, and he looked at him quietly, before speaking for a long time, "Zhier, you have grown up."

"Yes, the grandson has grown up. The grandson will take good care of the Li family, and will not allow anyone to discredit the Li family or the grandfather's face. Please don't worry too much about the grandfather. The grandson only hopes that the grandfather will die in his later years I can live in peace and joy."

Li Yi listened and nodded, his eyes were full of relief, "Zhier, grandfather is very happy, very happy that you can say this!"

"Grandson is ashamed. If Qing'er hadn't woken up grandson, grandson might still be entangled in the past and ignore his grandfather's mood."

Hearing this, Li Yi was startled, "Qing'er?"

"Yes, it's Qinger..." Li Zhi told Li Yi what Gu Qingyuan told him.

After Li Yi listened, there was pride and guilt in his eyes, he looked at Li Zhi for a while and said: "When grandfather leaves, if you have any doubts, you can ask Qing'er."

"The grandson knows."

Li Yi looked at him firmly after finishing speaking, and said in a deep voice: "In the future, the Li family may also face choices. But you remember, my Li family does not care about official career, official position, or wealth. Grandfather only wants you Protect Qing'er well."

"Grandson understands."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Li Zhi and Li Yi talked a lot, and Li Zhi didn't leave until Li Yi was tired.

After leaving, I went directly to Grandma Li's place. When I entered the courtyard, I saw Madam Shu supporting the red-eyed mother, while the frowning father stood beside her.

Li Zhi stepped forward, looked at Grandma Li and said, "Where is mother going?"

"Where can I go, I'll confess to your grandfather, I'll think about your grandfather's confession, isn't that what you want?" Grandma Li's voice was full of sternness.

Li Zhi looked at Grandma Li's expression and her tone, and knew that his mother had no intention of reflecting at all.Li Zhi sighed, shook his head, and said lightly: "Since there is no repentance, why should mother go?"

"Li Zhi, what do you mean by that?" Grandma Li snapped angrily.

"It's nothing interesting. I just came here to tell my mother that she doesn't have to go. I have already pleaded with my grandfather, and my grandfather has already promised that I will not let my father abandon my mother."

Li Zhi's words came out, Grandma Li stared at Li Zhi with wide eyes in disbelief, broke away from Nanny Shu's hand, pulled Li Zhi's arm excitedly, and tremblingly said: "Zhi'er, what you said is true Did your grandfather really say yes, really?"

"it is true."

When the answer was affirmative, Grandma Li's eyes were instantly filled with joy, and she said in surprise: "Zhier, you...you are really a good son of my mother, mother..."

Li Jin looked at Li Zhi in surprise.Did father really agree?
"However, there is one condition." Seeing Grandma Li's happy expression, Li Zhi said again.

"Conditions? What conditions?"

"You are still Mrs. Li, but you must leave the Li family."

After saying this, the smile on Grandma Li's face froze immediately, "What... what do you mean?"

"My son has already bought you a manor outside the city, and it has been my mother's place ever since."

"The Manor? How long am I going to stay there?"

(End of this chapter)

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