Di daughter graceful

Chapter 584 Hu's Mother and Daughter

Chapter 584 Hu's Mother and Daughter (1)
Gu family
Regarding the matter of going to the Earl's Mansion, the old lady asked someone to greet the two concubines the night before.Then, on the day of going to the Earl's Mansion, the two concubines got busy before dawn.The two were busy explaining how to pack their daughter's clothes, how to speak, and how to deal with it when they arrived at the Earl's Mansion.The two are doing the same thing, but with a slightly different emphasis.

Mrs. He was holding a luxurious dress with exquisite workmanship and style.With a joyful smile on his face, he looked at Gu Yun'er and said, "Yun'er, you can wear this dress today."

"Mother, are you going to wear it today?" Gu Yun'er stretched out her hand and gently stroked the gorgeous dress in He's hand, her eyes were full of joy, and she was a little uncertain: "But, will it be too obvious?" It’s —— leaked our thoughts. Will Gu Qingyuan be wary of me after seeing it?”

"Silly girl, even if you don't wear this dress, Gu Qingyuan will like you?"

Gu Yun'er was a little confused, "Why doesn't she like me?"

Seeing that her daughter looked a bit confused, Mrs. He caressed her beautiful face like a flower, and said softly: "Yun'er, I think you and Mrs. Hu's two daughters were concubines when you were in Licheng, so why bother?" Qingya, Gu Qingsu can't tolerate you, she targets you in everything, always stares at you and troubles you? And your father also values ​​you more than those two concubines, why do you know the reason?"

He said, without waiting for Gu Yun'er to respond, he snorted coldly: "Gu Qingya, the reason why Gu Qingsu can't tolerate you is because you are more beautiful than them, and you compare them all. And the reason why your father I value you because you are good-looking. I think you can marry better, and it’s all for him to win over people who are beneficial to him!"

There was no surprise on Gu Yun'er's face when she heard this, she just frowned and said: "Mother, I know what you said. But will Gu Qingyuan also dislike me because of my daughter's appearance? My daughter heard that She is also very beautiful!"

"Beautiful? Did you say that through someone from the mansion?"

Gu Yuner nodded, "Yes!"

There was sarcasm in He's eyes, "Gu Qingyuan is the Crown Princess now, and it's too late for the servants in the mansion to flatter her, and they will say something bad about her. And you and I have never met Gu Qingyuan, who knows what they are talking about? True or false?"

Gu Yun'er listened thoughtfully, "Xiahou's son can marry Gu Qingyuan as his concubine, she must not be bad-looking."

"That's true, but even if she looks good, can she compare to you? Yun'er, with your appearance and figure, there were not many women who could compare to you in Lili City. Mother believes that in this Yun'er in the capital is also outstanding. And women are jealous in their hearts, Gu Qingyuan sees you who are better than her, can she like you?" He said seriously.

Hearing this, Gu Yuner's expression was uncertain, seeing Gu Qingya and Gu Qingsu's attitude towards her, Gu Yuner frowned, maybe Gu Qingyuan really didn't like her.Thinking about it, I sighed in my heart, caressing my cheek and sighing, is it wrong for her to be beautiful?

"Yun'er, since Gu Qingyuan is destined not to like you, why should we hide it? Besides, it's not easy for us to enter the Earl's Mansion once, so we can't easily miss it, we have to catch it. The most important thing is to let Xiahou Shizi see your beauty, let him be fascinated by you, and let him accept you into the Earl's Mansion." He said deeply and wisely.

After hearing He's blunt words, Gu Yun'er couldn't help blushing, and said in embarrassment: "Mother, look at what you said..."

Seeing her daughter's shy but even more charming and lovable appearance, He couldn't help sighing, it's a pity that such a beautiful face was born into her own belly.If she was born into Li Jiao's womb, then how could it be Gu Qingyuan's turn to be the eldest concubine of the Earl's Mansion.The position of the world concubine belongs to her own daughter.

However, Gu Yun'er may be unlucky to have such a concubine's birth mother.But on the contrary, she has such a beautiful daughter as Gu Yun'er, which is her biggest capital to turn around.As long as Yun'er can enter the Earl's Mansion, then she will be the main wife.At that time, their mother and daughter were a win-win situation!

Thinking about it, He's eyes were filled with uncontrollable excitement, and he said eagerly: "Yun'er, you go and change it quickly, and ask your mother to give you a nice bun again, so you can dress up well."

"Okay." Gu Yun'er picked up the clothes, turned around and entered the inner room, with anticipation in her eyes.

On the other side, Hu looked at a well-dressed daughter and nodded, "It's not ostentatious, not shabby, very good."

Gu Lian'er pulled the clothes on her body, and said a little unhappy: "Auntie, we are going to the Earl's Mansion today, is it really appropriate to wear this?"

"It is because you are going to the Earl's Mansion that you are asked to dress like this." Hu said indifferently: "Today is the day that the mother and daughter have been looking forward to for a long time. Based on what I know about her, Gu Yun'er will definitely dress up today. Dress up, be radiant, and appear gorgeously. And, you are not as good-looking as her, so why bother to steal the limelight! She wants us to make green leaves, so we will make a peaceful green leaf for her to see as she wishes."

Gu Lian'er was even more displeased when she heard this, and even said with a hint of annoyance: "Auntie, are you really that afraid of that He family? You are a concubine just like her. Moreover, you gave birth to an older brother, who is more than a concubine." Shouldn't Auntie be more confident when talking about her? But why do you always bow her head and obey her in everything? Just because you are so weak, look at that Mrs. He who never came to the capital Afterwards, she became more and more arrogant. Those who shouted at you and reprimanded you all set up the score of the main room."

After hearing Gu Lian'er's angry and almost reprimanding words to her, Mrs. He was not angry at all, but smiled a little, "Lian'er, I have a lot of ways to deal with Mrs. He, and I can kill her with any one of them." , but I don't want to do that."

Hearing this, Gu Lian'er didn't understand, she was very puzzled, and said in surprise, "Why? Why didn't Auntie deal with her?"

"Hehe, she and I are both concubines, no matter how powerful you are, you can still surpass Mrs. Zeng! In Mrs. Zeng's eyes, we are both thorns in her eyes. Therefore, I never thought of being equal to Mrs. He. On the contrary, I really hope that Mrs. He can live longer. After all, she, an idiot, rushes forward, so Mrs. Zeng doesn't have much experience to deal with my concubine who gave birth to a son and can threaten her. "

"Frankly speaking, because of her, I have reduced a lot of dangers. And because you have that outstanding Gu Yun'er standing in front of you, Gu Qingya and Gu Qingsu save you a lot of trouble."

Gu Lian'er was stunned when she heard this, "So that's the case. No wonder my aunt didn't let us dress up too delicately when we were in Licheng. It turned out that we were worried about being envied by Gu Qingya and Gu Qingsu."

(End of this chapter)

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