Di daughter graceful

Chapter 596: From the beginning of planning

Chapter 596: From the beginning of planning (1)
earls court

Nanny Qi and a woman supported the old lady, hurriedly walked to Gu Qingyuan's yard.

Seeing Gu Qingyuan, without waiting for Gu Qingyuan to speak, the old lady hurriedly said: "What's the matter with Yun'er? What's wrong with you? But is she sick? Can you find someone to show her? What did the doctor say? is it serious?"

Listening to the old lady's series of questions, Gu Qingyuan raised her eyebrows. Seeing her anxious and worried expression, she really vividly expressed the image of a loving grandmother who is worried about her granddaughter.

Seeing that Gu Qingyuan didn't respond immediately, the old lady frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Qing'er, didn't you hear what I asked you? What happened to your little sister Yun'er? Why did you only stay here for a day? Something happened to someone?"

The old lady's cold words and questioning tone made Ling Fei's eyes sink, and Lanzhi and Mei Xiang's expressions were also very ugly.

Gu Qingyuan didn't have much reaction, and said calmly: "I've just heard about this, and I don't know the details, so I can't answer grandma."

The old lady was very sad when she heard the words: "I heard this girl said that Yun'er was not feeling well last night, but you actually know now, you...you really care about your cousin!"

The old lady's accusation made Lanzhi couldn't bear it any longer, she stepped forward and bowed slightly to the old lady to pay her respects, and then said seriously: "Old lady, Miss Yun'er, her physical discomfort started at night. She is not bad girl Come to report, but my family's Shi Zifei didn't send someone to watch her all the time. She is sick, and our prince has no way of knowing, so I can't blame my family's Shi Zifei for this matter."

When Lan Zhi said the words, the old lady sneered, and looked up at Gu Qingyuan, "Look, is this the girl next to you? She dared to respond to the master's words without authorization. It's really inappropriate."

As he spoke, he glanced at Lanzhi, his eyes were full of coldness, "I remember this girl was the one who served you in the Gu family before! Hmph! I have never seen her dare to be so unruly and bold when I was in the Gu family before? Otherwise, I would have killed her long ago, how could I allow such a girl to embarrass me now."

"I have only followed you to the Earl's Mansion for a few days now, and it has become like this. I can tell that I am restless. A girl like this must not be kept. Let her go as soon as possible and let her stay by your side. , will cause trouble for you sooner or later. Look at her attitude towards me just now. "

"As we know, we all know that she has no rules. She thinks that she is a girl of the Hou's mansion. I, this old woman, only cares about her? But, if people who don't know and don't understand see it, I thought it was you, the master, who subtly influenced her, and she dared to do this by following someone else's example!" After the old lady finished speaking, she looked at Gu Qingyuan meaningfully.

The old lady's words made Lanzhi's face turn red and white, and she felt guilty for causing trouble to Gu Qingyuan because of her recklessness.What's more, the old lady was very angry because she couldn't tell right from wrong, and couldn't tell right from wrong.Lan Zhi gritted her teeth and held her hand tightly, Mei Xiang gently pulled her aside and shook her head gently at her.

Gu Qingyuan smiled indifferently, it seemed that he could not even get along peacefully with the old lady.One time of disobedience made the old lady intolerable until now. Thinking about it, what the old lady needed was never family affection, what she wanted was slaves.

Although Gu Changyuan is not a good person, he may not be submissive to the old lady from the bottom of his heart.But for so many years, he has been completely obedient to the old lady, almost obedient.However, the result!Ever since Gu Changyuan was imprisoned, the old lady never even asked about visiting him, let alone talking about it.Otherwise, Gu Changyuan wouldn't have been dead for so long and she didn't know anything.

Gu Changyuan is like this, Second Aunt, Gu Wuxia is like this, Gu Tingyuan, Zeng Shi, Gu Qingya, Gu Qingsu.She is always like this, as long as something happens, she feels that it may affect her.She will immediately abandon that person.Of course, if anyone disrespects or disobeys her, she will also target her endlessly, and she is an example.

"Grandmother, aren't you very worried about Cousin Yun'er? Well, it seems unnecessary to pursue a girl at this time. Let's not see the patient for now!" Gu Qingyuan said calmly and gently.

However, these words made the old lady's complexion suddenly darken, and she gave Gu Qingyuan a cold look, what does she mean by this?Is it to make people think that her grandmother, in order to punish a girl, can even ignore her granddaughter?Is she trying to make people feel that she doesn't care about Gu Yun'er at all?

Thinking about it, I snorted coldly in my heart!It seems that Gu Qingyuan not only doesn't care about her own grandmother.I have also begun to resist myself and target myself.That being the case, she should not regret it.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Gu turned to look at the girl next to Gu Yun'er, and said in a deep voice, "Where is your lady? Take me there quickly."

"Yes, old lady." The girl took the order and helped the old lady to the guest room where Gu Yun'er lived.

Gu Qingyuan saw the cold eyes of the old lady, and so did the girls.

Looking at Gu Qingyuan, Lanzhi felt very ashamed and said: "Miss, this servant could not hold back just now, I have embarrassed Miss."

Gu Qingyuan smiled slightly after hearing this, and shook her head slightly, "Mei Xiang, you two look at the yard, and prepare the ingredients by the way, the old Hou Ye and Shi Zi Ye are back for dinner today. I will come back later to make it."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Ling Fei, let's go!"

"Yes, Crown Princess."

Lan Zhi and Mei Xiang watched Gu Qingyuan take Ling Fei away with worries on their faces.

"Mei Xiang, I always feel that there is something wrong with Gu Yun'er's sudden illness." Lan Zhi frowned.

Mei Xiang nodded, and thoughtfully said: "Gu Yun'er suddenly fell ill, and the old lady just happened to come. Moreover, the old lady actually has some kind of unbearable hostility towards our young lady." After Mei Xiang finished speaking, her expression was uncertain, and her voice was tainted. Feeling angry, "It seems that they didn't come to visit Miss at all, but to make things difficult for Miss."

When Lan Zhi heard this, her nose suddenly felt sour, and she said sadly: "How can the old lady do this! Outsiders target our young lady, and it's fine to make trouble for our young lady, but the old lady is the young lady's grandmother! She even wants to deal with our young lady , this is really too much.”

"People's hearts are inherently unpredictable, not to mention that the old lady is not a kind and open-minded person. Maybe she doesn't like the young lady!" Mei Xiang said with a condensed expression, "However, I don't like the attitude of the old lady. I care too much, what I am worried about now is what kind of strategy they used, what are they planning for our lady?"

Lanzhi was even more worried after hearing this, "Then let's go and have a look!"

Mei Xiang shook her head, and said seriously: "Gu Yun'er has ulterior motives, and the change in the old lady's attitude, I have seen all these. Then, the lady must have noticed it a long time ago. We all know the lady's temperament, and I must have a countermeasure in my heart. It’s a good idea. Since the young lady didn’t let us go, we shouldn’t be needed. So, let’s listen to the young lady and stay here!”

(End of this chapter)

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