Di daughter graceful

Chapter 600: Absolutely Impossible

Chapter 600: Absolutely Impossible (2)
Gu Lian'er looked at it and sighed in her heart, did my aunt and sister see the wrong person?Gu Qingyuan was not as powerful as they imagined.A person who Gu Yun'er can easily calculate, can have any kind of city and scheming.Maybe it's all just luck!

Gu Xiner looked at Gu Qingyuan's calm and indifferent face, her eyes flashed with anticipation, how would she respond to Gu Qingyuan?Frankly speaking, this kind of situation is placed on her body, and it is difficult to think of a perfect escape strategy for a while, so what will Gu Qingyuan do?If she is helpless and aggrieved to accept, how can she have a stunning counterattack?
Seeing Gu Yun'er's appearance, Hu asked anxiously, "Yun'er, do you know something? It's just who poisoned you, do you know?"

Gu Yun'er looked at Gu Qingyuan blankly as if she didn't see Hu's words.

Seeing this, Mrs. Hu raised her head and looked at Gu Qingyuan in amazement, and said with an uncertain expression: "But does the imperial concubine know anything? Does the imperial concubine know who harmed you?" Hu's eyes were full of pain, and he choked up and said: "The imperial concubine , if you know that it is a murderous hand against my Yun'er, please tell the concubine. The concubine does not dare to ask for anything else, as long as I give my daughter an explanation, Yun'er and I only need one explanation to be satisfied..."

Seeing this scene, a light flashed in the old lady's eyes very quickly, and an unpredictable smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

Gu Qingyuan looked coldly at the few people in the room, Gu Lianer and Gu Xiner were watching the excitement.Gu Yun'er was heartbroken, but chose to bear it.The Hu family is even more complacent.Mrs. Gu is probably very satisfied with this development!

"Qing'er, do you have anything to say?" The old lady's voice was so gentle for the first time ever.

Hearing this, Gu Qingyuan raised her eyes and said seriously: "Since Gu Yun'er was poisoned in the Earl's Mansion, I will definitely find out the reason and give her justice."

After saying this, the old lady's eyes overflowed with a sarcasm smile, and she said mercilessly: "This is the Earl's Mansion, and you are the master of the Earl's Mansion. Is it difficult for you to find out anything?"

The obvious insinuations in the old lady's words made the old doctor's heart jump suddenly, and his legs were a little weak. The meaning of the old lady's words... But did the imperial concubine harm the woman?Thinking of this, the old doctor is dizzy, if this is the case.I'm afraid his little life will be lost!I'm afraid this killing is certain.His life is over!Thinking about it, I couldn't support myself and sat on the ground.

Gu Qingyuan's eyes became more and more indifferent, looking at the old lady, he said lightly: "If grandma thinks it's inappropriate for me to investigate and can't give Gu Yun'er real justice, then let the people from the government come!" Glancing at Ling Fei, "Go ask the people from the Ministry of Punishment to come over..."

"Yes, Crown Princess."

Gu Qingyuan's words came out, and the old lady's mouth was tightly pursed. The stubborn personality of Gu Qingyuan, a dead girl, is really disgusting.

"No... I don't want to see the people from the government, I don't want to." Gu Yuner suddenly cried excitedly, looked at the old lady helplessly, and cried: "Grandma, if the people from the government come, then all the people Everyone will know that I am already a useless person, I don't want to be like that, I don't want to be laughed at, I don't want to be talked about, grandma, I don't want to be like that... woo woo woo..."

"Old lady, Shizifei, you can't let people from the government come. Otherwise, Yun'er's life will really be over!..." Hu also cried and begged.

"Auntie, if that's the case, the daughter really might as well die. She'll be dead forever. In this way, sister Qing'er will not have to worry about it, and grandma and auntie will be clean... Woooo... Anyway, there is no such thing as me alive any sense anymore..."


The mother and daughter cried while hugging each other.

Seeing this, the old lady looked at Gu Qingyuan, and said coldly: "Let the people from the government come, do you want your cousin's life?" She sighed, looked at Gu Qingyuan's eyes full of helplessness, and said earnestly: " Even if you don't care about your cousin's life, you should still think about it for yourself and the Earl's Mansion! This is not a glorious thing! This is a family scandal. The person you called to the government will not only make your cousin embarrassing Even the Earl's Mansion will be very difficult to manage and attract people's comments, haven't you thought about it?"

"Qing'er, you are no longer a child. You are the master of the Earl's Mansion. You can no longer be as ignorant and self-willed as before. You will blacken the face of the prince. Alas! You are so reckless that grandma How can you rest assured!"

Listening to the old lady's words, Gu Qingyuan raised her eyebrows. Although the old lady and Gu Changyuan are not biological daughters, they are really on the same level in terms of shamelessness!

"Then what should I do according to my grandmother's opinion?" Gu Qingyuan asked very modestly.

After hearing Gu Qingyuan's words, the old lady did not answer immediately, but pondered for a long time before she said: "Yun'er has been poisoned by this poisonous drug, and I am afraid that there is no hope in this life. She is a woman who cannot bear children. Life will never be easy. Maybe people will divorce her the day they find out. Even if she is a concubine, she will only be bullied, and people will not tolerate her. "

"And Yun'er encountered this disaster in your Earl's Mansion. Therefore, whether you are the master or the cousin, you must give her an explanation, give her a way out, and keep her life free from worries, right? !"

"Then in my grandmother's opinion, what should I do is the best for Gu Yun'er!" Gu Qingyuan asked.

The old lady looked deeply at Gu Qingyuan, and said seriously: "In my opinion, let her follow you!"

After saying this, Gu Qingyuan smiled, "What does grandma mean?"

"Yun'er has become like this. As a grandmother, it is difficult for me to explain to your second uncle. And what happened in the Earl's Mansion, I am afraid it will be difficult for you to explain to Xiahou Shizi and outsiders! In this case, the best way is Think of a strategy that has the best of both worlds, so that this matter can be exposed without a trace."

"Grandma's so-called best of both worlds?"

"You take Yun'er by your side, you can't let her be a guest! This is very inappropriate, and it will attract outsiders to investigate."

"so what?"

"So, the most basic thing is that you should give her a title."


"Find a good day, show her face and let her serve Xiahou Shizi!"

As soon as the old lady said this, the room fell silent for an instant. Hu's crying disappeared, and Gu Yun'er's low crying stopped.Gu Lianer, Gu Xiner lowered her head again.Ling Fei's eyes were full of hostility.

The smile on Gu Qingyuan's face became softer, and a gentle smile rose from the corner of his mouth, "Grandmother means to let her be Xiahou Shizi's concubine?"

"That's right. In this way, Yun'er has a legitimate reason to stay, and her life is guaranteed. Even if your second uncle knows, he won't say anything more. As for outsiders, there will be no more Think about it. Everything will pass peacefully, and no one will say a word about what happened today, and will never mention it again. This is the best result. "

(End of this chapter)

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