Fighting villain training system

Chapter 45 Chapter City

Chapter 45
Even the sounds that some animals should have could not be heard.

The houses and trees in Zhong'an Village were as usual, and the expressions of several people became serious.

Here, there is no atmosphere that a village should have.

"Be careful." A few people walked towards Zhong'an Village, and there were fluctuations in their bodies.

While walking, someone showed a token at his waist, which said Que Yuezong.

If someone sees it, they will be shocked by the words Queyuezong.

The Questing Moon Sect is not in Wutan City, but it is not far from Wutan City. It is the strongest sect around Wutan City, bar none.

Many forces that are not much different from the Xiao family, the Jialie family, and the Auba family can only be attached to the Crescent Moon Sect.

"Come and see!"

A member of the Queyue Sect walked into a courtyard and let out an exclamation.

Several other people hurriedly followed, and when they saw the shriveled corpse in the yard, they couldn't help being moved.

What kind of cruel method can turn these people into dry corpses?
The people of Queyue Sect dispersed and went door-to-door to check.

Finally found out.

Hundreds of people in Zhong'an Village were all turned into dry corpses!


After taking a bath in the clear river water, Xiao Ye felt comfortable all over.

The rivers in the Douqi Continent are completely unmatched by the earth.

The river here is as clear as if it doesn't exist at all.When you gently stretch your hand in, the clear river will ripple with layers of ripples visible to the naked eye.

After changing into clean clothes, the devilish energy in Xiao Ye's body surged, and his hair was blown dry immediately.

When the wind blew, Xiao Ye's neat black hair swayed with the wind, and there was still a red light in his eyes that never faded.

In the depths of the black and white eyes, the red light appeared and disappeared from time to time, and Xiao Ye's heart was extraordinarily restless.

"It should be because a village was slaughtered just now..."

"I actually slaughtered a village..."

"I'm sorry, they should all die..."

"It is the honor of the villagers of Zhong'an Village to help me become a Nine-Star Great Fighter..."

A wind passed through Zhong'an Village, echoing into sobs, as if the dead souls were wailing unwillingly and resentfully.


"Brother Ye, you are back."

Lu Xingchun and Xu Ling, who were waiting by the side of the road, saw Xiao Ye walking back from the woods.

"Go back." Xiao Ye got on a red-maned beast and said.

"Go back to the city!" Lu Xingchun also got on the red-maned beast and waved his arm.

"I...I won't..." Xu Lingqiao blushed slightly, and she said embarrassingly as she was riding a red-maned beast.

Xiao Ye landed on Xu Ling's red-maned beast, grabbed Xu Ling's waist and hugged Xu Ling in his arms, pinched the red-maned beast with his legs, and the red-maned beast immediately ran.

Xu Ling, who didn't react, exclaimed, how could she have been so close to the opposite sex.

But the red-maned beast rushed, how could Xu Ling dare to break free from Xiao Ye's embrace.

The gust of wind blew head-on, and Xu Ling's beautiful hair fluttered, occasionally caressing Xiao Ye's face, itching.

It was also the first time for Xiao Ye to embrace a woman of the opposite sex.

The soft touch made Xiao Ye's heart beat a little faster.

Lu Xingchun looked at Xiao Ye and Xu Ling who were at the front with some surprise. It was the first time he saw that Brother Ye was so close to a person of the opposite sex.


"Received a tip that Lu Xingchun from the Xiaozhi Chamber of Commerce led people out of the city."

A person hurriedly ran into the meeting room of the Auba family.

Obapa, the elders of the family, and Song Ji, whom Xiao Ye was very familiar with, were all sitting in the meeting hall.

"I know, and then?" Obapa frowned and asked.

"They...they found Xiao Ye and are on their way back to the city!" said the man, wiping the cold sweat off his brow.

Xiao Ye, the big devil, was able to come back alive after facing the siege of a strong fighter and two master fighters?

Obapa stared at the face of this family member, he naturally knew what he was thinking.Obapa's eyes were gloomy. If he let them know, Xiao Ye not only survived the siege of the fighting spirit master and the two master fighters, but also killed the two master fighters, giving Song Ji the fighting spirit The strong man still left a little injury, and this group of people had to be scared out of their wits.

Originally, Obapa's intention was to concentrate his strength to hunt down and kill Xiao Ye's remaining crimes in Wutan City.

But Song Ji refused to let him do this. Song Ji's opinion was that Xiao Ye was seriously injured, and it was hard to say if he wanted to survive. Song Ji had already released his hand, and he naturally knew clearly that Xiao Ye's injury was serious. How serious.

There is no need to worry about killing Xiao Ye's remnants of evil in Wutan City.

When it is confirmed that Xiao Ye is dead, what will his remaining crimes in Wutan City be?

In fact, the reason for raising this opinion is that Song Ji was also a little scared.If Xiao Ye is not dead, he escaped.

With Xiao Ye's talent, giving him a few years would be the end of Song Ji.

Judging from the various deeds that Xiao Ye has done, Song already clearly knows that Xiao Ye has a character of vindictiveness.

Therefore, Xiao Ye can't be given time to breathe, and take advantage of his illness to kill him!
Xiao Ye, who was seriously injured, even escaped very slowly.

Hearing that Xiao Ye and his men were on their way back to the city, Song already burst out laughing.

There was silence in the meeting room, and Song Ji laughed heartily, which was particularly abrupt.

Obapa, the other elders and the person from the Obaba family who came to report the news all looked at Songji in puzzlement.

"I said that although Xiao Ye was fierce in fighting that day, it was impossible for him to recover from his injuries in such a short time. I really don't know why he returned to Wutan City. Since he came back, he also spared us from going everywhere. Make some troubles for him. When Xiao Ye comes back, I will personally kill him." Song Ji didn't care, and after laughing, he said to everyone in the Auba family.

Song Ji's confident words made Obapa and the others slightly relieved.

That's right, Song Ji is a strong fighting spirit after all, no matter how Xiao Ye can jump, if he is the opponent of a strong fighting spirit, how can he be seriously injured and almost lose the news?

As for why Xiao Ye returned to Wutan City so quickly, members of the Aoba family, including Song Ji, couldn't figure it out.

However, there is no need to figure it out.

When Xiao Ye stepped into Wutan City, he was killed by Song Ji.

"Patriarch Auba can make preparations. When Xiao Ye is killed, he can get rid of the remnants of Xiao Ye's evil in Wutan City." Song already stood up and said.

"Xiao Ye, I'm in trouble." Obapa said.


The news of Xiao Ye's return to Wutan City had already stirred up excitement in Wutan City before it arrived.

Facing the siege of the fighting spirit expert and the two great fighting masters invited by the Oba family, he survived?
Now Xiao Ye is back in the city, needless to say, what does he want to do?
It's just that the Auba family has a strong fighting spirit in charge. Is he really sure that he will return to Wutan City so early?

 The first update, broke out today, thank you readers

(End of this chapter)

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