Chapter 63

"Aren't you orphans? Aren't you helpless? Is there anyone in this world who will protect you? Don't you have a home in the Douqi Continent?"

Xiao Ye stood up from the chair, speaking slowly so that each child could hear clearly.He just wanted to let these children get rid of their childish and immature mentality, and let them clearly understand their current situation.

The faces of the children changed, excited, angry, collapsed, sad, unwilling to believe...

Lu Xingchun couldn't bear to look at the expressions of these children.

"Tell me, do you still have a home?" Xiao Ye repeated loudly.

Do you still have a home?

This question echoes in every child's mind, where do they still have a home?
Their home is long gone, otherwise, why would they be called orphans?

At this moment, under Xiao Ye's reminder, the group of children woke up from their muddled escape.

Some children just burst into tears.

Reality is always merciless, and these children simply cannot bear it.

"Tell me, why did you become orphans? Didn't you have a home when you were born? Of course not, what about your home?" Xiao Ye is slowly guiding the thoughts of these children, thinking towards what Xiao Ye wants past.

"our home……"

Sure enough, the children swallowed the hook that Xiao Ye dropped.

Xiao Ye made a gesture, Lu Xingchun nodded and left.

Soon, two men in red clouds and trench coats came over and threw a corpse on the ground.

This corpse instantly detonated the hatred in the hearts of all the children!
"That's right, it's the Demon God Cult, it's Isaac, it's all because of them!"

"Since Isaac and his demon cult appeared in Kaya City, more and more homes have been destroyed!"

"This is the man who made us orphans! Made us lose our home!"

The children's emotions gradually rose, even though Isaac had become a stiff and cold corpse.But these children still wanted to tear the corpse into pieces.

"You are all wrong, the current ending is all because of you." Xiao Ye said with a sneer.

"We didn't hurt anyone!"

"That's right, it was the Demon God Cult and Isaac who killed our family and made us lose our home!"

"Because we caused it, you are completely nonsense!"

Looking at the faces of the children, Xiao Ye said again: "If you are strong enough, can Isaac hurt your family? Can he make you orphans? Let Jean become homeless and alone In the end, isn’t it because of your incompetence?”


These two words and Xiao Ye's words made all the children's eyes wide open.

If Isaac and the Demon God Cult set their sights on Xiao Ye, will he be able to succeed?

When these children saw Isaac's body next to Xiao Ye, the answer appeared in the minds of all the children, no!

That's right, it was their incompetence that ruined their family!
It was their incompetence that made them lose their dearest family members!
It is their incompetence that makes them orphans who are helpless and have no home!

It was their incompetence that made them unloved and bullied from now on!

"Tell me, do you want to be strong?" Xiao Ye dropped the bait, and he had [-]% confidence to let these children take the bait.

"miss you!"

Without hesitation, the children answered in unison.

The voice is loud, and it is crazy, and it is determined to go forward.

Xiao Ye's repeated questioning made these children finally understand their situation.

Incompetence caused them to lose their favorite and most precious things.

"Isaac still has accomplices, do you know? Isaac's accomplices are stronger than Isaac and his Demon God Cult! Your hatred is not completely over yet." Xiao Ye said calmly.

"Master Ye, please make us strong, we want revenge! We want to kill all Isaac's accomplices, and kill those enemies who make us helpless orphans!"

A child took a step forward, clenched his fists, and said firmly.

"What's your name?" Xiao Ye looked at the child's red eyes with great interest and asked.

"My name is Zhang Quan." The child replied.

Xiao Ye waved his hand, and several people brought two large boxes and put them on the ground.

"You want to become stronger, right?" Xiao Ye asked with one hand on the box.

"That's right." The child named Zhang Quan was the first to give Xiao Ye a firm answer.

"Why, I want to help you become stronger?" Xiao Ye looked at the child and asked.

Xiao Ye didn't pay attention to the other children who answered along with Zhang Quan.Looking at Zhang Quan's face, he should be thirteen or fourteen years old, which is considered older among this group of orphans.Moreover, it is not too late to practice battle qi now.

"Be a cow and a horse, and repay Young Master Ye." Zhang Quan said with red eyes, "As long as I can take revenge, my life belongs to Young Master Ye!"

For Zhang Quan, after his family was destroyed, he could no longer find a reason to continue living.

Without a home, Kaya City is no longer what it looks like in memory.Zhang Quan felt as if he had descended into this world suddenly and was out of tune with this world.

When the faces of his family members appeared in Zhang Quan's mind, Zhang Quan's heart throbbed with pain.


These two words collided frantically in Zhang Quan's head, he must take revenge!

The enemies who hurt the family back then will all die!

As long as he can take revenge, Zhang Quan is willing to pay any price, including his own life.

Plop plop!
Perhaps infected by Zhang Quan's determined revenge, the children in the yard knelt down one by one.

There is a strong hatred in the eyes of every child.

They must take revenge. They will kill their family members and destroy their family's enemies!
Lu Xingchun caught the resentment in each child's pupils, and he actually felt shuddering,

These children are like unpolished jade, which Xiao Ye is slowly polishing.Slowly polished into a murderous sharp blade!

As long as there is enough resentment, jade can also kill people!
Lu Xingchun seemed to have seen the scene where a personal killing machine would appear on the Battle Qi Continent in the future.

At this moment, Lu Xingchun finally knew why Xiao Ye sent these children from Kaya City to Wutan City.

Xiao Ye asked people to open two boxes and said: "I am not a good person, I can help you become stronger. But you also have to do things for me."

"Young Master Ye, we understand." Zhang Quan was more calm and mature than other children.

It was only later that Xiao Ye found out that among these children, only Zhang Quan's family members were tortured to death by Isaac in public.

"If I tell you to die, you will die too, do you understand that?" Xiao Ye asked again.

Many children became silent and told them to die, would they also die?
(End of this chapter)

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