Fighting villain training system

Chapter 67 Entering the Warcraft Mountains

Chapter 67 Entering the Warcraft Mountains
After all, Xiao Ye's goal is not those rewards.

Those mercenaries who had ridiculed Xiao Ye before also shut their mouths now, occasionally looking at the figure in the corner with fearful eyes.

Taking things from a distance, at least the mercenaries present don't know how strong this young man is.

The person in charge of the recruitment took a few more glances at the young man named Crow, then withdrew his gaze and continued with the next recruitment work.

Whether it is the name of Wanyaozhai or the existence of Little Doctor Immortal, they are all extremely hot topics.

Even if this strange young man named Wu Ya appears, it will not affect Wan Yao Zhai or Little Doctor Immortal.

Because of this, every time Wanyaozhai travels, it will attract many mercenaries.

The task of the person in charge of recruitment is to choose the best among those who have never come before.

Soon, the remaining places were taken away by mercenaries.

Those who did not have a quota left in twos and threes in disappointment.

In this place, gradually only those who want to follow Wanyaozhai into the Warcraft Mountains to collect herbs are left.

Most of the mercenaries present knew each other.

Xiao Ye sat in the corner by himself, and had no intention of talking to others.

When other people in twos and threes are talking, some eyes will fall on Xiao Ye.

"Look, the little fairy doctor is here!"

I don't know who shouted.

Xiao Ye looked towards the commotion in the crowd.

The little fairy doctor is wearing a light white dress, exuding a fresh and ethereal temperament.

A woman with a pure and ethereal temperament, Xiao Ye recalled in his mind the various female stars he had seen on Earth before, and found that none of them could compare with the little fairy doctor.

For those pure female stars, their purity only lies in their faces.

As for the little fairy doctor, there is an elegant and natural taste in his bones.

There was a slight smile on the little fairy doctor's face, and surprise appeared in Xiao Ye's eyes.

When the little fairy doctor appeared, Xiao Ye knew that the team from Wanyaozhai who had entered the Warcraft Mountain Range was about to leave.

The mercenaries who took over the task of escorting Wanyaozhai into the Warcraft Mountains arrived one after another.

Among the crowd, Xiao Ye saw the bearded mercenary whom he asked passing by.

"Huh?" The bearded mercenary noticed Xiao Ye, and walked over with a surprised smile: "Okay, in order to pursue a beauty, I actually thought of joining the team of Wanyaozhai and entering the Warcraft Mountain Range with the little doctor. Don't be afraid." In the end, the beauty didn't get it, so you put your own life on it?"

Xiao Ye smiled and ignored him.

At this time, someone nearby pulled the bearded mercenary over, approached him and whispered something.

While whispering, the eyes of both of them were on Xiao Ye.

Obviously, the topic of conversation between the two was Xiao Ye.

When he finished speaking, the bearded mercenary looked into Xiao Ye's eyes with surprise.

"Okay, everyone is here. We are ready to set off and enter the mountain! This mission of gathering herbs will last for nine days. As usual, after nine days from the Warcraft Mountains, our Wanyaozhai will distribute all the rewards to everyone .I'm Bai Yi, and many people present must be familiar with me." The man who spoke was the man who was in charge of the recruitment.

"Of course we are assured of Wanyaozhai's reputation."

"Mr. Bai Yi, there is no need to say more, not to mention the team that is traveling this time, and the little doctor is here, all of us will naturally do our best."

"That's right, it's not the first time for many of us to escort Wanyaozhai, Mr. Bai Yi can rest assured."

It can be seen that Bai Yi has a very high status, and the mercenaries who came to carry out the mission also gave him this face.

Bai Yi glanced across the crowd with satisfaction, and when his eyes fell on Xiao Ye in the crowd, he paused for a few seconds.

Bai Yi has a deep memory of this young man named Crow.Bai Yi has also seen many people of all kinds. From the beginning to the end, the crow has a calm expression.The means he showed, Bai Yi could guess, Xiao Ye's strength was among the top mercenaries present.

Since being able to have such a strong strength among the strengths of such a young man, the talent is quite good.

It is not enough to use talent alone, but also to have good resources to cultivate.

In Bai Yi's eyes, Xiao Ye should be a disciple of a certain force, perhaps this time he appeared because of experience.

Wanyaozhai's traveling team has a total of one or two hundred people.

It seems that it is still relatively large.

There is a sign of Wanyaozhai on each car.

When Wanyaozhai's motorcade travels on the streets of Qingshan Town, many people will consciously give way.

About 10 [-] minutes later, Wan Yaozhai's convoy entered the Warcraft Mountains.

Silent forest, silent.

Occasionally, there will be a few ferocious roars of monsters, coming from not far away.

Whether it was the leader of Wanyaozhai, the little doctor who accompanied him or the mercenaries, they all had expressions that seemed familiar to them.

As Wan Yaozhai's convoy gradually penetrated into the Warcraft Mountains, the mercenaries became vigilant.

Quite a few mercenaries put their hands on the handles of their weapons, and their eyes moved over the tall and short dense forests around them.

On the outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains, there are no good medicinal materials.

Because it has already been picked by others, the deeper you go into the Warcraft Mountains, the easier it is to find good things.

But good things often come with bigger crises.

Because of this, Wanyaozhai still recruited a large number of experienced or good mercenaries to follow them on the basis of its own manpower.

The little fairy doctor is under the stars.

Those who protect the little fairy doctor are all trusted masters of Wanyaozhai.

The reason why she valued the little fairy doctor so much was not only because of her beauty and temperament, but also the medical skills of the little doctor fairy.

Xiao Ye's pace stopped for a while, and he walked at the back of the team.

In the surrounding woods, there were very, very subtle sounds.

This kind of sound is very similar to someone moving fast, and the strength of the other party is extremely extraordinary, otherwise it would not be just this small sound.

The corner of Xiao Ye's mouth curled into an arc, it seemed that the team of Wanyaozhai was being targeted.

It's just that he doesn't know what the other party's purpose is to focus on Wanyaozhai. Xiao Ye thinks that person's strength is very strong.

Why would such a person follow Wan Yao Zhai?
Xiao Ye didn't move too much, his head lowered slightly, his eyeballs turned white.The surrounding environment was instantly and clearly presented in his field of vision.

With that person's strength, Wan Yaozhai can't seduce him.

Although he didn't know who the other party was, Xiao Ye felt that maybe the appearance of that person was a good opportunity for him.

clap clap clap!

From behind the Wanyaozhai team, a large number of people rushed over.

The team of Wanyaozhai stopped immediately, and all the mercenaries and masters of Wanyaozhai took out their weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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