nine dead doctors

Chapter 101 The Doomsday Scene

Chapter 101 The Doomsday Scene
However, the things that Queen Xuefei was looking at must be very strange and grown in such a dangerous place. Xu Zhuo felt that if he wanted to get it, he pondered for a while, and finally walked over on tiptoe, passing through many roads. Xu Zhuo couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch the pupae, and found that it was sticky and very disgusting.

When he came to the place where the strange fruit grew, Xu Zhuo gently bent down to pick it.This picking didn't matter, the whole cave suddenly shook, sporadic stones began to fall from the roof of the cave, Xu Zhuo was in a bad mood, so he quickly shot and ran towards the exit.There are many meat `membrane` chrysalis here, in order to pursue speed, Xu Zhuo accidentally collided with a meat `membrane` pupa, the wolf-headed python inside slowly woke up and made a hideous and terrifying sound, but Xu Zhuo couldn't control that much Well, even if he didn't collide with it, the rock on the top of the cave would fall and hit it, and sooner or later these python wolf monsters would be alarmed!
"Hiss~" The wolf-headed python bit through the flesh `membrane` pupa, poked its head out from inside, looked around suspiciously for a few times, then found Xu Zhuo, immediately raised its head and let out a strange howl. With a flick of the shape, Xu Zhuo chased after him like the wind.

Xu Zhuo didn't bother to care about it, he just ran for his own life. At the same time, more and more python wolf monsters were awakened by the violent vibration, biting through the flesh'membrane' and pupae one after another, and crawled out. Some of them found Xu Zhuo. He came after him.

The first python wolf was about to catch up with Xu Zhuo, Xu Zhuo had no choice but to backhand, a javelin shot out, maybe he shot too quickly, and the python wolf was caught off guard, and was caught by Xu Zhuo immediately. He was shot through the eye and pierced the entire skull.

The python wolf roared, rolled to the ground, and with the last of its strength, flew up with its whole body, and rushed towards Xu Zhuo, with a ferocious expression and astonishing power, its expression was like an evil beast in the depths of hell, which made people feel at ease at first sight. It was terrifying, not to mention that there was a huge javelin tree stuck in one of its eyes, and the dark red blood was gurgling. Straight, whistling and windy, like a volley of air.

Xu Zhuo bounced quickly, then rolled suddenly on the ground, and then escaped by chance. He only heard a sound of "Boom~", and the air wave rushed behind him, and many stones were splashed. The head of the python wolf monster was just right It hit the place where Xu Zhuo had landed before, if he was a second slower, Xu Zhuo would also be hit, which can be described as dangerous and dangerous.

This cave is about to collapse, but the collapse also has a process. It is very strong in itself. I don't know why, it will be such a doomsday scene.More and more rocks fell like rain.Of course, the deeper it is, the denser it is.Many python wolf monsters were crushed to death, but more escaped, followed Xu Zhuo closely, and headed for the ice and snow forest valley.

Finally, Xu Zhuo ran out, but he didn't dare to stop, because when he turned around, there were tens of meters behind him, densely packed wolf-headed monster pythons were roaring, chasing, and running for their lives, which was shocking.

It's a nightmare!

Xu Zhuo continued to run forward, and those wolf-headed pythons also ran out one after another. However, after they ran out, only a few of them came to chase Xu Zhuo, and more wolf-headed pythons stayed at the entrance of the cave. He looked inside with a worried face, probably expecting more of the same race inside to come out!

In the cave, the falling of the rocks accelerated. After about ten seconds, the collapse of the entire cave finally reached its peak. With a bang, the cave no longer existed. A section, a series of narrow and long cracks, extremely frightening.

As for the originally [-] or [-] python wolves, less than [-] were able to escape by chance this time. Most of the python wolves were permanently buried inside, filling this group with a mournful atmosphere. Heart.

And those python wolf monsters who chased and killed Xu Zhuo stopped chasing them, stopped, turned their heads, and howled in the same direction with their fellow clansmen, as if they were holding some kind of ceremony to mourn those dead fellow clansmen.

"Well, I really didn't mean it." Xu Zhuo said softly, looking at the green fruit like a tourmaline in his hand, he felt a icy feeling and a strange fragrance.

Just smelling the scent made him feel refreshed.

After the special mourning ceremony of the python wolves, many python wolves headed up the cliff, as if they wanted to take revenge on God, but some python wolves looked at Xu Zhuo, their eyes were naturally unkind, full of anger. hostility and bloodlust.

"Damn!" Xu Zhuo cursed and ran away quickly. However, this ice-snow forest valley is limited, surrounded by cliffs, and there are many python wolf monsters chasing and killing him. Hundreds of them participated in the hunting. , Xu Zhuo was forced into a corner very sadly.

"Are you going to die? Dreamland, let me out!" Xu Zhuo prayed. I don't know if his prayers were helpful or it was time. Suddenly, many cracks appeared in the void. Xu Zhuo immediately knew that this was a dream. It was about to break like a mirror. He had experienced it many times before. When he glanced at the green tourmaline fruit in his hand, Xu Zhuo didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it indiscriminately.

Let's eat first!
Because, the things in the dream cannot be taken out, but if they are eaten, they can be eaten in the dream, and the nutrients or medicinal power can be passed to the real body in reality.Xu Zhuo didn't quite understand the mystery, but it did exist.Maybe, everything else in this dream is illusory, only this fruit is real, maybe, this dream itself is all real, it is another plane, Xu Zhuo came from the soul, and the fruit nourished after eating is actually It was the soul. When his soul returned, that is, when he woke up, he also brought back the power of the medicine.

What exactly is going on, who knows?
Anyway, Xu Zhuo only knew that if he didn't eat this strange fruit now, he might have disappeared when he came in next time.

I don't know if this fruit is poisonous or not, but Queen Xuefei took a fancy to it, and it has a strange fragrance, and even a little smell makes people feel refreshed and energetic, Xu Zhuo guessed, it must not be poisonous, It is more likely to be a great tonic similar to Millennium Ginseng and Ten Thousand Year Polygonum Polygoni Multiflori.

Sure enough, when he woke up from reality, he suddenly found that his stomach was burning hot, and a stream of warm current emanated from the fruit, penetrated into the internal organs, and spread to all parts of the body, feeling the strength all over his body. are greatly increased.

However, both the nose and mouth started to bleed. Xu Zhuo was a medical student, so he immediately knew that this was a sign of excessive tonic.Maybe he swallowed the whole fruit all at once, and his body couldn't take it anymore.

At this time, Xu Zhuo clearly knew that he needed to exercise, a lot of exercise, to digest that fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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