After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1001 Song Qinger fainted

Chapter 1001 Song Qinger fainted
The servant quickly responded at the side: "No, young master, when the girl came over, we went to look for it, but the car was taken to be washed, and I just came back today. It was clean and there was nothing in it. And no one at the car wash told us that something had been dropped on the car."

"You heard it too, there is nothing in the car."

After the servant finished speaking, Han Zhiyi looked sideways at Song Qing'er.


Song Qing'er was in a hurry now: "But I really didn't lie, that thing was really in my bag at the time, I carried this bag when I went to the park last time, and I basically carried it in class. A bag, otherwise I wouldn't have waited until today to discover it."

When Song Qing'er was speaking, she raised the bag in her hand.

Han Zhiyi frowned in displeasure: "Do you want me to get you a passport?"

This sudden sentence completely stunned Song Qing'er!

Han Zhiyi's sentence seems to be a simple sentence, but the meaning is not so simple!

It was nothing more than telling Song Qing'er that she didn't have anything in the car, and told her to stop making trouble for no reason.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. I was just very anxious and wanted to confirm it myself." Song Qing'er also responded quickly, and quickly found a very suitable reason.

"Then let her look for it by herself? It can also make her give up. After all, the passport matter is big or small, and the key is the trouble." Qin Shuangshuang looked at Song Qing'er's appearance and knew that if she didn't search for it by herself today Next, I will definitely not be convinced.

Song Qing'er nodded quickly: "Yeah, it's better for both of you to understand me a little bit."

Han Zhiyi glanced at Qin Shuangshuang, but nodded in agreement: "That's fine, I'll listen to you."


Seeing that Han Zhiyi finally let go, Song Qing'er was naturally filled with joy, and she was ready to follow them in.

But he didn't want Han Zhiyi to suddenly open his mouth and say to the servant next to him: "Go and drive the car out and let her find it by herself."

Not only Song Qing'er, but even Qin Shuangshuang and the servants were puzzled.

Isn't it good to go in and go directly to the car to find it? Why do you have to drive the car out?

It's just that the servant didn't dare to ask anything, Qin Shuangshuang saw that Song Qing'er was here, so she didn't ask to avoid embarrassment.

On the contrary, Song Qing'er wrung her hands unwillingly: "Actually, I can go in and look for it." "

"Our family doesn't welcome strangers very much, forgive me." Unexpectedly, Han Zhiyi said it quite naturally.

Qin Shuangshuang:
This word is really slap in the face!
The servant quickly drove the car out, Song Qing'er went up to look for it, but really couldn't find it, there was nothing in the car clean.

Song Qing'er had no choice but to get out of the car again, and then said apologetically to Han Zhiyi: "It seems that I am really not in your car. I am really sorry to disturb you today. I am very sorry."

"That's okay, can you go?" Han Zhiyi immediately issued the order to evict the guests.

Song Qing'er bit her lip, her face turned pale: "I'll leave right away."

That looks really pitiful!
Qin Shuangshuang couldn't stand it any longer, so he quietly pulled Han Zhiyi, and said in a low voice, "It's quite far from the school, why don't you ask the driver to take her back?"

(End of this chapter)

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