After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1009 No need to pay back the money

Chapter 1009 No need to pay back the money

"I'm envious of your good family conditions. You were born with a golden key in your mouth. You have such a caring mother, but you live in such a good house, you don't have to worry about food and clothing, and you have a boyfriend that everyone envies."


Qin Shuangshuang really didn't think about this problem before, and she was not the kind of girl who could only compare and buy luxury goods, and she never felt how good her family conditions were, but now listening to Song Qinger's words She said that she suddenly felt that her life was really good.

"Actually, I live quite casually, haha."

At least compared to the current Song Qinger, she is indeed pretty good, so Qin Shuangshuang really doesn't know what to say.

After talking too much, she was afraid that Song Qing'er would think she was showing off.

She said less, and she was afraid that Song Qing'er would think she was disdainful, or she might think she was showing off!

In fact, she really never had any thoughts.

"Well, you are a good person. I really thanked you that day. I will pay back the money owed to Han Zhiyi as soon as possible."

Song Qing'er didn't know if it was a comparison, she felt that her life was indeed too shabby, so her tone of voice felt a little stuffy, and she stopped talking, but suddenly changed the topic.

Qin Shuangshuang hurriedly said: "You don't need to pay it back, just don't be bullied by that aunt of yours in the future."

When she originally took out the money, she never thought about asking Song Qing'er to pay it back.

After coming out of the hospital that day, Qin Shuangshuang also said that he would return the money to Han Zhiyi.

It's just that Qin Shuangshuang is not as powerful as Han Zhiyi. A phone call will bring so much money right away. If she wants money, she still has to go to an adult to ask for it.

She doesn't usually spend much money. Su Zhaoxue prepares for her clothes and daily necessities. There is also a certain amount of tuition fees at school. At most, it is just some living expenses. There is an extra 5000 yuan for one semester, and sometimes you don't need that much.

It's just that Han Zhiyi said very simply: "You don't need to pay it back, the money is not much. Besides, even if you want to pay it back, you shouldn't pay it back."

Well, not much indeed!

It's just that Qin Shuangshuang always felt that something was wrong!
"I still have to pay it back, otherwise I will always owe Han Zhiyi this favor, and I don't want to owe him." Unexpectedly, Song Qing'er was extremely persistent.

After listening to Song Qing'er's words, Qin Shuangshuang finally understood why she felt that Han Zhiyi's words were off-putting!
What Han Zhiyi said in the second half of the sentence was that even if he wanted to pay it back, Song Qinger should pay it back!

Qin Shuangshuang always thought that Han Zhiyi was helping her, that's why he paid 5 yuan for Song Qinger. After a long time, it turned out that he was not helping her, but Song Qinger!

How boring this feels, weird!

After sending Qin Shuangshuang and Song Qing'er to school, Uncle Li drove away!
After getting in the car, he didn't drive the car far away, but stopped at a place where Qin Shuangshuang could not see. Seeing Qin Shuangshuang and Song Qing'er entering the school gate, Uncle Li took out his phone and called Su Zhaoxue.

"Ma'am, Miss has entered school."

Su Zhaoxue seemed very nervous: "Did the two chat about anything?"

"Didn't talk much, just listened to the two talking about some money owed, it seems that the young lady owed some money to Master Han, and then it was because of the young lady's help."

(End of this chapter)

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