After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1017 Liu Yi Has a Problem

Chapter 1017 Liu Yi Has a Problem

"It's all right, there's no delay."

Qin Shuangshuang took the notebook and put it in his backpack.

"Then let's go first."

Qin Shuangshuang thought, since he got the notebook, there is nothing to do, and he should be able to leave.

"Hey, your name is Liu Yi, right? I heard that you are from the Mechanical Department?"

At this time, Lin Xinyao was pulling her and not letting her go, but began to question Liu Yi.

Liu Yi nodded: "Yes, I'm from the Mechanical Engineering Department."

"Then show me your student ID card, why haven't I seen you in the Department of Mechanical Engineering?"

"Do you want to see your student ID card? Afraid I'm a bad person?" Liu Yi looked a little dumbfounded.

While speaking, he even glanced at Qin Shuangshuang!Although Qin Shuangshuang said she felt embarrassed, she did not stop Lin Xinyao.

Although she didn't intend to have a deep friendship with Liu Yi, she also knew that Lin Xinyao was doing it for her own good.

In her heart, Lin Xinyao's friend is more important, and she will definitely not refute her friend's kindness for the sake of an unimportant person.

"It's not because I'm afraid you're a bad person, but there are too many people who have taken advantage of our Shuangshuang recently. Shuangshuang is innocent, so we friends need to help her be vigilant. So I'm a bit presumptuous, and I hope you can understand."

Zhang Lu explained it on the sidelines, and the reasons for the explanation were very sufficient.

"It's okay." Liu Yi was not angry, but quickly took out his student ID card from his pocket and handed it to Qin Shuangshuang.

Qin Shuangshuang took it, and then Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu quickly joined in.

At this time, Lin Xinyao said again: "Aren't you in the same class as us?"

"Well, no."

It was only then that Qin Shuangshuang noticed that Liu Yi's student ID stated that the time was a senior who was a year older than them.

This also explains why Li Qi asked all over the mechanical department, but he never asked about Liu Yi.

"You are a class above us, so why are you asking Shuangshuang to borrow your notebook? Shouldn't you have learned everything we are learning now?"

Lin Xinyao immediately asked cautiously.

"Because I just took this course this semester." Liu Yi answered easily.

This explanation makes no sense at all!
Having said that, it left everyone speechless.

"Is there anything else you want to know? Do you still need to see the ID card?" Liu Yi was not very angry, but smiled as if teasing.

"Okay, okay, my friend is too worried about me, that's why he's like this, don't mind it, it's okay, we'll go first."

The scene was awkward for a while, but Qin Shuangshuang hurriedly said something, and then pulled Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu to leave.

"It doesn't matter. Only in this way can we be regarded as good friends. It just so happens that it's time for dinner. Why don't I treat you to a meal?" Liu Yi quickly continued: "It's just a matter of time to thank you."

"I have nothing to thank, let's just eat." Qin Shuangshuang really didn't want to go, after all, he had just questioned him, and now he is asking him to invite him to dinner, which seems a bit inappropriate.

"Thank you for lending me your notebook. Don't be polite to me. I helped you last time. When you invited me to dinner, I happily agreed." Liu Yi said .

(End of this chapter)

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