Chapter 1024
But Lin Xinyao didn't care at all and said: "I know, I just told her."

While answering Zhang Lu, Lin Xinyao's hands were not idle, and she @宋清儿 alone in the group!

But after @, Song Qing'er still didn't speak!

Lin Xinyao then @ the side again, and still typed: "Song Qing'er; don't pretend to be blind, please. If you are not guilty, come out and talk to me."

Finish this sentence!
Lin Xinyao has @ several times!

Qin Shuangshuang seemed to want to ease the atmosphere: "Xinyao, is there any misunderstanding between you and Song Qing'er, and we can take advantage of this opportunity to clear up the misunderstanding."

But Lin Xinyao quickly refused: "Who wants to eat with her, I don't want to eat with her, looking at her makes me sick, can I still eat?"

"Song Qing'er, come out and talk to me, don't dare to act or act, okay?"

Lin Xinyao quickly @宋清儿 again!

Qin Shuangshuang:
Lin Xinyao was really stimulated?
This time Song Qing'er quickly spoke in the group, but she ignored Lin Xinyao, and turned to Qin Shuangshuang: "Shuangshuang, I'm fine, there's no problem, you guys have discussed it, just tell me the time and place." .”

Qin Shuangshuang: "Oh, yes, yes."

Song Qing'er returned a smiling expression, but stopped talking.

Seeing that she was being ignored, Lin Xinyao was so angry that she even @宋清儿 several times.

Lin Xinyao: "Song Qing'er, what do you mean? Are you guilty? Don't you dare talk to me?"

Lin Xinyao: "Let me tell you, if you don't come out to me today and explain the problem clearly, I will definitely not let you go. I will @你 until your phone is turned off."

Lin Xinyao: "Song Qing'er, let me tell you, you can't hide from the first day of the junior high school until the fifteenth day, unless you don't go back to the dormitory all the time."

Seeing that something was wrong, Qin Shuangshuang opened the chat dialog with Zhang Lu alone!

Qin Shuangshuang: "Zhang Lu, what's going on with Lin Xinyao, why did she get into a fight with Song Qing'er again?"

Zhang Lu sent a helpless expression: "Isn't it because after we separated from you today, I ran into Song Qing'er when I went back to the dormitory. Yao, didn't you guess the tiger's tail? You also saw Xinyao. If she knew where Song Qing'er was, she would definitely be able to run over and fight."

Qin Shuangshuang was also helpless: "Why are you two arguing?"

Why did they suddenly quarrel when they were so good?
Zhang Lu hurriedly replied: "Don't tell me, I just wanted to tell you. When we came back, I seemed to see Liu Yi and Song Qing'er together. They were standing in the bushes next to the dormitory. I couldn't see it very clearly from a distance, but I thought it looked alike, and when we walked over, Song Qing'er was the only one left."

"You also know Xinyao's character. She was worried that Liu Yi and Song Qing'er knew each other because Song Qing'er deliberately let Liu Yi come close to you, so she was very angry and wanted to ask Song Qing'er for something."

"It's just that Song Qing'er, even if there is really something, it's impossible for him to admit it easily."

"As soon as Xinyao got angry, she argued with her a few words. Who would have thought that Song Qing'er would suddenly mention Yuan Beihua at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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