Chapter 1026
Lin Xinyao: "Song Qing'er, did you see that? Zhang Lu also said the same thing. If you say I don't believe you, I think you are lying."

Song Qing'er: "Look, what I just said, you won't believe what I say anyway, if you think there is someone standing next to me, then that's it, I don't want to explain anything."

Lin Xinyao: "Song Qing'er, I didn't expect you to make sophistry at this point, it's really cheeky."

Song Qing'er: "Hehe, whatever you think."

Lin Xinyao: "Facts are facts, even if you make sophistry, it won't change the facts."

"Song Qing'er, a white lotus like you, you should get out of our dormitory and hook up with men everywhere, and you still want to harm us everywhere."

Zhang Lu really couldn't stand it anymore, so she reminded Lin Xinyao: "Xinyao, okay, this group was established by Shuang Shuang, and you are so persistent in the group, isn't this making things difficult for Shuang Shuang?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Xinyao didn't want to stop at all, and said excitedly: "I just want Song Qing'er to quit automatically. I don't like seeing her, and I know how to provoke discord all day long."

"You also know that she is sowing discord, so you still care so much, well, just ignore her."

Zhang Lu was also helpless, Song Qinger was stepping on Lin Xinyao's tail, she said that Yuan Beihua would not like her, how could Lin Xinyao let Song Qinger go.

Lin Xinyao continued: "I just can't swallow this breath, I just see her upset, I just want to find trouble with her."

Zhang Lu is also helpless: "Okay, if you want, you can continue, don't go too far, it will be embarrassing for both of you."

Lin Xinyao didn't care much: "This has nothing to do with Shuangshuang itself, she won't be embarrassed."

Qin Shuangshuang really didn't know what to do. At first, she didn't want to talk about those things in the group, but she built the group and pulled people in. Now that something like this happened, if she kept silent , and it seems unreasonable.

After thinking about it, Qin Shuangshuang finally typed a word in the group: "Xinyao, when are you free? Let's have a meal together. My dad just came back from a business trip, so my parents said they wanted to invite me to the dormitory." Classmates have a meal."

Qin Shuangshuang's main purpose was to divert Lin Xinyao's attention, and she didn't want Lin Xinyao to continue pulling Song Qing'er to tell her wrong.

Although there were only four people in the group, and they were all from the dormitory, but with Lin Xinyao making such a fuss, although they were not face to face, they still had ugly faces.

But Lin Xinyao responded: "Okay, I can do it anytime, but I have a request. If Song Qinger goes, I won't go. I don't want to sit with a white lotus like Song Qinger." Eating on the table, looking at her makes me feel disgusted and can't eat."

Qin Shuangshuang:
What should she say!
Lin Xinyao is talking to death!
Song Qing'er seemed unable to bear it: "Lin Xinyao, don't go too far. Both parents said they wanted to invite us to dinner. That's because their parents understand the world. You have a white lotus on the left, and the one on the right is so disgusting that you can't eat. How do your parents usually teach you? Yes, to teach you how to speak so impolitely? How did I offend you? "

(End of this chapter)

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