After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1037 Meeting Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua

Chapter 1037 Meeting Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua

"Lin Xinyao doesn't treat me well. In the dormitory, she often turned her nose and eyes at me. Why do you think I should follow her? If someone treats you like this, you probably wouldn't follow her."

"As for Han Zhiyi you mentioned, I haven't thought about it at all. Besides, Han Zhiyi is Shuangshuang's boyfriend, so it's impossible for me to have any thoughts about him."

It's just that Song Qing'er is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so what she said makes people feel that there is some truth.

Lin Xinyao was naturally unconvinced, and immediately retorted: "Song Qing'er, why don't you think about why I have prejudice against you? At that time, Shuangshuang's boyfriend invited us to dinner, and I asked Shuangshuang's boyfriend for contact information. Shuangshuang's My boyfriend gave me my contact information but didn’t give it to you, so you sow discord in front of Shuangshuang, making Shuangshuang mistakenly think that there is something wrong with her boyfriend. Fortunately, Shuangshuang is not the kind of arrogant and domineering person, otherwise our dormitory would still be a mess. Will it be peaceful? And when you came back from dinner, you sprained your ankle and blatantly leaned on your boyfriend. You kept saying that we were all from the same dormitory, but you felt that you did these things, Are you worthy of Shuangshuang and me?"

"Why do I have prejudice against you, why do I slap my nose and raise my eyes at you, I've already given you face by not giving you a slap, and you're still here asking me why?"

"Song Qing'er, you and Bie act as if you have been wronged and we have framed you. If you insist on revealing the scandals you did today, that's fine. Let's call Shuangshuang over, and we'll find a place to put these things together. Let’s make things clear one by one.”

"Lin Xinyao, everything you say is reasonable, I don't want to talk too much with you, and I didn't come here today to quarrel with you, there are some things that are cleared up, I'm right, I'm not afraid of you talking nonsense. "

Song Qing'er obviously couldn't find an excuse and wanted to leave.

But it couldn't be too obvious, so he had to pretend that he was so helpless that he didn't want to talk to Lin Xinyao, and then said to Yuan Beihua: "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, he passed Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu, wanting to leave.

Yuan Beihua had originally come here with Song Qinger, so naturally he heard Song Qinger's words and came together with her, intending to go out.

Just as I went out, I saw Qin Shuangshuang and Han Zhiyi!
Qin Shuangshuang didn't know why he and Han Zhiyi came here to go shopping in such an early morning.

I don't know what kind of nerves Han Zhiyi had, he would listen to Aunt Xianya and ask her out to go shopping.

"Han Zhiyi, in fact, you don't have to listen to Aunt Xianya so much."

The two of them didn't say anything along the way, Qin Shuangshuang was very depressed along the way, the atmosphere was really awkward, Qin Shuangshuang hesitated for a long time, and finally said such a sentence.

Qin Shuangshuang thought that Han Zhiyi was unwilling to come out with her, and the reason why he agreed to come out was only because of Hu Xianya.

Hu Xianya still has some ideas, which is naturally what Qin Shuangshuang thinks.

Otherwise, since Han Zhiyi didn't like her character so much, it would be impossible for him to ask her out so obediently and obediently.

"Is it not good to be obedient?"

Unexpectedly, Han Zhiyi suddenly asked her back!
(End of this chapter)

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