Chapter 1039

Of course Yuan Beihua knew that Zhang Lu was referring to him, and he wasn't the kind of petty and caring person. He wouldn't have thought that when Qin Shuangshuang and Han Zhiyi came, Zhang Lu would sue as if he had a backer, and Yuan Beihua would be a little bit Can't bear it.

"Why, I'm not wrong. Don't you have cataracts? Good or bad? Are you still not convinced? I didn't say that it's good for you to be blind." Zhang Lu was naturally not convinced, mainly because of her heart Fighting for Lin Xinyao, I felt that Yuan Beihua was so unreasonable to Lin Xinyao because Lin Xinyao liked him.

"Does it have anything to do with you? My cataract is still blind, does it have something to do with you? You need Qin Shuangshuang and Han Zhiyi together, as if you have a backer,
Yuan Beihua was almost pissed off, so he was naturally rude.

"You don't have to worry about whether you are relying on the mountain or not. My purpose is very simple, that is, to clarify the matter. Xinyao has a hot temper, and she is not a person who can hide her thoughts. Naturally, she is not as good as someone with ulterior motives. It just so happens that Shuangshuang and her boyfriend are here at this time, so it is a good opportunity for us to talk about everything, which is good for us all."

"Well, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Qin Shuangshuang knew that Zhang Lu had never been a person with many things. Since she said what she said, there must be her reasons.

Zhang Lu responded: "Find a place, let's sit down and talk."

"I have other things, why don't we find a chance next time?"

However, at this time, Song Qing'er quit.

Song Qing'er didn't speak just now, but lowered her head while holding the phone, as if she had been sending messages to someone.

"Don't make excuses, Song Qing'er, you are clearly guilty."

Naturally, Lin Xinyao would not let her go!

"What can I be guilty of? I really have something to do, and I didn't make it clear, but it's not possible today. This is clearly a small matter in our dormitory. Why are you making it seem like it happened? Is it a big thing? And you have to make a fuss for everyone to know? Is it an honor, and the people in the dormitory are not friendly?"

Song Qing'er seemed to be very reasonable, looking at Lin Xinyao as if she didn't understand.

Lin Xinyao was so pissed off by Song Qinger's attitude, she couldn't help but sneered: "Small things? Song Qinger, what you said is quite simple. Are we trying to make things big? Or are you doing too much? If it wasn't for you step by step Pressing, we will not bring this matter up."

"Oh, by the way, it's really not us who said this, but you."

"Lin Xinyao, your ability to turn right and wrong is really not small. You don't blush and your heart doesn't beat. Why did I tell this, isn't it you?" Song Qing'er couldn't help but sneer.

"It's ridiculous, you don't remember what happened yesterday, do you? Were you with Yuan Beihua yesterday? The messages Yuan Beihua sent me are still on my phone. Why did he send me those messages? Isn't it Because you saw the messages I posted in the group?"

Not to be outdone, Lin Xinyao said immediately.

Song Qing'er paused, knowing that this was an ironclad fact, even if she refuted it, there was no way to refute it, so she could only take a look at Yuan Beihua.

(End of this chapter)

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