Chapter 1041

"I didn't like it much at first. It's very simple if I don't like it. Besides, the men in this world don't seem to be dead. I'm not stupid. Why do I have to hang on a tree?"

After finishing speaking, he pulled Zhang Lu: "Okay, it's not embarrassing enough, let's go."

Zhang Lu is also helpless, knowing that Lin Xinyao is also a dead duck with a hard mouth, and her heart must be cut like a knife at this moment, but she can't say too much, so she has to endure what she wants to say, and then she smiles at Qin Shuangshuang Talking to Han Zhiyi: "Shuangshuang, we won't bother you and your boyfriend to go shopping. Xinyao and I will leave first, and see you at school tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Han Zhiyi and smiled apologetically, then pulled Lin Xinyao to leave quickly.


Before Qin Shuangshuang came and spoke, the figures of the two disappeared.

"What's going on with Yuan Beihua? Does he like Song Qing'er?"

In fact, to be honest, Qin Shuangshuang didn't figure out what happened, but he guessed something roughly from listening to the conversation between the four of them.

When Lin Xinyao sent those messages in the group yesterday, Yuan Beihua saw it, and then Yuan Beihua stepped in for Song Qinger, so he sent many bad messages to Lin Xinyao.

But what Qin Shuangshuang didn't understand was why did Yuan Beihua see Song Qing'er's personal information?

"It's unlikely that he will like Song Qing'er."

Han Zhiyi suddenly said: "The relationship between the two should be friends. I haven't heard Yuan Beihua mention that he likes Song Qing'er, nor have I heard him talk about Song Qing'er in the dormitory, but Lin Xinyao has talked about it several times."

"What are you talking about about Xinyao?" Qin Shuangshuang became interested when he heard it, and hurriedly asked.

Han Zhiyi glanced at her sideways, but suddenly raised the corner of his mouth: "Want to know?"

Qin Shuangshuang was taken aback, looked at Han Zhiyi's smile, felt guilty for some reason, and quickly explained: "I'm just asking for Xinyao, you know that Xinyao likes Yuan Beihua, doesn't she?"

"Well, I know that."

Han Zhiyi nodded lightly.

"Actually, I didn't talk about anything, but I think that as long as Lin Xinyao changes her impulsive temper, I think it shouldn't be a big problem."

"What's not a big problem?"

Qin Shuangshuang didn't react for a while.

Han Zhiyi suddenly stretched out his hand and tapped Qin Shuangshuang's forehead lightly: "Stupid you, I mean Lin Xinyao still has hope, do you understand now?"

Qin Shuangshuang rubbed her forehead, feeling quite aggrieved: "But you have also seen Yuan Beihua's attitude towards Lin Xinyao, how could there be hope? I believe that Song Qing'er has hope."

"Well, Song Qing'er does have some hope."

Unexpectedly, Han Zhiyi nodded as if he agreed.

"You said it as if you didn't say it, and now the blind can see that Yuan Beihua naturally likes Song Qing'er more."

Qin Shuangshuang was inevitably a little angry!

She couldn't understand what Han Zhiyi was talking about at all. When she said that Lin Xinyao had hope, she was happy for Lin Xinyao, but what she didn't expect was that Han Zhiyi suddenly said that again. Is it the same as saying nothing?

(End of this chapter)

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