After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 117 Caught?

Chapter 117 Caught?
Slightly smiled: "I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

As he spoke, he didn't care whether Xu Qinqi had anything to say, he already walked out of the restaurant, and then walked outside.

There was a long row of steps outside the restaurant. Su Zhaoxue walked very hurriedly. When she reached the last row of steps, she lost her footing and stepped on the steps with her toes. Then she lost focus and fell straight ahead.

Damn, why does she always like to make such mistakes?

If you fall in public, you will be ashamed as much as you say!

"Be careful."

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly whistled by her ears, and immediately after that, there was a force around her waist, and then she fell into a broad embrace.

The fresh masculine breath came out, a little strange!
"Thank you."

Before Su Zhaoxue had time to recover from the panic just now, she already wanted to push away the person behind her out of conditioned reflex.

But he didn't want the person behind him, but he didn't want to let go of her at all when he hugged her.

Taking advantage of her?

Su Zhaoxue was still a little grateful at first, but she became a little annoyed in an instant, and she turned her head and stared: "You."

"Xu Qinqi?"

Before she could say anything, she was surprised to find that the person hugging her was Xu Qinqi.

Xu Qinqi is also about 1.8 meters tall, and Su Zhaoxue barely reaches above his chest. At this moment, he is lowering his head, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth: "Are you surprised?"

"Aren't you still in the restaurant?"

Just now she trotted out of the restaurant, she thought Xu Qinqi would not follow.

Xu Qinqi expressed his grievance: "Do you think that everyone is as heartless as you, and leave after eating and patting your ass. Didn't I come out with me and want to send you back. How did you know that as soon as you come out, you are ready to stumble. "

"But it was a good fall, and it just gave me a chance to be a hero to save the beauty. I saved you, should you repay me?"


Could there be a more shameless person than this?

"My request is not high, just give me a kiss."

As Xu Qinqi said, he really leaned over, stretched his neck and brought his face over.

Su Zhaoxue has black lines all over her head!

Sure enough, shameless people are fearless!
Leaning back, she put her hand on Xu Qinqi's chest, trying to keep a distance from him.

Just as he opened his mouth to speak, a car suddenly stopped beside him.

Su Zhaoxue glanced at it subconsciously, still thinking in her mind, Hey, why is this car so familiar?

Then the window in the front row of the car was opened, and Zhong Lian was seen bending over and looking at her: "Miss Zhaoxue, what a coincidence."

There was a "boom" above Su Zhaoxue's head, as if a thunderbolt had flashed past.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Zhong Lian, with the sound of "buzzing" in her head and ears.

"How will you be here?"

Zhong Lian glanced cautiously at the person in the back row, who was covered with dark clouds, and smiled reluctantly: "The boss has a dinner party next to him, and he just saw you when he came out."

Boss! ! !

She guessed right, Qin Zexi was indeed in the car!

Su Zhaoxue felt as if she was caught and killed on the spot. Although she didn't do anything, it's no wonder Qin Zexi was not misunderstood by her and Xu Qinqi's appearance!
"Let me go." Su Zhaoxue pushed Xu Qinqi hastily, her little face flushed in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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