After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 13 Dream Chapter6 years ago

Chapter 13 Dreaming Back to 16 Years Ago
"Hey, I'm still a tough one. It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson today, you don't know who is your real mother."

Mei Hong was very angry, the hand that was holding her arm suddenly grabbed her ear, and then pulled it aside forcefully.

Mei Hong is really cruel, she doesn't have the slightest sympathy for her own daughter.

At that time, she was dragged, only feeling that her ears were going to be separated from her head.

She wanted to resist, but she had no choice but to be young, small, and even weak in strength.

Then at this moment, Qin Zexi suddenly appeared in the alley and yelled at Mei Hong: "Let go of that classmate, or I'm going to call the teacher."

Ten-year-old Qin Zexi was still a small boy, fair and clean, and he was pretty good-looking, but he was too thin, so he didn't threaten anyone at all.

How could Mei Hong be afraid of him, she waved her hands impatiently at him: "Get out of here, little brat, I'll teach my daughter a lesson, the teacher doesn't care."

"Ah." She was really in pain at the time, Qin Zexi's appearance was undoubtedly a savior for her, so she shouted on purpose: "She is not my mother, she wants to abduct me, classmate, please help me."

Hearing her miserable cry, Qin Zexi really believed her words at that time, not knowing where he got the courage at that time, he rushed up and bit Mei Hong.

"Oh." Mei Hong screamed in pain, and let go of her hand.

She was afraid that if Mei Hong went crazy, Qin Zexi would be implicated.

So at that time, he quickly pushed Hongmei away, pulled him and ran out of the alley.

They kept running and running for an unknown amount of time. Finally, she ran out of strength and stopped.

The two leaned against a tree, panting for a long time, and then they looked at each other and laughed.

"I'm Qin Zexi from Class One, Five Years."

"I'm Su Zhaoxue from Class Three."

The plane landed in City G on time at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, got off the plane, stopped a car, and Yu Guo dragged Su Zhaoxue to the set.

It's just that I didn't expect that the traffic in city G was not much better than that in city H. It was already an hour and a half before they arrived at the set.

Director Li had a dark face, and he almost swallowed the two of them alive.

Yu Guo kept apologizing and kept smiling, and then Director Li squeezed out a few words: "Go make up, familiarize yourself with the script, and start shooting in half an hour."

As soon as the words were finished, a folder-style notebook flew in front of Su Zhaoxue.

The notebook hit Su Zhaoxue directly in the face, and then fell to the ground.

Su Zhaoxue blinked, took a deep breath, then grabbed Yu Guo who was about to pick up the notebook, and said softly, "Let me pick it up."

It's unlucky for this girl to follow her.

It is common to be scolded and stared at, and sometimes you have to suffer for no reason.

She had no choice but to suffer, this girl could obviously just leave.

For the sake of this girl, she also has to work hard to change the status quo.

Su Zhaoxue is a third-tier starlet, so naturally she doesn't have a professional makeup artist, but a makeup assistant.

The make-up assistant is a little girl. It seems that she has just joined the production team not long ago. The scene Su Zhaoxue is filming this time is a court drama in ancient costume, and she plays a duplicitous concubine in it.

(End of this chapter)

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