After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 144 They Are Both Husband and Wife, This Kind of Thing Is Normal

Chapter 144 They Are Both Husband and Wife, This Kind of Thing Is Normal


Su Zhaoxue couldn't hold back her laughter all of a sudden!
Forgive her for accidentally making up her mind, the picture of Qin Zexi leaning on Han Bo!
There is a sense of sight of the eldest son relying on the old father!
With Su Zhaoxue's smile, Han Bo's complexion became more and more unwell, and the wrinkles on his face became more marked.

Su Zhaoxue also felt a little sorry, so she hurriedly said, "Uncle Han, give me the medicine box, and I'll apply the medicine for him."

Han Bo's face was gloomy, but with Qin Zexi here, he couldn't say anything now, so he put the medicine box on the desk, and said with a blunt attitude, "Then please trouble Miss Su."

Su Zhaoxue smiled and didn't respond, but hurriedly opened the medicine box, found out the burn medicine, and carefully applied it on Qin Zexi.

Not long after, the family doctor also came over, looked at the back of Qin Zexi's hand, and said that there was nothing wrong with it, but told him not to touch the water if he took the medicine tonight, and he should be fine tomorrow.

"Well, if that's the case, then you can help me tonight." Qin Zexi leaned against Su Zhaoxue with his eyes closed from the beginning to the end.

Even when the doctor came, she thought of it, he wouldn't allow it.

"Huh? What can I help you with?"

"You help me take a bath."

Su Zhaoxue was already embarrassed, but when she glanced at the family doctor who was still packing up her things, she wished she could find a hole in the ground to get in, a blush floated on her little face, and then quickly spread to the base of her ears, she bit her lip and whispered: " There are so many servants at home, you just need to find a man to help you."

Why do you have to ask her to help!
Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi was confident and confident: "Well, but I'm afraid of strangers, you have already seen it, so it's not cheap for outsiders."

I've seen it all!

"Master, I'm leaving first. If you have anything to do, let Uncle Han call me." The family doctor had already put away his things, and when he was speaking, he took a special look at Su Zhaoxue, with a suppressed smile on the corner of his mouth : "Men are not careful enough no matter what, young mistress, don't be shy, they are husband and wife, this kind of thing is also very normal."


What is normal!
Qin Zexi was still echoing: "Well, you are right, did you see, this is what the doctor told you."

Su Zhaoxue raised her forehead, I believe in your evil!
She won't help!

After the doctor left, Su Zhaoxue went back to her room. Qin Zexi seemed to have something to attend to, so she stayed in the study.

I felt quite tired at first, but I was tossing and turning in bed and couldn't fall asleep!

I kept thinking about how Qin Zexi would take a shower next time!
Really are.
"It's none of my business how he wants to take a bath? I really don't care if I eat salty radish."

Su Zhaoxue irritatedly grabbed the pillow next to her and threw herself off the bed, then sat up.

After sitting for a few seconds, when I was about to cover the quilt and lie down again, I suddenly heard a cry!
That voice seemed to come from Qin Zexi's room next door!

Su Zhaoxue's heart skipped a beat, she jumped off the bed, quickly opened the door, and ran towards the next door.

Only two seconds before and after!
Just waiting for her to run in, only to find that Qin Zexi was sitting leisurely on the small sofa in the room, and the servant next to him seemed to be holding a new bath towel. After seeing her coming in, he quickly handed the bath towel to her.

(End of this chapter)

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