Chapter 16
Zhang Hongzhi is an old fritter, so he went to find Director Li first calmly, and then comforted him with kindness, and then went to Zhang Xiaoxiao.

When her father came, Zhang Xiaoxiao was even more terrified, and said directly to Zhang Hongzhi: "I want to change actors, and this Su Zhaoxue wants to give me a good shot as soon as she comes, and I will pay her off in the future, so don't give her some color." , she still doesn't know that I, Zhang Xiaoxiao, are amazing."

Zhang Hongzhi also loves his daughter. Hearing what his precious girl said, he thought that Su Zhaoxue was just a third-tier unknown actor, and it would not be a big deal to find a reason to replace him, so he agreed immediately. So they sent someone to find Su Zhaoxue.

Yu Guo was short-tempered, Su Zhaoxue was replaced for no reason, and suffered such a great grievance, she definitely wouldn't bear it, and went directly to Director Li.

Director Li didn't know about this. When Zhang Hongzhi replaced Su Zhaoxue, he didn't go to greet him.

Waiting for Yu Guo to tell Director Li about the matter, Zhang Hongzhi and Zhang Xiaoxiao just passed by.

"Replacing Su Zhaoxue is my idea, and it has nothing to do with Director Li." Zhang Hongzhi didn't hide, and directly took the responsibility on himself.

"This drama was originally invested and filmed by Galen. Now we want to use our own people. Don't we have any rights?"

Zhang Hongzhi's words are simply hegemony and unreasonable.

Yu Guo almost vomited blood from anger: "You guys invested in this drama, but Director Li came to find this role at the beginning, our sister Xue. Now our schedule has been released, and everyone has already come to the crew. You can change it if you want." ? Do you pay for the loss?"

"Isn't it just a matter of money? You said it as if you have been wronged a lot. The schedule is still on. How much work can Su Zhaoxue, a low-level actor, do?" Zhang Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes from the side. Almost floated into the sky.

"You." Yu Guo's face turned pale, and he gritted his teeth and sneered fiercely: "Yes, our sister Xue is not as famous as you, but so what. I don't even look at what I look like , You think your fame is earned by yourself, not by your father's filthy money. You are uglier than the chimpanzee in the park, and you are here all day long. You don’t stop, and you don’t know what your face is made of, it’s thicker than a city wall.”

"Yu Guo, believe it or not, I can make you and Su Zhaoxue never get along in the entertainment circle." Zhang Xiaoxiao was really pissed off, her face turned black and blue.

"Okay, I'll wait, Zhang Xiaoxiao, if you don't drive us out of the entertainment circle, you're a puppy."

"Su Zhaoxue, come out and talk to me." Zhang Xiaoxiao stamped her feet angrily.

Although Yu Guo's words are poisonous, they are also a relief, but the consequence of relief is that there is no room for negotiation.

Su Zhaoxue originally stood aside and didn't plan to show up, but after letting Yu Guo have a good time, they packed their bags and prepared to leave.

It's just that Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't intend to let her go, so she had no choice but to say in a cold voice, "Are you going to discuss with me about paying liquidated damages?"

"Bah, it really isn't that one family doesn't enter the other. The two of them have the same dog nature. They only know about money. Your assistant hurt me so maliciously, and you still want liquidated damages? It's a beautiful idea."

(End of this chapter)

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