Chapter 165
"Mom, let's go back, I'm in so much pain."

But how could it be possible for Su Zhen to let Lin Qingya pass by, she pulled Lin Qingya with a pale face, on the surface it seemed that it was really because of pain, but in fact she was already panicked in her heart.

Only the man who had never met her on the phone would have made her false report, but that man was far away in the capital, how could he suddenly appear in City H?
So she was a little lucky in her heart, hoping that the fake report itself was fake!

But it was Su Zhaoxue who used it to play tricks!

Lin Qingya was about to step forward, but suddenly stopped, and quickly turned around to support Su Zhen: "Okay, okay, let's go back right away.


This time it was Su Chengfa's words!
"What are you doing, can't you bear the pain without seeing your daughter?" Lin Qingya glared at Su Cheng with some displeasure.

Su Cheng looked at Su Zhen gloomyly, and handed the report in his hand to Yang Qian: "You show it to Madam."

Yang Qian took the report, then walked to Lin Qingya with it, and handed it to her: "Madam, please have a look."

Lin Qingya glanced at Su Cheng with some doubts, and was about to reach out to receive the report.

Su Zhen, who was at the side, stretched out her hand suddenly: "Mom, this must be a deliberate trick by Su Zhaoxue. Don't be fooled. Don't look at it. It must be fake."

After the words fell, the report in Yang Qian's hands had already fallen into Su Zhen's hands.

Then I saw her tearing up the paper quickly!

Both Yang Qian and Lin Qingya's hands were still hanging in the air!
"You." And Su Cheng was so angry that smoke was coming out of his nostrils.

Seeing Su Zhen self-directed and acted, Su Zhaoxue really wanted to laugh: "Su Zhen, since you think it's fake, why do you have to tear up the paper with guilt? Since it's fake, what's the point?" I'm afraid, it doesn't seem to affect Mrs. Su."

Su Zhen raised her head abruptly, looked at Su Zhaoxue with a distressed expression: "Su Zhaoxue, I have been patient with you again and again, does it make you think I'm easy to bully? You not only pushed me just now, but also You even poured boiling water on me. Originally, I thought you were my younger sister. Anyway, we are all from the Su family. Since you want the position of eldest lady, I will give it to you, but you shouldn't touch my bottom line again and again. You brought a fake report, isn't it just to make my mother believe you, and you are her biological daughter?"

"Don't everyone often say that blood is thicker than water? Since you insist that you are my mother's biological daughter, you should ask my mother if she admits you as a daughter. If you are her Biological daughter, shouldn't you have telepathy? But why does my mother hate you so much? I didn't want to expose you before, it was because I thought you were my sister and didn't want to embarrass you. "

"Su Zhaoxue, I advise you to take care of yourself. If you stop now, we may still be good sisters. If you want to continue, don't blame me for not recognizing you as a sister."

When death is imminent, he is still pretending!
I really don’t cry without seeing the coffin!
Su Zhaoxue didn't want to waste words with her anymore, but looked at Yang Qian: "Is the person who brought the report just now still there?"

In fact, Su Zhaoxue was also very curious, who is that person?
And she finally knew why Lin Qingya didn't believe her all this time, even if she took the paternity test, Lin Qingya still believed in Su Zhen all the time.

After a long time, it turned out that Su Zhen was one step ahead of her.

(End of this chapter)

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