After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 167 Xu Qinqi Testifies

Chapter 167 Xu Qinqi Testifies

Immediately afterwards, a man wearing wide sunglasses walked in!
When the man saw Su Zhen, he didn't seem very surprised, and the corner of his mouth raised a nice curve.

Su Zhen froze for a moment, and then said: "Xu Qinqi?"

Su Zhen still knows the popular niche in the entertainment industry!
Su Zhen knew her, Xu Qinqi was not surprised, after all, he is the owner of an entertainment company.

The smile on the lips deepened even more, and he took off his sunglasses: "Hi, Miss Su, we finally meet!"

We finally meet!
This sounds weird!

Moreover, Xu Qinqi's voice was very familiar to Su Zhen!

The gentle tone is full of coldness!
Much like the voice and tone of the man on the phone.

No, it's not like, this feeling is clearly!

Su Zhen's eyes widened suddenly, a little in disbelief, and she opened her mouth, just about to speak.

"Don't guess, I am." Xu Qinqi had already revealed his identity first.

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Su Zhen, and walked directly in the direction of Su Zhaoxue in the office.

"Xiao Xuexue, long time no see." Before she got close, she stretched out her arms to give her a big hug.

Su Zhaoxue frowned and stared at him in surprise: "Xu."

Before the words came out, he was already hugged!


What is this guy doing?
Why is he the one to testify?

The live broadcast room continues to refresh!
"Xu Qinqi? Why him?"

"The last time he and Su Zhaoxue had an affair, it turned out to be true!"

"Seek an explanation online, why did Xu Qinqi and Su Zhaoxue know each other?"

"Ah, no, Prince Qi is mine, Su Zhaoxue, go away."

"Hey, it's rumored that Wang Xuan'er fought Xia Si'en because of him? Does Wang Xuan'er like him too?"

In a villa on the outskirts of City H, Wang Xuan'er was eating an apple and watching the live broadcast on a tablet.

When she saw this barrage, she was so angry that she took a big bite of the apple: "Whoever likes him, I don't like him at all. What I like is our husband."

It's just that he took a big bite, the apple was stuffed into his mouth, his cheeks were bulging, and his words were naturally slurred.

At this moment, Han Jianfeng brought his assistant Ou Ruting down from the second floor, and he told Ou Ruting as he walked, "Go and prescribe some medicine for Mei Hong. I'll send the name of the medicine to your phone later."

Just when Wang Xuan'er's voice came over, the two looked over at the same time.

Naturally, I saw it at a glance, Xu Qinqi appeared on the tablet!
Han Jianfeng's eyes dimmed suddenly, he sneered indistinctly, turned around with disgust on his face, and walked towards the other side.

Ou Ruting was very close to him, so she could clearly see his series of micro-expressions.

He secretly rejoiced for a while, and then he spoke, and deliberately raised the volume: "That Jianfeng, I'll go and fall right now."

"Well, be careful on the road." Han Jianfeng didn't look back.

"Okay, I will, don't worry about it."

It was obviously a normal chat, but Ou Ruting felt ambiguous about it.

Naturally, she said this to Wang Xuan'er. The purpose is very simple. It is to make Wang Xuan'er envious, make her angry, and make her jealous but she is still unwilling to say it. It is best for the angry Wang Xuan'er to lose his temper and leave.

Wasn't it like this before, this trick has been tried repeatedly, and it has never failed.

(End of this chapter)

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